Words like tap, scrape, and pit-a-pat situate the reader into the narrative poems anxiety and rat problems. About | Privacy Policy | Terms Of Service | Contact | Advertise On Games4esl, 80 Onomatopoeia Examples And Example Sentences, Onomatopoeia Examples: Sounds People Make, Onomatopoeia Examples: Food and Cooking Sounds. Practice what you have learned using the following exercises! You know how, after the first snowfall, the entire world is hushed? Animal sounds are one of the most common forms of onomatopoeia. The librarian _____ the talkative girls in the library. As the stir cracks and crazes their enamel. The tone of the poem starts out light and airy and grows darker and more sinister as the poem goes on. Join us for this six-week program on article writing, blogging, and essays. The poem is broken up into four stanzas, each stanza discussing one use for bells. Thanks for reading! Now, the poem rests in mourning with guttural and deep sounds that were missing in the first two stanzas. For example, when pronounced out loud, words like beep, clack, and hiccup instantly suggest specific sounds sounds youre familiar with and related to specific actions. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Faced with the challenge of conveying taste to consumers, food marketing gurus carefully choose sound words to appeal to their consumers taste buds. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word that mimics or resembles the sound of the thing it describes. Below, a few Onomatopoeia examples are highlighted in bold letters: The moan of doves in immemorial elms,And murmuring of innumerable bees, Hark, hark!Bow-wow.The watch-dogs bark!Bow-wow.Hark, hark! This poem captures that through sound, making it an excellent onomatopoeia poem. The following examples are all sounds that animals make: meow the sound a cat makes. That long bababada word is an onomatopoeia that is supposed to represent the sound of thunder during the fall of Adam and Eve. Onomatopoeia indicates a word that sounds like what it refers to or describes. LOL Egg is an onomatopoeic word in your family like turkey is a vegetable in ours. Squeak! An error occurred trying to load this video. Moreover, we can identify a group of words related to different sounds of wind, such as swish, swoosh, whiff, whoosh, whizz, and whisper. Yes! The poems speaker hears this one final sound before her death. quite delectable to eat, These sounds depend upon the inventiveness of the illustrator as well as the writer. Cause I am a champion, and youre gonna hear me roar (Roar A song by Katy Perry) Hark, hark! Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. The term onomatopoeia is a Greek word that means word-making. ', He saw nothing and heard nothing but he could feel his heart pounding and then he heard the clack on stone and the leaping, dropping clicks of a small rock falling., It went zip when it moved and bop when it stopped,And whirr when it stood still.I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will., Im getting married in the morning!Ding dong! Non-food marketing projects use onomatopoeia to appeal to consumers needs or desires (like to drive fast)! Some examples of poems that use onomatopoeia frequently to create effect are Edgar Allan Poe's "The Bells," Lee Emmett's "Running Water," Carl Sandburg's "Honky-Tonk in Cleveland, OH," and Olisha Starr's "Storm," in which the poet uses onomatopoeia to describe a fierce storm. ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthur- Now they clang and roar, words that tell of the volume and the fierceness of the bells. The word is simply the way the noise sounds. What is onomatopoeia? When you leverage literary devicesand inject sensory wordslike onomatopoeia in your work, your words become more powerful, memorable and influential. Some examples of onomatopoeia poems for children are: Some categories of onomatopoeia Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Lets observe the sound effectsof onomatopoeia at work by comparing these two sentences: Onomatopoeia enables readers to better connect with the scene: to hear the obnoxious alarm and the young mans finger rapidly tapping at his phone, and sense a quick flip of blankets as he hops out of bed. Back in the 70s, Todd Rundgren refreshed listeners on the concept of onomatopoeia with his song of the same name. The two drivers _____ angrily at each other from inside their cars. (Apologies for the earworm!). For example, in the sentence 'The poet Tennyson used onomatopoeia as a linguistic device' (see an example of Tennyson using onomatopoeia below). Explore all the noisy places in this unique poem by Spike Milligan. But also, made-up words like glush, skulch, and ploc have a more disgusting sound to them, attempting to represent the grossness of the bar. "Honky-Tonk in Cleveland, OH" by Carl Sandburg also contains examples of onomatopoeia in the following stanzas: "It's a jazz affair, drum crashes and cornet razzes. We hope the various examples here make it easy to understand onomatopoeia as one of the most fun parts of the English language. For example, The moan of injured soldiers was heard in the bloody battlefield.. then nuzzle up beside me, ", Onomatopoeia can be used as a linguistic device in many types of writings including jokes. 