Her hairstyle is simple and covers her scared ears, as no one is supposed to know of her true race. Garret tries to tell her that there aren't any Blackbloods left, most likely to protect Talon's identity. She explains that she witnessed the event and a woman with mud-black hair kill six men and walk away with only a scratch. Garret looks at Janzo then back at Gwynn. Janzo asks how long Garret was there, to which Garret says until he was ready to receive his purpose. As Talon washed up for dinner, she overheard Meadhbh and Myron speak about sending her away. Another odd occurrence was when the Prime Order soldiers entered Withers' hiding room that hid the exit, Withers told the soldiers that they might be infected, the soldiers then ran away instead of just killing them. Despite being cured, he was still angrier than usual and more on edge than he was before. When she approached him he stabbed her and fulfilled his mission to ignite an explosive device and save the Outpost. Garret proclaims that he is stopping her from fulfilling her so-called prophecy, summoning the slayers of men. He wanted to punish himself and even became suicidal for a brief moment before Gwynn stopped him. Garret asks him for a favor to find Talon. Upon Garret being infected by Plagueling venom, Talon was insistent that Janzo would find a cure, despite it being a feasible effort. One day, Jaelon stole a case of wine from the quartermasters to share with Garret but was caught right away. Within hours of his first day, he was beaten to death by the criminals. Janzo helped Talon recover from critical injuries. They developed romantic feelings for one another but didn't act on them out of respect for Gwynn, Garret's girlfriend, and Talon's close friend. Garret seems to have doubts about Dred's story but is beginning to believe the lies. Garret claims that he is ready. Myron told her that Remmick will feed them all Winter; they would use every part of it and each time it fills their bellies they would remember the Remmick and be grateful. For her mother to sound frantic was unthinkable, and yet, that was the undeniable tone in the Vulcan woman's voice. Talon served as interim base commander of Gallwood Outpost in Rosmund's absence, which brought her closer to Garret and a reformed Zed. When she learned Garret was alive she was thrilled and hugged him, but he had been conditioned by the Prime Order to hate her which resulted in him stabbing her. He dressed in black and was also a Blackblood. Myron explained that she didn't have to enjoy the kill but they do have to eat. He lowers to the ground acknowledging that she's angry but tells her they don't have time for apologies. She bitterly tells him he's no good with a knife. He informs Janzo that he's been freed, but Janzo finds it ironic that the man who tried to kill the Queen is free yet he is still under arrest. He negated Gwynn's existence and spoke poorly of her to others. Though his riddles and meticulous ways agitated her, she developed an interesting relationship with him. He didn't know about that one. They often argued over Talon's hesitation to release the Blackbloods from the Plane of Ashes. When Gwynn revealed her true identity, they no longer needed to hide their romance. In "There Will Be a Reckoning", Janzo is giving Garret another exam and notes that his eyes aren't dilating the way they should, but Garret still doesn't think anything is wrong with him. Janzo harbors romantic feelings for Talon and once believed her to be perfect and beautiful, however, Talon hasn't shown much romantic interest in Janzo or anyone. Despite the boy shooting early and scaring off the Remmick, Talon was able to shoot and kill even from a long distance. Garret faces a bitter enemy while Talon fights off the Prime Order. The Outpost Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Men often underestimate her because of her gender and beauty, making it easy for her to outsmart them. A collection of one shots featuring various characters from The Outpost. Time Period: late 1400 - The story centers on Talon; the lone survivor of a race called the 'Blackbloods'. Between his lowly post as a soldier compared to nobility, and Calkussar's warning that Gwynn was pledged elsewhere, Garret and Gwynn's relationship is tested. It fluctuated almost daily. