A mutated creature is terrorizing the population of our colony on [From.GetName]. ), = Return 300 minerals, two months later an event that gives +20 opinion with nation and 100 influence (does not decay? Smugglers have established an illegal outpost on the surface of [From.GetName], a primitive sanctuary world under our protection. We need to remove these implants before they can cause any more problems. Massive Impact 2 (impact_uninhabitable_category) = Warp Impact = 60 physics, = Asteroid Collision = +3 minerals, add Asteroid Collision modifier, Mass Extinction: Study Complete = "What else can we learn from these planets?" Hel--re no lifeboats, we--andoned, collapse im-------------------------, Enabled if: A module from a Cybrex research station was found orbiting [From.GetName] containing the remnants of some kind of cybernetic creatures. Gain Carefree trait, (90-250 physics, 12x production), (150-1000 minerals, 12x production), = Rock Brain Modifier, +3 physics, +3 society (let it live), = Cell Cells = Ancient Genetic Library modifier, +2 engineering, +2 society. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. An abandoned military listening post has been found on asteroid [From.GetName]. Set the country flag "shielded_world_opened". We have discovered a large underground vault on [From.GetName]. apart from that its trash. The creature is still alive, however. Enabled if: The Yuht placed a satellite in orbit of [From.GetName] to commemorate the first time they encountered another sentient alien species. that's +6 research points total, which is very good! This document is a continuous work in progress, and I make no guarantees that any individual entry is 100% accurate for the latest version. Each shipyard module can construct or upgrade one ship at a time. Its weapon can turn habitable planets into Toxic Worlds. ), Wooden Hegemony 3 = Wooden Hegemony = Balance Ecosystem project (3 skill, 100 days), Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier -20% food = removal of Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier, addition of three Dangerous Wildlife blockers, = removal of Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier, 200 xp, = Unbalanced Ecosystem modifier, -20% food, Artifact sites (not anywhere close to done here, obviously), Asteroid Blast Door: 3 minor artifacts / 1 minor artifact/ 1 minor artifact/ 100 minor artifacts, possible failure roll: 1000 minerals, 100 rare crystals, 10 minor artifacts, scientist gains Maimed trait (-40 years lifespan), Kleptomaniac Rats - 6 minor artifacts / 6 minor artifacts / 6 minor artifacts /, Ruined World (relic world unique spawn) -, C | A military ships components can be customized via the ship designer. = Illicit Communications = +5 society, scientist gains Statecraft if organic, or Biology if machine. Privacy Policy. Once crewed, the science ship can conduct a survey of individual objects within a system. some anomalies changed - adrift afaik doesnt give the evasion buff anymore. If a Colossus is destroyed during a total war, nothing happens. Ends the "migrating_forests_chain" event chain. An ancient mural covered in alien letters has been found on [From.GetName]. The wreckage of what appears to be a Yuht colony ship was discovered in orbit of [From.GetName]. Praise the Worm. We have agreed to assist them in this endeavor. An archaeological dig site will be established nearby to search the ruins for anything useful. They can also be set to a passive stance to ignore hostile fleets. days) = ? Our scientists would like to study them more closely to determine their origins. Colony ships allow an empire to settle habitable planets or megastructures in owned systems. Immediate effects: Trigger country event Breathing Rift Outcome 1 in 100 days. Awwwww sweet. The same is true if an empire that owns a Colossus is dragged into a regular war, usually because of, The celestial body is irreversibly turned into a Shielded variant. Uddlorans can be found racing through the snowy wastes of [This.GetName]. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article. [From.GetName] was once home to a thriving Yuht colony, and we have identified what appears to be a massive graveyard in an isolated region of the [From.GetPlanetMoon]. ", Ancient Shipyard 4 = Automated Shipyard = Repair Automated Shipyard project (Construction Ship, 180 days) = new ships, Ancient Signs of Life 2 (terraforming_candidate_category) = Terraforming Candidate Discovered = Terraforming Candidate modifier added, Among the Vines and Trees 3 = Fruitful Endeavors = Nutritious Food modifier added, giving +20% Pop Growth Speed and +10% happiness, Arid and Abandoned 6 = Abandoned Sensor Array = Abandoned Sensor Array project (science ship, 1 day?? Don't stake your life on this. Our engineers believe that they can restore power to the shipyard's sole surviving manufacturing