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  • English to Slovak
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  • ' + //DOC add last class to last channel item } To submit your application for this job, click theApply for this Job button. //Jacinda Update $("#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-link, #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").attr("tabindex","-1"); } $('#hp-slideshow').addClass('desc-showing'); showPlayPause = false; }); dynStyleSheet.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $('.upcoming-column.right .ui-article-description', this).each(function(){ if( $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').hasClass('hidden') ){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).parent('li').addClass('active-element'); $(this).parent().addClass('active'); .appendTo("#sidebar-passkey"); "nextIconFontLetter" : "", //LETTER OR NUMBER TO USE FOR THE ICON FONT FOR THE BACK BUTTON '
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  • English to Azerbaijani
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  • English to Chinese Simplified
  • ' + } Teaching jobs in alabama require a bachelor's degree and a teaching license in your subject of specialization. } '
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  • ' + }else if( $('#gb-sidebar-nav #sidebar-social-media.sidebar-item .slideout-inner .true').length == 2 ){ "imageNum320" : 1, //NUMBER OF IMAGES TO DISPLAY AT 320 ["Lao", "", "lo"], } alabama searchsoft applicant login Everyone values online security, but every day a large number of accounts are stolen and traded on the black market. Meet suitability criteria for employment and/or certification/licensure under the Alabama Child Protection Act of 1999 and Act No. if(isMSIE8){ $("body").addClass("msie8"); } }); }, } ["Somali", "Soomaali", "so"], //RESPONSIVE MENU if($('.ui-widget.app', v1).hasClass('headlines')){ if($("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp div.ui-widget.app.gallery.json").length) { }); } if( $('.region', v).children().length <= 0 ){ $('.ui-widget-footer', v).append($('div.app-level-social-rss', v)); if($(".hp").length) { // ADD LOGO csPageListAccordionIsSet = true; function sideBarAccessibility(){ $(".sidebar-item.focused").removeClass("focused"); $('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc').attr('aria-hidden', true).removeClass('show-it').addClass('hide-it'); $('li.active-list-item a', dropdown).trigger('focus'); $(".rs-menu-group.social-media .rs-menu-group-list > ul > li.false").remove(); $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-bottom-control-inner').prepend($('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-bullets-outer')); } else { $('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer').attr('aria-hidden', false).addClass('show-it').removeClass('hide-it'); "defaultImageSrc" : "/cms/lib/AL02204990/Centricity/Template/39/defaults/slideshow.jpg", searchBox.focus(function() { if(e.shiftKey) { $(v).hide(); $('.cs-article-slider-control.upcoming-events-arrow', v1).css('top', 0); } Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-10 { function photoGallery(){ '
  • English to Russian
  • ' + "overflow": "hidden" "slideDirection" : "right-to-left", // OPTIONS - left-to-right, right-to-left "bulletControls" : "yes", $("#gb-logo-outer").width(imgWidth); $(this).append(''); Once the account is created, applicants will simply login and select the positions for which they want to be . $("
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  • English to Belarusian
  • ' + if( $('div.app-level-social-rss', v).length > 0 ){ The enrollment of homeless, migrant and limited English proficient children shall not be denied due to any of the following barriers: lack of birth certificate, lack of school records or transcripts, lack of immunization records, lack of proof of residency, lack of transportation, unaccompanied: no guardian. }); ";":"") + menuIndex + "," + customIcons[i][1] + "," + customIcons[i][2] + "," + customIcons[i][3]; ["Irish", "Gaeilge", "ga"], var rules = document.createTextNode(dynStyles); //parse out icon for our usage } else if ($("#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-bullet-control.back").length) { var menuIndex = 1; } }, "icons" : [ if( $('.headlines-scroll-ctrl', v1).length > 0 ){ "galleryOverlay" : "no", setTimeout(function() { var useSchoollist = "no"; if(!$('#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer .rs-photo-gallery-desc-outer').length) { "autoRotate" : "yes", { } e.preventDefault(); $("#sw-content-container10.ui-hp .ui-widget.app.multimedia-gallery:first").csMultimediaGallery({ }, } var fullScreenPhoto = true; var channelBarOffset = $("#gb-channel-list-outer").offset().top; var useSchoollist = "yes"; } }, var slideshowOffset = 52; "thumbnails" : "no", '
  • English to Polish
  • ' + var getTitle = $(".rs-photo-title.active h1").text(); 2. "thumbnailHeight" : 53, Please apply at: https:// ats1.searchsoft. if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9") > -1){ isMSIE9 = 1; } var thisLi = this; "target": "_blank" }, 300); $("li.sw-channel-item").first().addClass("first"); }); } display: none; if($("#swlogin").length){ alabama department of education child nutrition programs: login screen for cnp online application. These accountability measures included the ACAP test in Grades 2-8 and the ACT test in Grade 11. }); }else{ } } $(window).scroll(checkSlideshow); '
  • English to Macedonian
  • ' + mmg.props.defaultGallery = false; showPlayPause = false; switch(e.keyCode) { } } $(".sidebar-item.focused").removeClass("focused"); "hoverPause" : "yes", ["Welsh", "Cymraeg", "cy"], "allLoaded" : function() { if($("#sw-content-layout-wrapper.ui-spn #swsearch-pnl-main").length) { } //DOC add signed out breadcrumb "onTransitionEnd" : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.currentRecordIndex, props.currentGalleryIndex, props.mmgRecords // CONSUME TAB KEY **Consortium Applicants**If you have a section on your application to select locations, you will need to make sure that you have selected all the location(s) where you want to apply. "0" : "8"; ["Icelandic", "slenska", "is"], $('.card-info > div', v2).append($('.ui-article-description', v2)); }); $(".upcomingevents").modEvents({ $('#hp-slideshow .rs-gallery-desc-inner').append($('#hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-title, #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-caption')); "autoRotate" : true, After completing the application and confirming your Application Type fields are correct, click the "Jobs" tab then "All Jobs" to locate you to locate open jobs. $('.hp.column.one .headlines .ui-article').each(function(k, v){ $('.custom-dropdown.openMenu input, .custom-dropdown.openMenu a, .custom-dropdown.openMenu .custom-dropdown > button').attr('tabindex', -1); Hiring ongoing View all 2 available locations Substitute Teacher: Jefferson County Schools new Kelly Services 3.8 Birmingham, AL 35215 Contact the Alabama State Department of Education for further information regarding obtaining a valid certificate (334-242-9977) Copy of Social Security card. switch(e.keyCode) { $('.app-scroller-region.headlines-app').each(function(k, v){ } $('a', channelItem).addClass('home-channel').attr('aria-label', 'Home').prepend(''); '
  • English to Telugu
  • ' + ["Galician", "galego", "gl"], If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview. var g = parseInt((cutHex(h)).substring(2,4),16); ["Portuguese", "portugus", "pt"], if($(".wcm-controls").hasClass("wcm-stuck")) { } if(false) { ["Nepali", "", "ne"], $(".rs-photo-gallery-desc-more-link a, #hp-slideshow .rs-photo-gallery-desc .rs-gallery-desc-trigger").attr("tabindex","0"); "false" : "true"; '
  • English to Italian
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