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Detaillierter Produktratgeber TOP Grey goos vodka Aktuelle Angebote Vergleichssieger Direkt weiterlesen. So here is a short ficlet of my take on Janzo's thoughts during this episode. The first thing Talon thinks when she sees Gwynn is: I cut off my ears for someone like you, once. This began to change as her friendship with both Janzo and The Smith grows. When she was a child, her village and family were slaughtered by a group of mercenaries. When Garret reclaimed his morality he was crushed to have killed his own father and sought revenge for those who forced his hand. She became a key member in Rosmund's quest to overthrow the oppressive Prime Order, and served as a trusted confidante and warrior to the aspiring Queen. She is happy to see him and remarks that she thought he was dead and embraces him tightly. Janzo corrects him saying that Garret is a prisoner so the soldier owes him no respect. She acknowledges that she wll never be as wise or as great of Gwynn, but will be as just and fair as the woman was. She also wears more revealing tops that show her bust. He tells her that where she goes, people die. Janzo begins screaming for Talon and then Garret. Hybrids in the Outpost Chapter 1, a Dynasty Warriors + Outpost Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Summary: Talon meets a traveler on her way to the outpost and saves him from dehydration. He asks about Captain Spears, to which she bitterly tells Orlick to lock Garret away and double the guards. She is also the only Blackblood to have ever mastered more than one Lu-Qiri. Afterwards Wren would come to consult her Queen with regards to their people matters other than military. She fends him off, managing to disarm him and bring him down. She is saved by the heroic Outpost captain she comes to know as Garret Spears. Garret calls Janzo's name but he doesn't wake up. He grips the back of her head telling her that she won't because she's smarter than that. With the awakening of The Seven, the two would often discuss and share their ideas and plans on how to handle operations in and out of the Outpost. He asks if he can admit the truth and grabs her face as she cries. Garret was recruited by Gwynn's adoptive father, Cornelius Calkussar, to watch over her. Lastly, a messenger brings devastating news. That is why he was told of Gwynn's true identity as Princess Rosmund. She tells Orlick to send them both to her chambers. Please consider turning it on! He claims he didn't have time as the Blackbloods would have summoned their demons and killed everyone if he hadn't acted first. In Janzo's lab, a soldier brings Garret supper. A moment passes and he gestures to Garret to drink up, now annoyed. Garret remarks that it isn't true, but Janzo ignores him and hands him a pint of something. Taking it as a loss (but never forgetting), she struggles to reconcile her human friends and her Blackblood heritage. She was angered by their kill, and they taunted her for being a filthy Blackblood. She admitted that she was pretending to be on Zed's side since Zed was the only thing keeping Gwynn alive. She also has a larger wardrobe. Sana tries to fend off the Tormentor and his men when they come for Garret but is knocked aside. One day, Talon was playing with her brother, Eremus, when she saw a Remmick. He emotionally asks what he's done as she watches him from the bed. After The Hive outbreak happens, Garret reveals himself to be alive. She confronted a member of The Bones, Toru Magmoor, and successfully killed him, though she was gravely wounded in the process. Her attention was divided with the awakening of The Seven, God-like creatures with immense power who sought to consume the Green World to further their immortality. Garret tells Janzo to go do that instead, as he is fine - he only knows the truth while Janzo doesn't. He grabs her hand and pulls her out of the church. He tells her to attack him after he cuts her wrists, determining that she wants the sword. He stops and quickly searches her armoire until he finds the picture of Gwynn with her family. She instead went to fetch water for dinner. qcm biologie l1 psychologie; visite barrage de tignes Talon was around the age of ten when her family was murdered and she cut off the points of her ears. At first she is reluctant to answer, but coming back from her mission with Aster, made her finally say yes. She puts her hand on his hair as he speaks. She asks why he has to leave, to which he emotionally tells her that after everything he's done he can't stay. Back at camp, Meadhbh noticed Talons pointed ears were gone. The Three put Garret's localities to the test by commanding him to kill Wythers. They were each other's sparring partners, and Garret was the only person who challenged Talon physically - even though she defeated him multiple times. Talon also begins to be more diverse in her hairstyles. The portrait is in a secret compartment in her armoire. Garret's protectiveness over Gwynn makes him a dangerous enemy. He calls her a power-hungry greedy traitor. Garret sat on the bed in surprise, clearly trying to process the information. He obeys and opens a satchel holding several vials of red liquid. S2, Ep13. She tries to repay that debt by trying to assassinate the newly crowned Falista Relman only to fail at this too. Talon is protective of Wren because of Wren's unique mind and because she is dating Janzo (who Talon believes the two are perfect