And obviously, it will make your road to the Jannah easier. (Mark 10:27) Do you believe in me? The truth is that it has already been done for methey just dont see it yet. Your Spouse Spends More Time with You, 12. You may have issues that your spouse doesn't like, but the point is, you need to work on yourself to improve those issues. Its so amazing when someone here in the Earthly Realm who you have never met pretty much tells you word for word what God has personally spoken and shown you in the spiritual Realm. it is by the grace of God that I came across this website and your post tonight. Taking your mate to a place where your mate knows you were with your affair partner will cause your mate serious pain. Our two daughters professed Christ at an early age . AND THE PRODIGAL IN SIN IS POWERLESS OVER YOU AND YOUR GOD!!! Nothing, absolutely nothing, will attract the attention of your prodigal spouse like the Holy Spirit being allowed to work in your life. Making mistakes after marriage is quite common. And we are once again blessed that Stephanie has been led to share her experience as a prodigal and the insight gained through her experience and being restored to the Lord, which she posted on the private FAM Fellowship website last night. May you be blessed amply by our Lord for sharing your testimony as a prodigal. And Im claiming those Scripture verses and believe the Lord will restore our marriage. If you guys trust each other, it is a super positive sign that Allah put the right person in your life. (Matthew 19:6) Do you believe that I can do the impossible? Some days there may be more of a reluctance to talk about spiritual matters than others. The devil comes along and whispers in the prodigals ear and says look, this other person is right for youlook how they make you feelit will be okay once you are divorcedeverything will be okaybesides, your spouse should have someone who really loves them and you dont, so set them free. We believe we must let you, our spouse, go, because it is the right thing to do; we are in it too deep, there is no other way, you are aware of our sin, there is no saving face, and there is no going back. Its SO, SO true about the prodigal, and I was one a long time ago as well. James 4:6. Dear friends, may God continue to bless you and strengthen you as you stand for your marriage, no matter where you are in your journey!In Christ,Amy Larson. Peace in marriage life means that no matter how stressed you are and how many problems you and your family are going through, your spouse is someone who will give you comfort. He did. But, as a life partner, you should be able to forgive your spouses mistakes as long as it is not something severe like cheating. YOU HAVE POWER!! At the top of the page in my Daily Light devotional for June 20th were the following handwritten words, "Zach returned from Australia tonight after nine months . Yes, although your relationship with your prodigal needs to be rebuilt on solid ground, only your trust in the Lord will heal you and lead to the restoration of your marriage. So I hope and pray that this strong testimony of Gods faithfulness to work in the heart, mind and spirit of our spouses when they are caught up in adultery will bless and encourage everyone who needs it today. If youre unable to identify those, this section will help you in this regard. When youre looking for your spouse through a marriage media or your relatives, things wont be that complicated for you. I am standing firm with God and I know that as He promised, He will NEVER forsake me! And hes now battling with the idea of how to break it off with the NCP and all the people he will hurt in the process. Makes it easier for you to find your spouse.3. Regardless of the difficulties in your life, your relationship with your spouse will grow stronger and vice versa. I am praying and hurting, forgiving and loving, but just needed to know that this was not easy for him either. Marriage is one of the signs of Allah SWT, and oftentimes there are signs God is working on your marriage that you might not even realize. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. We pray this because we love them. Your expectations might not meet. Keep praying your prodigal home and know God loves our prodigal even more than you do. Perhaps Im rambling; but this is my pointthere is no peace for the prodigal!!! If it's the other way around, meaning your spouse gets to spend time with you, that's a good sign. We even think our children will be "just fine"-another lie. "I didn't love my husband. If there is no trust, there will eventually be a divorce. Theres a scale placed over your prodigal eyes that keeps him away from coming into agreement with this love story. Your Spouse Can Do Anything to Please You, 6. I know that my test will one day be my testemony as well. May Yeshua bless you richly in every area of your life! Take responsibility for any sinful behaviors, habits or actions that you may have contributed to the marriage. I have recently started visiting this site and I flock to it daily, absorbing the prayers and reciting them daily. So, if you already have a job or you do a business, from which you earn a good amount of money or the amount is sufficient for a small family, consider it as the first sign from your Lord that he is providing you rizq for your spouse. They will only stop what they are doing when they understand how much God loves them, and how vitally important the Cross is to their life. These 4. It is common even for a religious person to feel weak in iman and good deeds. Speak life into a young adult. He took a deep breath and began to exit the car. 30, Finding Hope During Times of Trial Podcast Ep. How do you let go and let God fix your marriage? We have two children and this has been so hard, but Im standing firm and believe God will restore my marriage and Ill rejoice when that day comes. If there is no trust, eventually there will be adivorce If you trust each other, it's a super positive sign that Allah has