bay. On Thick Ice 1 = A Species of Ice and Ice = Arctic pre-sentient uplift spawn, Orbital Speed Demon 1 (disco_speed_demon_cat) = Try to slow it down. Interactive corporate website. The following is a list of all events files as found in the Stellaris/events/ folder. In particular the Le Guin 2.2 update has made many references to strategic resources obsolete and has changed rewards from previous versions, and there's even still failure rates and results listed in here. We believe these buildings were part of a major research base built by the ancient First League, but the ruins need to be studied more closely to be certain. influence) 83886168, Divine (Fanatic Spiritualist + Collectivist ethics, maybe government too? Breathing Rift Outcome 2. might be random), = Place two Alien Pets resources onto empty tiles on planet = 20% chance to destroy the zoos, place Dangerous Wildlife blockers on two more tiles (killing the pops there), and add permanent Hostile Fauna planet modifier, Deep Caverns 2 = Living Metal Lakes = 150 engineering, Living Metal added, Desolate Sands 1 = Shifting Sands = replace orbital with 3 physics tile, add seven Quicksand Basin blockers, add Shifting Sands planet modifier (-20% Habitability, +33 build cost, expires in 1500 days), adds Liquid Sands planet modifier (nothing), Dilapidated Station 6 (DISTAR_COLLAPSE_CAT) (unique system) = Particular Fears = (120-350 society, 18x production) , (150-500 physics, 24x production), either gain Expertise: Particles trait or 200 xp if already have trait, Dimensional Disturbance 6 (DIMENSIONAL_POCKET_CAT) = Dimensional Pocket = 200xp, = = Missing scientists return on Science Ship From Beyond. They usually aren't worth using with my fleets later on. Plans have been put into motion to abduct him and then "convince" him to work for us instead. They are the primary way of interacting with objects and entities in the galaxy via specific ship orders. Isolated Ruin 1 (DISTAR_ZONE_CAT) = Zone A = find a tile that has no deposit, remove any blocker, add Zone A building (3 physics, 3 engineering, 3 unity), add 3 unity to tile. Military ships have a number of base stats, but derive most of their stats from components. "Explosions in the Sky" - Adds a temporary survey & anomaly research speed boost to your empire (120 months). There are surely many artifacts to be found if an archaeological dig site is established on the [From.GetPlanetMoon]'s surface. An abandoned hydrogen bomb has been inadvertently activated by our colonists on [From.GetName]. They require a scientist to operate. An archaeological dig site is needed to excavate the ruins. The presence of these forests cannot be tolerated. . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Does not have machine intelligence. Cold Hard Potential 3 (COLD_RESEARCH_CAT) "Our Science Officer has found an anomaly. Some resource bonuses are listed as maximums or just the amount I got when I wrote that anomaly down, even though the actual rewards are like [12x your monthly, 60-150 floor/ceiling]. She just keeps getting elected Clan Speaker. Some of these entries date back to like v1.4 . He starts being immortal though, doesn't he? A gigantic skeleton dating back more than three billion years has been found on the lifeless surface of [From.GetName]. The Frontier Spirit ruler trait reduces the cost of colony ships by 35%. Asteroid [From.GetName] was apparently used as hidden port by smugglers, pirates and other criminal elements within the First League. Aramazia Kin May 28, 2018 @ 3:30am. Each Fallen Empire has a 10% chance to start the game with a Colossus and can build more if they have awakened. six ships, 120 days. [From.GetName] was an early victim of the Javorian Pox, and our archeologists would like to study the former Irassian colony for clues as to the origin of the disease. | 0.80 KB, We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. So now I have a one ship fleet that I can't add any other ships to and I'm not sure what to do with it. After a recent space battle in the [queen_system.GetName] system, a Prethoryn Queen was badly injured and left for dead by the rest of the Scourge. Our archeologists would like to investigate them further. The partial remains of a Vultaum gas mining station still orbit [From.GetName]. An anomaly is represented by survey readings that deviate from what is normal. 