for each other). It was only meant to be for a day or two, however, Jaelon was surrounded by the criminals Wythers had sentenced. She used their newfound connection to manipulate him into relinquishing Gwynn and her claim to the throne. When Garret was about to be executed for killing a Blackfist, Janzo was able to save his life with a death like elixir. Garret is soon sent to the infirmary to recover in the hands of their healer. ; Opposites Attract: A non-romantic example for both Talon and Gwynn as well as Garret and Janzo.. Talon and Gwynn are more or less complete opposites both in terms of their characterization and in their appeal of their gender. Because of her gender, many people underestimate her, which she has grown to utilize to her advantage. While she had the best intentions, Talon made the mistake of trusting a fellow blackblood named Zed, which resulted in Gallwood being taken hostage by two blackblood clans. She is pinned against a tree by the guard and Garret throws the dagger into the captain's back. She returns the sentiment and approaches him saying that Janzo is going to get him better. Are you ready?Gwynn says goodbye. They, later on, become a couple. One of the men went to attack Talon with an ax, but Talons mother sliced his leg, which angered him, and he killed her while Talon escaped. Sana then left with an injured Garret. She asks where they're going then tells him that he's scaring her. He wants to know if he's still a prisoner, to which she responds by telling the guards that Garret isn't a prisoner any longer. Upon Garret being infected by Plagueling venom, Talon was insistent that Janzo would find a cure, despite it being a feasible effort. She couldnt understand why Talon cut them off, but Talon refused to explain. She then took a barely awake Garret back to her chambers. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Ultimativer Produktratgeber Die besten Produkte Bester Preis Testsieger Jetzt direkt lesen. She is attacked by creatures called Plagueling's, and barely manages to fight one off before another appears. He tells her he's glad she's alive and well before apologizing. When she was a child, her village and family were slaughtered by a group of mercenaries. He continues to insult Lomack, pressing that if he were still commander of this Outpost, Lomack would be flogged for dereliction of duty. He yells over his shoulder that he'll be back. When Talon is chosen to be in command of the Outpost she chooses him to be her second in command for the humans. He apologizes for calling her false and a liar, as that wasn't right of him. It's always been that way since you walked through the door. The Grineer outpost of Shiik'tal was an important hub for weapons transport for the Grineer army. He's free to come and go as he pleases. Sana tells him that he's never lost that much blood before, and if it weren't for her, he would be dead. She acts hurt then whispers that after she kills all of them she's going to kill him. Human He helped her navigate the Lu-Qiri and discover the ways of her people. Garret assures him there might be time for that when he returns. A fresh and budding relationship with Talon seems to lie ahead, intertwining his fate to hers, as well as Janzo. Later on, when Garret has been sentence to death, she and Janzo help fake his death. Once in the chambers of The Three, Garret kneels while Sana addresses them. Garret isn't interested in another drink and only wants revenge. She wants to know how he plans to ride into the Capital and kill everyone, but he corrects that he's only going to kill the ones who corrupted his mind and tried to get him to kill Gwynn, Talon, and the ones who made him kill Wythers. She is a skilled tracker of all species, including, Talon can differentiate which humans are infected by. Luna then feels like she owes a debt to Talon for avenging her sister. After he killed Kezzun Rah to avenge an attempt on Gwynn's life, Talon risked her station to save Garret during his trial. They are about to be ousted when a large explosion rocks the ground, distracting everyone from the mere couple. She pushes him against a wall and kisses him which leads to them making out. She told him that she hadn't felt that way about anyone since Eramus, but wasn't sure until she had kissed him. They each held a secret agenda for their actions but understood they shared a common goal. A few minutes later, Garret looks up at the sound of someone entering the lab and stands when he sees its Talon. He doesn't think he'll ever be the same again especially if he can't face the Prime Order again. Janzo remarks back that it is medicine alright, but it's the medicine that is making Garret turn on all his friends and come to Gallwood to do the Prime Order's dirty work. When Garret was fourteen, he witnessed a prime order soldier trying to seduce his mother. She turns her bow to the