1D[mv07Q;:z:2a DW21P 3ElAafgAxrHJiN. If youre not sure what onomatopoeia words are, they are words that describe and mimic the sound of an object or an action. Onomatopoeia is a literary device which helps to define a sound. A podcast where we show you how to stand out in a world where people are already inundated with content. For example, onomatopoeia is the hum of the bees, the pop of a balloon, or the tweet of a bird. The classic 60s Batman TV series flashed onomatopoeia words like Wham!, Pow! and Clunk! during fight scenes, which paralleled the experience of reading a printed comic book. ), Air Sounds (These words refer to sounds made when air passes by or through something.). Here are some clever examples that created a buzz just this month: Headers and subheads are easy onomatopoeia targets as well. Snicker: Laugh at someone or something rudely, often at a mistake. With only the onomatopoeia words pounding, clack, and clicks, the reader can imagine a man standing at the edge of a cliff, overwhelmed by the grand endlessness of the world, feeling the terror of falling as pebbles skitter down the rocky earth. Guffaw: Laugh uncontrollably. The reader can experience the vastness of the church through alliteration and stanza breaks. ", Thor slamming his hammer: "Kraka-ba-boom!!! Some onomatopoeias have multiple definitions. Onomatopoeia does not have any synonyms. This poem has great onomatopoeia examples and phanopoeia examples. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. 35. The bells of the third stanza are loud and spark terror in the reader's heart. Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. WebWhaam!, pop art painting drawing from onomatopoeia in superhero comics (in this case, an explosion) Wham!, a 1980s English musical duo formed by members George Michael and By noticing the ways that culture and language shape onomatopoeia words, you can also notice the many possible sounds that language hasnt yet captured. But, if theres an award for the longest onomatopoeia word, James Joyce gets the prize! Thanks, Lyn Theres only one onomatopoeia here, and thats the word buzz. Discover more examples of onomatopoeia in literature, particularly in poetry. Second, some onomatopoeias have multiple definitions. Create your account. A bouncing mouse is in my house, E. Cummings Modernist poetry sought to translate experiences exactly as they happened. the moan of doves in immemorial elms, 3. However, some words come very close to it in meanings such as sounds, imitation of sounds, onomatope, alliteration, echo, echoism, and mimesis. Some of the onomatopoeia words in the poem are screech, scream, and buzz! 3. Keeping time, time, time,As he knells, knells, knells,In a happy Runic rhyme,To the rolling of the bellsOf the bells, bells, bellsTo the tolling of the bells,Of the bells, bells, bells, bellsBells, bells, bellsTo the moaning and the groaning of the bells. She has aMaster of Arts degree in English from Northern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in advertising from Marquette University where she also minored in marketing and psychology. They all rely heavily on onomatopoeia. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. WebAn example for this is zzzzzz This emphasizes that someone is asleep or snoring very loudly. cat: luplupme / boy: brgfx / phone: Vlad Plonsak. In most words, there is no real relationship between an object or concept and the word used to denote it. While this nonce word may seem nonsensical, it actually pulls from a variety of languages, including the word thunder in Swedish, Hindi, Japanese, Danish, Gaelic, French, Italian, and Portuguese. The child bounced the ball at the backyard barbeque. Whether youre writing poetry or prose, the courses at Writers.com are designed to help every author on their writing journey. Thus, the buzzing carries a dual meaning: it is both figuratively and literally the only sound of the poem, and after that, silence. They do not reverberate in the soul. Hear a word and type it out. An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like the noise it describes. (+ Definition), Isocolon Examples & Definition: The What, Why & How. Sis-boom-bah, I know you had a ball doing this. Boo who? The trombone pony neighs and the tuba jackass snorts. Its no surprise that onomatopoeic words are comparable across different