3. We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on H[precursor_planet.GetName]! = Gain ship, = Up is Down = 350 physics, 350 engineering, = Critical Failure = ship destroyed, scientist lives, Distress Signal 2 = Lost in Space = Derelict Ship project, 2 skill, 20 days), = alive by brain parasites = help them = introduction to species, = dead by brain parasites = 75 society, protection from brain parasites, Doppler Signal = The Ransomeers: Emergency Buoy = Emergency Buoy project, 3 skill, 30 days, Docking Hatch 3 (hatch_asteroid_category) = Derelict Shipyard = +3 engineering, Dunes 3 = (only if meticulous) Taking Stock = (100-500 energy, 6x), = Head in the Sand = Head in the Sand project (1 military ship, 100 days) = 33% = gain corvette, = Stay Calm = scientist gains Towel-bearer trait (+40% survey speed), Dustbowl 1 (AST_CRATER_CAT) = Fender Bender = Circuits in the Dust modifier = +3 engineering, = Alien Drag Racing = Skid Marks modifier = +6, = Abandoned Thrusting = Gain Ion Thrusters tech, Encrypted Transmission 2 (transmitter_cat) = Gateway Hijackers = Gateway Interference project (scientist, 140 days) = Sujin Insight = L-Gate insight gained, Energy Emissions 1 = Exotic Radiation = 150 physics, Fairly Humid 1 () = Welcome to the Jungle = Tropical uplift presentient species, Familiar Compounds 2 (DISTAR_RUM_CAT) = Taste of Home = nothing, = Exotic Inebriants empire modifier for 120 months, adding: +10% happiness, +33% influence gain, -5% research tile outputs, = something else for machine intelligences, Fleet Signatures 4 (DISTAR_HOLO_CAT) = Hologram = +3 society to black hole, will not clear deposits, -Floral Study project (random spawn on colony), scientist 2, 20 days = Mharin Kharin: Pistil Pondering = 123 society, (delay) = Mharin Kharin: Olfactory Arousal = Pheromoned, first stage modifier added, giving +10% happiness, (delay) = Mharin Kharin: Making Time for Petals = Pheromoned, second stage modifier added, giving Minerals -15%. All rights reserved. What? This page was last edited on 5 June 2020, at 06:59. Each size also has two Voidcraft hull improvement technologies: Improved Hulls and Advanced Hulls, which each add between +20% and +33% hull points depending on ship class. If they are given enough resources, our linguists are confident they can translate the writing. For example, with naval coverage of 50 and empire size of 100 (i.e. [From.GetName] was the ancient homeworld of the Ti'Derg, but it suffered a comprehensive orbital bombardment 1.2 million years ago. Gain 150 society. Has at least one construction ship in orbit. Military ships must be upgraded manually at a starbase with a shipyard module, Mega Shipyard, or Juggernaut whenever a design is updated. One of our shuttles was shot down by the natives on [From.GetName], and we need to rescue any surviving operatives before they are captured by local forces.". You must log in or register to reply here. Our scientists would like to mount an expedition to study the unique life forms of this environment. The heavily-armed corvette was discovered floating in an acidic gas giant, and reactivated by our engineers. Military ships require both Energy and Alloys as monthly maintenance. Two Ancient Ruins blockers spawn (300 energy, 180 time), Paradise Anticipated 3 (GAIA_MOVE_CAT) = Eden Overrun = spawn 4 Hostile Wildlife blockers on random tiles, gain 200 xp, gain 150-500 society research (24x), Parked 8 (GEN_ABANDONED_SHIP_CAT) (continental or arid only) = Hard Shoulder = gain a corvette, Peculiar Crater 7 = A New Metal = Add Living Metal deposit, +5 engineering, Living Metal tech option gained (25% progress), Peculiar Patterns 3 (peculiar_patterns_cat) = Wetware Computer (ocean planet) = orbital deposit tile emptied, up to four empty tiles have their deposits replaced with 2-4 engineering, = Devastation (gaia, continental, tropical, or savanna planet) = turn planet into a barren planet, = Abandoned Harvesters (gaia, continental, tropical, or savanna planet) = Ancient Harvesters planet modifier added, +20% food from jobs. The molluscoid Joggra originated on [From.GetName], a subjugated client species of the Irassian Concordat. We must find some way to nullify the barrier and discover what lies beneath! Cannot get this anomaly outcome if the scientist already has the trait. The leader remained and could be assigned to other fleets. Does not have country flag tech1,"tech2" set. For reasons unknown, someone or something has encased [From.GetName] in an impenetrable energy shield. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The corpses from almost a thousand aliens have been found in orbit above [From.GetName]. The Dathnak revolutionaries on New Baldarak have asked us to transport one of their commando units to Baldarak, where they will try to incite some kind of revolt. If there're any other trait-dependent anomalies which have significant outcome changes, I'd like to know. Atmospheric Anomaly 3 (ATM_ANOMALY_CAT) = Swirling Shadows = +3 society, add Shadow Play modifier, Atmospheric Object 4 = Crushed Cruiser = 60 engineering, Atmospheric Storms 1 = Extreme Storms = Extreme Storms modifier, +3 physics, Between Land and Sea 1 = Terra Firma = Continental Avian presentient uplift spawn, Billowing Sands 1 = Shifting Sands = Desert uplift species present, Bizarre Blanket 1 (DISTAR_EXO_CAT) = Invasive Exofungus = 250 society, planet