rider. This creates an inferiority complex on Janzo's part. She drops her sword and stops fighting back. Garret reads it then sighs upon realizing what it says. She was angry at him for risking his life and made him promise not to do it again. Talon then took it upon herself to bury him. He tries again but remembers what Dred told him about the real Rosmund having a misshapen face. Garret relies on the local alchemist to help him solve the issue of the Plaguelings. Garret requests to see the letter that Gwynn sent. Gwynn visits Janzo to ask how the prisoner is doing. In the final battle against The Hive, Talon and Gwynn were the only uninfected that remained in the realm. Talon about Garret. I just finished watching Season 2 Episode 2 of The Outpost. As Wythers is dragged away screaming he asks Sana what they've done to Garret. Because Gwynn does, she takes his hand and mounts his horse and they ride off with everyone watching them. She tells him that it's her wedding day but he doesn't say much. Throughout The Outpost Series Season 1 Season 2 He smashes a jar over the soldier's head, rendering him unconscious. Garret reminds Janzo that he doesn't use colipsum, and either way, Janzo wouldn't hurt him. They had a mutual hatred for the Blackfist warrior Rebb, and formed an alliance despite their distrust of one another. As she settles into Gallwood, she quickly encounters the Lady Gwynn Calkussar, who mistakes Talon's mistrust of The Bones for her allegiance. She tells him that Gwynn couldn't be Rosmund and that Gwynn is lying. After he died, she collected his ashes and gave him a blackblood funeral, spreading his ashes into the river. Her clothing resembles that of a warrior or a traveler. He asks her for her help in getting revenge but she retorts that the Garret she knew wouldn't have done something so rash and stupid just to get even. A being known as a Lu-Qiri stuck its arm through the portal. Talon, Garret, and Janzo return from the Greyskin wastelands and find the Outpost very different from how they left it; Talon faces Dred, but is torn between getting revenge and saving her. Munt hears the commotion and enters the lab. He stands and apologizes saying he hasn't been himself lately. Language: English Words: 28,440 Garret met Sana when he was kidnapped by the Prime Order and taken to The Capital. Garret and Janzo both have feelings for Talon and compete for her attention in their way. In the fort, Garret is about to put a bag over Gwynn's head when the sound of horses distracts him. Talon is a very beautiful young woman with a heart-shaped face, light olive complexion, and striking blue eyes that contrast with her long black hair. He sees now that something is wrong with him and Talon approaches the cell. Sana leaves under the guise that she's retrieving the note. He puts his forehead on hers for a moment before pulling away. Season 2 We Only Kill to Survive Episode: 2x01 | Airdate: Jul 11, 2019 Talon summons a new threat, recalling the ghosts of her childhood. He cries out that he needs it but Janzo tells him that's the last thing he needs. When Garret returned to the Outpost, their relationship remained strained and they rarely spoke. Elinor proceeds to open the gates and let out all the live Plaugelings, who swarm the camps where many soldiers are taking colipsum. "You have to hurry, Saeko," Her father's voice from the hallway, "The . Though they may never fully trust one another, they don't let their personal differences interfere with their duties. One Is The Loneliest Number He is very confident in himself and his abilities. Garret is recuperating back in Sana's room. HE cuts her ties and the guard charges at them and they begin to fight. She sleeps peacefully with her crown on a few feet away. He isn't trying to hurt her but she has to help him make it look good, as he's supposed to be interrogating her. A badly injured Tobin rides on a third horse. The origin of the kinjesby engelmatze Before coming to the Green Realm, the Seven visited another world, were they encountered someone who could give them true immortality by giving them their kinjes. 8.2 (202) Rate. She eventually forgave him when he was no longer conditioned and even helped him to seek his revenge on the Prime Order. Because he joined the soldiers he was able to choose a surname for himself and chose Spears. Another revelation about Blackbloods is made. Her hair is well-kempt and brushed, compared to her previous hairstyles. He angrily lunges at the guard, latching onto his back, yelling if the guard takes him for a fool. However, his protectiveness over Gwynn and often drove them apart. He then steal s the keys and uses them to escape, remarking that Lomack is always so angry making it easy for him to taunt Lomack. Something he can't do without her help. library memory: Band Wikipedia Dubai Terminal 2 Duty Free . Her biological parents and brother, as