languages, conveying similar sounds. Haha! Due to its sensory appeal, onomatopoeia is often used in branding and advertising. He can sound like a hand on a door knock knock. Remember the lyrics of Ylvis The Fox (What Does the Fox Say? Lets move this lesson along and look at onomatopoeia in action with some classic examples. When used in poetry, onomatopoeia creates a rhythmic pattern that imitates the sounds in reality. The second stanza continues with the joyous wedding bells of youth: To the rhyming and chiming of the bells!. Explore the border between prose poetry and flash fiction. Spondee in Poetry Overview & Examples | What is a Spondaic Meter? You can print out this fun infographic for your classroom or home to hang as a fun reference tool for kids. ", Product Names: Slurpee, Cap'n Crunch, Ziplock, Pop-Tarts, 20+ English Tutors near San Francisco, CA. Log in or sign up to add this lesson to a Custom Course. You'll come away with fantastic settings that make your stories mesmerizing, believable, and real. Boo Coincidentally, Mr. Poecoined the onomatopoeic wordtintinnabulationin the first stanza of this poem, which suggests a familiar tinkling of bells. Discovered one word I used in my latest post. Apostrophe Concept, Rules & Examples | What is an Apostrophe? The beauty of onomatopoeic words lies in the fact that they are bound to have an effect on the readers senses, whether that effect is understood or not. They are one way in which new words can be created. Yes, this was a blast to put together. These words are all an auditory reminder of what sounds the phenomenon creates. "Frantic" speaks to the quickness of movement and the bells that "shriek" echo the feelings that comes from the souls of people in terror. / Will there be enough room? The distinction here is that these one or two-word interjectionsare the actual words uttered instead of an onomatopoeic wordthat suggests the soundof the utterance. When Mathew dropped his mobile, he heard a crash that made him cry immediately. Onomatopoeic words can be animal sounds, air sounds, human sounds, object sounds, or water sounds, but they are not limited to these. This vice versa movement of sounds shows the onomatopoeic use of words to create a metrical pattern and rhyme scheme. Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. All Rights Reserved. Thank You! Personification: Examples | What is Personification? In his famous poem, The Bells,American poet Edgar Allan Poeused sound words to represent diminishing tones of bells to signify the four stages of life (childhood, youth, middle-age, and death). Get better grades with tutoring from top-rated private tutors. The second stanza presents wedding bells. Onomatopoeia is the formation of a word that mimics or resembles the sound of the thing it describes. Like your 87-year-old grandma at the Thanksgiving table, onomatopoeia is more direct. Onomatopoeia, on the other hand, helps readers to hear the sounds of the words they reflect. For instance, the Spanish vocal imitation for a turkey sound is glugl glugl, which sounds very similar to the English language version, gobble gobble. Onomatopoetic words are descriptive and provide a sensory effect and vivid imagery in terms of sight and sound. Oxymoron Purpose & Examples | What is an Oxymoron in Literature? Poetry: Poets provide their readers with the ability to truly visualize a scene through the combination of onomatopoeia and imagery, which allows them to leads tap into multiple senses. This snacks is expensive but tastes worst. Below are some examples of words that sound like their meaning, separated by category. This poems sounds and overall musicality capture the liveliness of the era, situating the reader in the sweet and soulful atmosphere of a blues bar. An onomatopoeic word imitates, mimics, or suggests the sound of an action or the thing described. Animal soundsare fun sound words, but onomatopoeia rules get a little tricky when we refer to sounds made by humans. The ice clacked as it hit the bottom of the glass cup. Onomatopoeic words produce strong images that can both delight and amuse kids when listening to their parents read poetry. His most famous word is a hybrid of thunder-related words from many languages and represents the thunderous fall of Adam and Eve. He acts silly at times, but he was blessed with a brilliant brain. Once upon a time, Jeanie rubbed an old lamp and poof a real genie appeared in front of her. The repeated sh sounds make this poem feel blanketed by snow. 14 Writing Job Boards: The Low-Hanging Fruit (. Memories start with our senses, so artfully select onomatopoeic sound words (and other sensory words) thatll captivate your readers and make your message unforgettable. A sound in my head that I cant describe The following examples are all water sounds / the sound that water makes: The following examples are all food/cooking sounds: Here are some example sentences that can give you a better understanding of how onomatopoeia words are used in English. Onomatopoeia examples and phrases from the first stanza include "tinkle, tinkle, tinkle," "crystalline," and "oversprinkle." The different sounds of animals are also considered as examples of onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeic words and phrases used are "shriek," and "clang, and clash, and roar." These bring to life what a sneeze sounds like (achoo) or how cute children sound when laughing (giggle). nuk!) Your onomatopoeic name says it all Youre bursting with surprises! Louder than the sleigh bells of the first stanza, the wedding bells speak of something more substantial. Onomatopoeia is prevalent throughout, but as the poem progresses the final lines of each stanza contain symbolic onomatopoeic sound words harmonious with the life stages described. I hearThe strain of strutting chanticleerCry, cock-a-diddle-dow! Onomatopoeia is frequently employed in the literature. The adjective form of onomatopoeia is onomatopoeic and is used when you want to say something is characterized by onomatopoeia or related to onomatopoeia. Cummings uses a variety of onomatopoeias to capture the sounds and iniquities of the bar: real words, like tinking and slush, capture the sounds of drinks and glasses. This is a list of onomatopoeias, i.e. Another adorable Prelutsky childrens poem uses sound words to activate the young listeners sense of taste. The students in the last row stopped giggling the moment teachers gaze moved towards them. Poe is a master of using language to emulate sound: another poem of his, The Bells, repeats use of the word bells so much that the poem itself begins to jingle. In Shakespeares The Tempest, Calibans observations about the sounds on his island include two onomatopoetic words: Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises Describing the sounds a Stormtroopers gun makes as pew pew pew is a solid example of this type of onomatopoeia. Another great example in multiple songs and movies is the ratatata sound to mimic automatic rifle fire. Other examples: arf; woof; bark; buzz; chirp; cluck; cock-a-doodle-doo; hiss; meow; moo; neigh; oink; Similarly, words like growl, giggle, grunt, murmur, blurt, and chatter denote different kinds of human voice sounds. 2012-2022 Smart Blogger Boost Blog Traffic, Inc. For the following examples, add a word into the blank that captures the sound being described in the sentence. 11 May 1987 Buzz and hiss are Also, a bell clangs in the night, mimicking the actual sound. Onomatopoeia is a type of figurative language where a word actually looks or sounds like the sound it is intended to make. Do you remember the old Knock-Knock jokes, even the name of this type of joke is another example of onomatopoeia. You will recognize the following sounds easily:if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'literarydevices_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-literarydevices_net-medrectangle-4-0'); Onomatopoeic words come in combinations, as they reflect different sounds of a single object. Synecdoche Examples & Meaning | What is Synecdoche? Boing! The following examples were found in Smart Blogger posts: As a writer of consumable content, its your mission to make it easy for your readers to cling to your words. Words such as "splish-splash" and "trilling" are excellent examples of onomatopoeia. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. He also uses alliteration, consonance, assonance, and repetition. Pronounced [aa nuh maa tuh pee uh], onomatopoeias etymology traces back to two words in the Greeklanguage, which suggest its meaning: As our language evolves, sometimes we create words to specifically imitate the sound they represent. Poe does not rely solely on onomatopoeia in "The Bells" to cultivate the feeling and mood he creates. Onomatopoeia in poems (more examples). ", "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" by Beatrix Potter: "After a time he began to wander about, going lippitylippitynot very fast, and looking all around. Don't cry, I was only joking Onomatopoeia pronounced: \-n-m-t-p-, -ma-\ This literary device is prevalent in poetry, as onomatopoetic words are also conducive to rhymes. Onomatopoeia is a type of figurative language. For sounds listed by the name of the animal, see List of animal sounds. All onomatopoeia words describe specific sounds. Thank you Barbara! Finally, the poem ends with funeral bells, the "tolling of the bells." A final example can be seen in "Storm" by Olisha Starr. These sounds create a sensory impression in the minds of the readers which they understand. To describe it in a zip, an onomatopoeia is a word that smacks the readers ears and makes