placed the right person in your life. It is so good to hear your words of wisdom from the Lord. Today, your prodigal spouse is distant; tomorrow pleasant; the next day angry; and the next happyas if life couldnt be better. One in the Old Testament, in the book of Joshua and one in the New Testament, in Luke 15, the Prodigal son.Gang, WOW! And its really important to understand that feelings do not matter!!! It really helps me understand where my husband is at and to not give up. Now, there are two parts when it comes to making mistakes, and forgiving each other. I praise God that although I may read His word over and over, He uses someone else to show me a different way to look at things, or He has someone encourage me. Thank you, your testimonies always encourage us. I love him and miss him greatly, but i kn ow God will have his way. And He is not interested in what makes you comfortable. During the ups and downs, one has to show up to discuss and fix things. He let him go his own way, suffer the consequences, and then, celebrated when he came home (repented). Sooner or later for those promises and words, things will get a lot better between you guys. Thank you, Stephanie, and thank you all. And the prodigal does what FEELS right; not what IS right. You have the power that comes through your prayers, through your fellowship and obedience to God, and through reading his Word daily. The most important thing you can do is pray and reflect on the Word of God. Thank you, Sunshine! Scripture is clear. But today, I want to chat with you about the unseen lessons in the Prodigal son story.I'm compelled to . These stages will develop you to walk into the promise and help you to see the anointing God placed over your life. Thanks again and may God richly bless you! Report an Issue | "Father, please allow their path to be filled with misery, frustration and irritation." (verse 6a) This isn't to be mean. 12. Now, it can happen that you do not have that much money or a stable job to provide the necessary stuff for your family. Makes It Easier for You to Find Your Spouse, 4. And He can. The good Lord continued to heal my heart. The Stages God-ordained Spouses And Prodigal Spouse Goes Through Before Seeing the Promise - God-Ordained Marriages Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. Your testimony has increased my faith in God by knowing what my spouse is passing through in the spiritual realm. Romans 5:8 Do all you can to live in peace with everyone. In this case, the door of the rizq or barakah can be opened after the wedding. God has lighted my path, and I have such conviction that He has called me to stand and carry out His will, for His glory alone. 9. Read Scripture for encouragement and guidance. It was as if my wife had written it, because she has said/done nearly all of what you have mentioned. You can have issues, which your spouse doesnt like, but the thing is you gotta work on yourself to improve those issues. Remember that Satan is talking to us even louder when you are winning. Allah ordered a pen to write everythings qadr even before creating the earth and heavens. Having a hard time in your marriage doesnt mean that things will not get right in the future. It was a truly encouraging post at a time when I most needed it. Thank you! If you find that your spouse loves you more than you expected, and the person appreciates your efforts, no matter how small, it is a strong sign that Allah has brought you together for your good, He is placing blessings in your life. God hears your cries and understands your desire for healing and restoration, so dont give up on the process. HES INTENTIONAL! Brian, NCP stands for Non-Covenant Person. If you are unable to identify them, this section will help you in that regard. He would find the right family member and the right background he was looking for. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204, Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games. He/she will make you forget about those issues for a while, and encourage you to keep pushing to your limits to make sure your end goes well. Posted Look, having sabr is the fundamental foundation of married life. God-ordained Spouses who God has standing and praying for your prodigal spouse will find themselves going through the stages below. God does not want us to operate on feelings. Let go of desperation. Our prodigals need the touch of God, but we need to feel it first. Why? If you are not sure what to do, ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and dont be surprised if He reveals something that is outside your comfort zone. Thank you for posting this. The enemy wont find you where they left you at. Not only will this create a healthy dialogue, but it will also shine a light into whats happening in the life of your prodigal. God does not want us to operate on feelings. You start to feel like God left you and changed his mind about the promise. Thank you for these words as a reminder of why Im standing and will continue to do so! He's now going through the motions of a Prodigal Husband. By . Thank you for the perspective this provides, as my wife has said all of the same things to me and I was starting to believe that they were true. Thank you for your words of encouragement! I know that you wrote this years ago (around the time I got married), but every word still holds true. !. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Next month he will be elligable to obtain a divorce under New Zealand law, but I am praying God will block him in this. And no matter what I see or hear, I know that God is going to do what He says. 1.) Terms of Service. Repentance is necessary before reconciliation can occur and Gods Word calls us to reconcile relationships. It starts in the premarital phase. But, when you recognize there is an openness and willingness, ask if you can pray with your spouse or pray for them. Keep in mind, only the work of the Holy Spirit can transform the heart and mind so be patient and loving when approaching your spouse. I know God is speaking to him (he has said so); yet he still chooses sin over the Lord. God speaks to me through your testimonies. When you are about to get married, and looking for a spouse, there are signs telling you that you are getting help from Allah regarding your marriage. A blessed spouse is the one who keeps all the promises and words even when things do not work well between the husband and wife. Start acting and believing like it is so. I am having an amazing time reading the Word and meditating on two different stories. The enemy has blocked all communication and is doing their best to keep you and your prodigal away from each other. Also, for worldly affairs, couples should pray for each other to make things to their favour. I didn't know what the outcome would be." Then Nancy prayed her own prayer and knew what she needed to do. James 4:1-2. So please take the time to read and meditate on the following scripture references because we have to put our hope in the power and promise of Gods Word as we stand in faith and obedience for the deliverance of our adulterous spouses and the restoration of our marriages and families. Thank you so Much! In Our Mighty God We Trust, Brooke :). (Psalm 51:17) 8. Once you realize these signs of help from Allah SWT it will be a little easier for you to move on. Matthew 26, 27, 28 is where you can read and learn more about each stage of the process. God bless you. Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Then, as God works His kindness and healing in our hearts, our lives can better reflect God's love to our prodigals. She knew it would break her husband's heart and her own. No, you never know how Allah SWT will help you in difficulties. Prodigals dont know which way is up. If your prodigal is agreeable to prayer, that is a great sign that God is at work! It starts from the pre-marriage stage. Standing with GOD, all things are possible and nothing is too hard for HIM! Today, your prodigal spouse is distant; tomorrow pleasant; the next day angry; and the next happy-as if life couldn't be better. Peace in married life means that no matter how stressed you are and no matter how many problems you and your family are facing, your spouse is someone who will bring you comfort. If you find yourself in a similar situation, I pray these steps come in handy. It may seem strange, but not all couples feel close. I guarantee you right now that your prodigal spouse is not peaceful because there is no true peace in sin (Isaiah 48:22). We believe we could never be a good spouse to you because weve hurt you so deeply and we love the NCP. If you find signs of trust, affection, care, respect, and forgiveness in your relationship, you can be sure that God wants you to defend the marriage. Jake. Copyright 2005-2023 Faith And Marriage Ministries. So wipe your tears just like I had to tonight, and get up and act like a child of the most high God!!!! Below are some practical tips along with biblical guidance that greatly impacted my life during our separation and divorce. Your relationship looks better than before. (Deuteronomy 3:24) Do you believe I can bring you through this?, So when you are hurting, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 147:3. When you are angry, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 135:14. When you are tearful, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 126:5. When you are fearful, rememberits not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Isaiah 41:10. And when you are disappointed or discouraged, rememberIts not about my feelings, but the promise ahead Psalm 34:18.. I knew that the Lord would be faithful. God met him where he was. The Prodigal Spouse book. "God, Change My Spouse" Today's message is from Bob, who was a prodigal who returned home and was remarried to me for an additional 23 years before the Lord took him home to Heaven. YOU ARE THE OVERCOMER! praise God Almighty, and my prayers are for all Standers and prodigals. This will reduce the chances of unnecessary arguments. More than likely, if you are asking this question, the answer is yes! So he has two deceived people under his control and manipulation. God commands you to act on your faith. God will wipe every tear from every eye. The enemy is at work trying to bury this love story by throwing dirt on your name, holding your past against you, sending counterfeits after counterfeits your prodigal way. Our God is infinitely creative. They don't work their . "What is my prodigal spouse thinking?" abandoned spouses want to know. Feelings come and go. 10. That is exactly why Satan put this person in our path. God Bless you. And, obviously, it will ease your way to Jannah. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), How to Survive the Pain of Divorce Podcast Ep. I so love my Husband and with each day, desire more and more to be restored with him. DO something constructive and pray and claim Jeremiah 24:7 for your spouse, because God will be faithful to do this for your prodigal spouse the same way He did it for me! Many havent looked through Spiritual Eyes, but I have and your testimony explained exactly what I saw. If He can deliver me, I know He can deliver my spouse! But as a life partner, you should be able to forgive your spouse's mistakes, as long as it's not something serious like cheating. Thank you so much for sharing this!!!! Thank you for allowing God to use you and speak through you. People make mistakes, and that's what makes them human. The Prodigal's Perspective. | vfa. You wrote this in 2009 and still here in 2015, you are ministering to souls. The enemy thinks hes winning and begins to mock God by saying things such as Lets see if the God he/she serves will save you., In the death stage is when you see your god-ordained prodigal spouse off with the counterfeit. As husband and wife, they both want to reach Jannah. It says I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD.

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