gains Exofungus Infestation modifier (building speed -20%, habitability -10%, society output +33%), Buried in the the Sand 4 = Teaching of Settlers = Translating Settlers' Texts project, 500 society = Master's Teachings: The Greater Good, Cargo Pod 1 = Abandoned Cargo Pod = 500 energy. The Luxion is gone. We should conduct a boarding operation to secure prisoners and any intelligence assets we find. Voidborne researcher bonus, gain Zero-G Innovations modifier (spaceport module cost -10%), (anomaly.4125) = "Scrap it for materials." he can be made into an admiral for other fleets, my ship got killed but the leader survived. Enabled if: Here's my running list of anomalies. His considerable skill is wasted on his native civilization, but he would be quite a boon to our own research programs. Maybe gain two of three? The power score on this ship is incredibly deceptive. DESTROY IT!! Transport fleets use the passive fleet stance by default, and can be set to use the aggressive stance, which will cause them to follow a military fleet and land on enemy planents with similar or less army strength. [From.GetName] was once a major center of trade in the ancient First League. Keep the Protege on Board: The science ship you used to research the anomaly gains a unique (temporary - lasts 7200 days) modifier that adds +10% Anomaly Discovery Chance, -20% Anomaly Fail Risk, and +20% Anomaly Research Speed (the tooltip for the dialogue box only lists the anomaly research bonus, which is incorrect; the exact code segment for the modifier is as follows. We have identified [From.GetName] as the ancient homeworld of the serpentine Chassago, one of the founding members of the First League. Or maybe these are new anomalies added in 1.8. !, clears mining station deposits but not research deposits, What Hums in the Night 5 (HBL_MUSIC_1_CAT) = Toy Factory = add Toy Factory Complex deposit to planet (+10% society from jobs, +20% engineering from jobs, = What Music They Make = Xenobiology +80% research, = -200 energy, 50% chance of terraforming, = Grimacing Planet project (3 skill, 10 days, 90 day timeout), = Tactical Terraforming Successful, new habitable planet, 350 physics, 350 engineering (always Arid?? A crater on [From.GetName] was once the site of an ancient Vultaum mining base. Interactive corporate website, If used on a Holy World the Holy Guardians will awaken and declare a Total War on the perpetrator, AI worlds can be targeted and turned into broken worlds, Can be used on pre-FTL worlds but will give, Ringworlds, Habitats, and Ocean Worlds cannot be targeted. Information, Frequently Asked This page was last edited on 5 March 2022, at 06:24. (50% chance) Excellent. We have detected what appears to be the bow section of an old First League cruiser orbiting [From.GetName]. We have learned that there may have been Precursor activity on H[precursor_planet.GetName]! "Diamond in the Rough" - Pretty much the only outcome you want once you have obtained the previous two. Thanks devs! I kept him round and he ended up becoming the president of the United Nations of Earth. It will require extensive probing, but could garner a substantial find. The one that gives a permanent +10% evasion if I recall right is far better. Juggernauts use a separate cap of one Juggernaut per navy (see below), however when built as part of a Federation fleet they consume an additional 32 Federation naval capacity. Thank you, [Root.GetRulerTitle]. This is generally the least desirable outcome. I always keep the special things in my capitol system as trophies. = If you've researched Deep Core Mining, +4 mineral deposit, does not clear deposits. Our rogue covert infiltration operative on [From.GetName] has finally been tracked to a safe house in the suburbs of a large city. Actually a ship that is built as a singular geometrical shape is less efficient, since it's highly unlikely that the assemblage of internal systems that the ship needed to have would form such a near convex shape. Enabled if: The Dathnak government on Baldarak is determined to restore control over their rebelling colony on New Baldarak. Does not have the Fanatic Xenophobe Ethic, Enabled if: I take it [Root.GetSpeciesAdj] ships are the cause of all this commotion?Our hosts seem about ready to leave their posts. 34 min ago These are events regarding anomalies (from Stellaris/events/anomaly_events_4.txt). We have disabled the cultist flagship! All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. (25% chance) Trigger country event Breathing Rift - Debris in 100 days. Asteroid [From.GetName] appears to house the remains of an ancient Yuht dwelling. They are not used up during construction, meaning that they can go on to do other tasks after they have finished their building project. The Dathnak colonist Chabky Raddh is apparently homesick and wishes to return to Baldarak. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." (delay) Mharin Kharin: Upper Management Betrayal = no local government?? There was once a Vultaum observatory on [From.GetName], a [From.GetPlanetMoon] that lies quite some distance away from their ancient empire. The Star-Eater is equipped with a Star Cracker, a weapon that destroys stars. Did he make your empire great again? 49 min ago warform's fleet is special and can only support the ship and his admiral, the ship gets outclassed later on anyway and im rushing through the techs right now, already have 3 ruined megastructures and pre 2300 mega engineering. We need to come up with some kind of reliable and efficient method of identifying them. [From.GetName] was the homeworld of an unidentified species that seems to have been the subject of an orbital blockade by ships from the First League. When the star is destroyed, the empire owning the Star-Eater gains dark matter based on the galaxy size: This article has been verified for the current PC, The defined maximum is 500 but this cannot be reached without mods; We have reluctantly agreed to arrange this. = 1000 minerals, The Winter of the Fallen 5 = Beneath the Battlefield = Underground Vault project (3 military ships, 100 days), = Cryopod Warrior dialogue (to have them join, must be Spiritualist or Pacifist), = Xenobiology tech option gained, +40% research (biolob 2), = Special Project Failed = Your Empire gains the Fertility Inhibiting Bio-Weapon modifier (Habitability -20, Growth -20%, 3600 days), Tomb World 4 (tomb_world_cat) = if barren = Primordial Soup = +3 society, = if nuked or toxic = Weapon Testing = Alien Weapons project, scientist, 60 days = Alien Lasers = Gain either next level of lasers or armor as a tech option, 20% research on it. The ancient V'ropak were founding members of the First League, and evidence suggests that [From.GetName] was their homeworld. It's an often valuable leader spot and that's all. [From.GetName] was subjected to massive orbital bombardment 1.2 million years ago, but before that the [From.GetPlanetMoon] was a flourishing Irassian colony. The deep boreholes on [From.GetName] indicate the former presence of an Irassian mining base. Crawling, on the Planet's Face 1 = Crawling, on the Planet's Face = spawn Roachoids to be uplifted on the Tomb World. At least some were last verified for, Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. Privacy Policy. Oh thank you! It seems like the machines were engaged in some kind of mining operation here. Colossi are unable to attack enemy fleets, as they lack the weaponry to do so. If savescumming, you can spam reload the dialogue box until you create a powerful combination (such as Spark of Genius + Maniacal or Sentient AI Assistant). During space battles, a Colossus will follow direct orders and will maneuver straight to its designated target. They should be investigated more closely. It once exhibited dozens of supposedly alien artifacts, and our archeologists would like to study the few that still remain. 49 min ago SCIENTIST LOCKED TO SHIP UNTIL COMPLETE = success = Inspired Army Recruits empire modifier = 360 day expiration, army morale +20%, army build speed +20%, = failure = Lose scientist aboard, still gain modifier, = (4510) Master's Teachings: Diplomatic Trust edict path, Corrupt Survey Data 4 (corrupt_data_cat) = The Planet That Wasn't There = 150 engineering, remove habitable planet, Covered in Debris 3 = Junkyard = +3 minerals, Crashed Ship 3 = Crashed Scout Craft = 60-150 Engineering. with Docile Livestock trait (30% growth speed, other species happiness +5%, Unity 10%, -50% energy, -75% science, not affected by happiness. It must be recovered as soon as possible. The terraforming equipment can still be found on the [From.GetPlanetMoon], and our scientists are looking for a way to resume the process. Out of curiosity I saved and then disbanded the fleet. Our scientists are eager to get to the bottom of this mystery. = Rock Migraine = dies in the vacuum. The leader became an immortal admiral during my campaign, I got it early and ended up having it command one of my fleets during my battle against the contingency, its experience proved pretty valuable. Construction ships also have a Fleet Order that makes them build mining and research stations automatically. Preliminary scans suggest that some of their mining tunnels may have survived, however. A space battle of truly colossal proportions took place near [From.GetName] 600,000 years ago with ships from at least five different fleets involved. Perhaps we can find a way to coexist with their civilization. Cannot replace existing leader, It's like a cute little dog, I usually just park him over my capitol once he's obsolete (like Bubbles), You can delete the ship and then you can put the leader on another fleet.

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