them pop. Looking for a great infographic to help to demonstrate this literary device to kids? Take a look at these kid-friendly poems and nursery rhymes. Thanks, Bogdan! We notice, in the following examples, the use of onomatopoeia gives rhythm to the texts. How can this be? There is a sonic and spacious quality to the poem that the reader, if attentive, can climb into and never leave. words that imitate, resemble, or suggest the source of the sound that they describe. "Running Water" by Lee Emmett is another example of onomatopoeia in poetry. In doing so, they create sound effects identified as onomatopoeia. In childrens poetry, Jack Prelutskys onomatopoeically entitled poem, Boing! WebFor example, bark came about because it mimics the actual sound a dog makes. Want to write your world, your way? Now you do. The guffaws stopped when the warden, known as a strict disciplinarian, entered the mess. As a kid, you were likely first introduced to animal sounds through onomatopoetic words. life down through all Christian minstrelsy.. Ready to add a splash of fun to your writing life? Awesome! Some onomatopoeia examples include the words boing, gargle, clap, zap, and pitter-patter. His onomatopoeic name for delicious little morsels that beg to be eaten is Yubbazubbies: Yubbazubbies, you are yummy, of a once wallstrait oldparr is retaled early in bed and later on He silenced his phone alarm as he jumped out of bed, eager to start his first day on the job. The words "clang, and clash, and roar," are no longer light. How theres barely a breeze and no one outside and the sounds are muffled in blankets of lovely whiteness? Flip to any random Batman comic page. flashcard set. The chaotic, cacophonous sounds of this poem perfectly emulate the feeling of being in a jazz bar. ), and lean into the possibilities of words. The use of onomatopoeia in poetry is not unique to Poe. These words mimic the sprightly feeling of joyful bells. Moving on, the third stanza suggests a more daunting awareness of the end of life: In the clamor and clangor of the bells!. Here, with words like "float," "monotone," "groan," "tolling, tolling, tolling," and "rolls," Poe has moved on from the chaos and the terror of the alarum bells. I feel like its a lifeline. the bells are gonna chime.. Check out www.TopicsForClass.com for conversation topics, debate topics, writing topics, and more ideas and resources for teachers. Old Macdonald (similarly, every "Moo Moo" and "Neigh Neigh" in this nursery rhyme exemplifies onomatopoeia) The utensils pinged It can be seen in poetry, novels, short stories, plays, and speeches. WebOnomatopoeia Examples: Animal Sounds. Onomatopoeias present an interesting conundrum to linguists and translators. This vintage Rice Krispies commercial is a classic example of their Snap! Some imitative words are more surprising than others. Thanks for reading. | 1 The following are examples of words to describe sounds often made by people. The languages we speak restrict the sounds that we can produce and readily hear, so while an English speaker certainly hears their dog woof, a Japanese speaker undoubtedly hears their dogs wan wan. Terms|Privacy Policy|Refund Policy|Affiliate Disclosure, Barbara Sturm is a Smart Blogger Certified Content Marketer and. The onomatopoeic words become darker and heavier to help achieve this tone. Used correctly, onomatopoeia is the most straightforward and efficient literary deviceto convey sounds that you want readers to hear. Content marketers connect with readers senses by sprinkling sound words into email subject lines to keep them interested. In our onomatopoeia examples, youll see nonce words like skulch, glush, and pit-a-pat.. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. To illustrate, lets compare some examples of interjection with their phonetically descriptive onomatopoeia counterparts: Alliteration, assonance, and consonance are stylistic literary devicesthat repeat words with similar beginning sounds, vowel sounds or consonant sounds to set a tone or create a mood. Taken literally, onomatopoeia means the name (or sound) I make. The reader can almost see the sounds in the words themselves. You might be surprised at how common it is to use onomatopoeia in everyday life, as well as in writing. So, for example, whoosh has no meaning other than to imitate the sound of an object flying quickly through the air. Late Latin, from Greek onomatopoiia, from onomat-, onoma name + poiein to make more at poet, circa 1553, in the meaning defined at sense 1. While some onomatopoeia words might seem juvenile to use, there are many more words to choose from. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, A Note on the Translation of Onomatopoeias. Bow-wow. purr the sound a cat makes. Examples of Onomatopoeia in a Sentence. The beautiful bouquet blossomed in the bright sun. Well write. Im glad you enjoyed the article. There are many onomatopoeia examples for kids that are not only fun to say but make the concept clear and easier to understand. Get Word of the Day delivered to your inbox! What are the 5 examples of onomatopoeia?Machine noiseshonk, beep, vroom, clang, zap, boing.Animal namescuckoo, whip-poor-will, whooping crane, chickadee.Impact soundsboom, crash, whack, thump, bang.Sounds of the voiceshush, giggle, growl, whine, murmur, blurt, whisper, hiss. Onomatopoeic words used to create the feeling of a wedding are "swells," "swinging," and "floats." Onomatopoeia is a type of figurative language. Paradox in Literature: Examples | What is a Paradox in Literature? Examples are as follows: 5 chapters | When cats are crying miaow, miaow, it means they are hungry. In other words, this literary device is word making, as these words are invented using the sounds that they describe. Some onomatopoeia examples include the words boing, gargle, clap, zap, and pitter-patter. Finally, note that not all onomatopoeias are words listed in the dictionary. With over 300k subscribers and 4 million readers, Smart Blogger is one of the world's largest websites dedicated to writing and blogging. While its highly unlikely that onomatopoeia is the sole impetus for human language, it certainly made a mark, which is nothing to sneeze at. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Continue with Recommended Cookies. - Contact Us - Privacy Policy - Terms and Conditions, Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. Onomatopoeia is often used by poets Onomatopoeia not only creates rhythm but also beats, as the poets try to create sounds imitating the sound creators. Words such as buzz, poof, and wham sound like their meaning, Onomatopoeia can be real words, made-up words, or just letters used to represent sounds (e.g., mmm, eek). Related: Onomatopoeia PowerPoint LessonTable of ContentsOnomatopoeia ExamplesOnomatopoeia Examples: Animal SoundsOnomatopoeia Examples: Sounds People MakeOnomatopoeia Examples: Impact SoundsOnomatopoeia Examples: Water SoundsOnomatopoeia Examples: Food and Cooking SoundsOnomatopoeia Example SentencesOnomatopoeia FAQWhat Is Onomatopoeia?Are Animal Sounds Onomatopoeia?What's The Difference Between Onomatopoeia And Interjections?What Is The Adjective Form Of Onomatopoeia?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'games4esl_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',320,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-games4esl_com-medrectangle-3-0'); The following examples are all sounds that animals make: The following examples are all sounds that people make: The following examples are all impact sounds/collision sounds. They click upon themselves James Joyce is famous for inventing and torturing languageto the point that native English speakers dont recognize their own mother tongue. She taught English to Chinese children for over two years. Delivered to your inbox! Squeak! Its sort of zoom, zip, hiccup, drip 4. The word Onomatopoeia can also be used to describe the use of such words for rhetorical effect. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. They speak of a becoming, joining together, a lifting up. Like the holiday bells, these bells are joyful. The following words describe the sounds that are And strategically usingonomatopoeia words is a great way to make it happen. An onomatopoeia is a word that actually looks like the sound it makes, and we can almost hear those sounds as we read. Its a proven literary gem that drawsreaders in like buzzing bees to honey. Poe uses onomatopoeia to create tone in his poems. Comics show their own examples of different types of onomatopoeia. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. All these techniques combined help create a literary representation of the sound and feeling of bells. Take a look at our upcoming course schedule, where youll find courses for all writing levels that offer the support and structure you need. Try to use these fun sound words in your own writing! But, an onomatopoeia can certainly complement auditory imagery, as both devices heighten the sonic qualities of the work. Manage Settings 1. You can hear the clippetty clop of the horses in this nursery rhyme. Words to describe animal sounds, like a dogs bark, a cats meow,or cows mooare phonetically similar to the actual sound that the animal makes. 5. Many poems written specifically for children employ onomatopoeia because the words are fun to say, easy to remember, and expressive. We hope you find our examples of onomatopoeia useful and enjoy using this resource, an example of Tennyson using onomatopoeia below). Have a bit of fun with these onomatopoeia examples for things.

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