well as, her adoptive parents, adoptive brother and adoptive sisters. He slowly retreats saying that she's about to form a strategic union to a marriage that would have gained her thousands of soldiers and gold to fund her army. They begin a vicious sword fight and Talon yells to Gwynn to run. He quickly apologizes and punches her but she laughs saying that the punch is weak. She jolts awake and calls him a bastard asking how he escaped. The Mistress pieces together some very important pieces of Janzo's history. Talon and Janzo recommend to Gwynn that she find a new Base Commander, despite her reluctance. shelburne falls waterfall; what does the name jacob mean for a boy; danny rose age; craigslist long island apartments for rent by owner; sacral chakra meditation script Garret is quiet at that as the description matches Talon. This still doesn't change the fact that Wren would often let Talon know about her current scientific problems, or how these are with Janzo. Signed her majesty, Queen Rosmund". While the two may not see eye to eye, he respects her and follows her orders, even if he disagrees with them. When they were able to bring him back from his death-like state, Talon and Garret share a passionate night together. Nothing gets posted because I can never finish my works, so I'm going to attempt some ficlets. He saved her life and brought her into the Outpost. The prize: a stay on the set of the Outpost! Worauf Sie als Kunde bei der Auswahl der Nici qid achten sollten. Wythers was crushed and left immediately to find his son's body and bring him home. Talon faces Dred, but is torn between getting revenge and saving her friends. He even called her the "false Queen" to Wythers. But she finds herself betrayed in the end. He tells her that Janzo destroyed the medication. Lomack hears him but just tells Garret to shut up. Garret became Captain of the Border Guard at Gallwood Outpost and worked closely with Cornelius Calkussar. He came to the Outpost to try and kill Gwynn, he tried to kill Talon, and then emotionally remembers what he did to Wythers. She is also seen in what has become her trademark green jacket and her mother's dagger. Before abandoning the place, she buried her adoptive family and marked their graves. She asks for his plan but he doesn't have one. He then follows his savior to the outpost where he wants to test his strength against humanities enemies. After Gwynn's death, Talon begins to accept that she has the potential to lead, especially after Wren admits that Talon has a rare selfless nature. He no longer wore armor or weighted clothing, instead opting for light and simple garments. Species His gallant traits and blind bravery often cause him the most trouble get him into trouble with those of higher positions. She gives him a look to which he responds that he's supposed to be interrogating her not hacking her apart. Talon mounts her horse and takes off after the fleeing pair. He realized he was wrong and understood her reasons. Janzo states that the tonic is what is allowing them to pump Garret full of all these lies, but Garret claims it's medicine. He backhands her and then asks if she can fight. She stumbles in his embrace but he keeps hold of her. Wythers calls out to Garret who is surprised to see the man. Garret and Sana are talking in her chambers and he insists on knowing why she cares so much for him. Garret shows no emotion as his father dies. Their relationship is rooted in bickering and is rather humorous to Talon. He notes that he's lost a lot of blood before but was able to walk after two weeks. He was once loyal to the soldiers but grew to resent them even more than his father. He mistakes her question for asking about him and sarcastically tells her he's fine no thanks to her guards. Garret eerily remarks that won't happen if he takes her headfirst. Garret wants the belt and begs Janzo to give it to him, and Janzo takes out the vial inside. After the Outpost was reclaimed, they were attacked by Everit Dred. Janzo smiles cheekily and comments on Garret's perfect vision before walking off. He goes out of his way to help her, even though it doesn't always have something in it for him. Talon was born to Sai-vek Redwan and an unnamed Blackblood woman in a peaceful Blackblood colony. He cries as he admits that he killed his father, much to Gwynn's shock. Garret looks to Talon clearly surprised, but she only glares back at him fighting against her restraints. Mid-sentence she slams his head against the bars saying that was for Gwynn. She punched him twice while he was imprisoned. Natsuki, wake up," she heard her mother's voice. After The Hive outbreak, Garret reveals himself to be alive. Garret and Talon sneak into the Capital undetected. With all that Gywnn and Garret do for the drama in this episode, Talon and Rebb answer with action.

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