Browse Ambazonia news, . In 2005, the Southern Cameroons/Republic of Ambazonia became a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) it was renewed in 2018. List of countries (or dependencies) in Africa ranked by population, from the most populated. Join in-depth conversations and interact with foreign-policy experts with. The bay, which is located in southwestern Cameroon, is considered to be the border between southern Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon. The policy represents a fig leaf, not genuine decentralization, and will not resolve a crisis of Biyas own making. It raises the question: How do companies with large global footprints decide which side to pick? In order to prevent the outbreak of an armed uprising, Cameroon's president must go beyond superficial measures by urgently implementing key reforms and pursuing inclusive, high-level dialogue mediated by the UN or African Union. Boko Haram, the Islamic State West Africa Province, and other violent extremist groups also exploit these ethnic tensions for their own gain. Bird stands for Freedom, vision and wisdom. ), Counties are further divided into 61 districts (LGA) governed by Prefects or District Officers. [17] A/60/40, Vol. This adds to the volatility engulfing Cameroon as the country gears up for a presidential election in 2018. The English speaking people of Southern Cameroons are demanding an independent, sovereign nation they call Ambazonia.Thanks for watching, please kindly Subsc. The 10 Anglophone separatists, who call their country Ambazonia, were among the 47 Anglophone Cameroonians arrested in Nigeria in January 2018. . Download the FP mobile app to read anytime, anywhere. Two of its border regions with Nigeria (northwest and southwest) are Anglophone, while the rest of the country . Most of Ambazonia has a tropical monsoon climate, with the coastal plain containing some of the rainiest places in the world (such as the village of Debundscha). Red stands for Blood and strength of the people. In May 1985, he was arrested, imprisoned, and then put under house arrest for three years before escaping first to Nigeria and then to the United Kingdom.[36]. Click + to receive email alerts when new stories are published on [47] A massive military deployment accompanied by curfews and forced evacuations of entire villages. Black fist stands for power and justice). .png 300 300; 10 KB. today We believe that Africa is poorly represented, and badly under-estimated. Flag of Savannah State. [22][23][24] While many Southern Cameroonians resented the lack of an independence option, the disappointment with Nigerian administration which had fed the push for further autonomy and hope that a more equal federation could be had with Cameroon led to a majority in favor of "reunification" with Cameroon. [58][43][59] The governments of the United States and Germany have expressed concern over the human rights violations and scaled back or cancelled military cooperation with Cameroon over reported abuses. By the time British Southern Cameroons and French Cameroun gained independence in 1961, the French territory was more economically developed than its British counterpart. Germany continued to consolidate its control over the coast through agreements with local leaders backed up by military expeditions. Ambazonia Interim Government, a separatist group in Cameroon, has emphasised that its agitations for a separate country have nothing in common with that of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). The country split from Sudan in 2011 and remains the African continent's youngest country. In 1995, over the objection of some Anglophone Cameroonians, Cameroon was admitted to the Commonwealth of Nations recognizing former Southern Cameroon's history as a British colony. 1134/2002, U.N. Doc. De facto, Buea is the capital. History of Ambazonia (Source: Wikipedia) Ambazonia is the territory formerly known as the British Southern Cameroons. d provide massive tax credits to programs investing in clean energy. The State flag is raised alongside the National flag on State institutions or State property, while the County flag is raised alongside both the State flag and National flag on local or county institution or property.[22]. A Ward Councilor is appointed by a District Officer (Local Governor) and must work hand-in-hand for better governance. if there were many agitations and co mments, the new social order of Fon . Yellow/Gold stands for Prosperity and value. II, at 194 (HRC 2005)", "The All Anglophone Conference (April 23, 1993)", "Cameroon teachers, lawyers strike in battle for English", "Cameroon restores internet to English-speaking region", "A Turn for the Worse: Violence and Human Rights Violations in Anglophone Cameroon", "Southern Cameroons gets new government with Sessekou Ayuk Tabe as Interim President", "Cameroon government 'declares war' on secessionist rebels", "Cameroon's English-speakers call for independence", "Biya declares war on Anglophone separatists The SUN Newspaper, Cameroon", "Cameroon escalates military crackdown on Anglophone separatists", Cameroon's Anglophone crisis: Red Dragons and Tigers the rebels fighting for independence, Just In-Dr Samuel Ikome Sako Is New Acting Interim President of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia, "Just In-Dr Samuel Ikome Sako Is New Acting Interim President of The 'Federal Republic of Ambazonia' Cameroon News Agency", "Cameroon: Separatist leader and followers handed life sentences | DW | 20.08.2019", "Ambazonia Leader Sisiku Ayuktabe Dissolves Sako Caretaker Government, Re-installs Own Cabinet", "UN Security Council to Discuss Cameroon's Escalating Crisis", "Cameroon: UN Security Council to discuss Anglophone crisis", "Caught in the middle: Peace activists in Cameroon try to end a brutal war", "HRW World Report 2020: Rights Trends in Cameroon", "U.S. Reduces Military Aid to Cameroon Over Human Rights Abuses", Cameroon: I spent a week embedded with Anglophone armed separatists, "Wettest Places on Earth by Annual Rainfall", "Present and future Kppen-Geiger climate classification maps at 1-km resolution",, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 06:41. Last month, leaders from both movements announced a formal alliance, which could ignite violence and instability in the two countries and across the West and Central African regions where violent extremist organizations affiliated with the Islamic State and al Qaeda are establishing a strong foothold. The bay which is located in southwestern Cameroon is considered as the boundary between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory. No country has formally recognized Ambazonia's independence, and it is currently the site of an armed conflict between . Since October 2016, protests and strikes related to sectoral demands have escalated into a crisis over the economic and political marginalisation of Cameroon's Anglophone minority. In Nigeria, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a secessionist group that advocates for the creation of the independent country of Biafra. Dispatch: [17] A Ward Councilor is responsible for surveying the territory, alerting the District Council of any disturbance (terrorism, ethnic violence etc. The people of Northern and Southern Cameroons under the umbrella of the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) finally decided to affirm the independence of the English . In February 2020, armed Fulani men alongside Cameroonian military personnel attacked Ngarbuh village in the Northwest region and killed 21 civilians, including 13 children. [30], Flag of Mezam County. When the League of Nations mandate system was transmuted into the UN trusteeship system in 1946, this arrangement was again provided for in the Order-in-Council of 2 August 1946 providing for the administration of the Nigeria Protectorate and Cameroons under British mandate. [38][39] Due to harassment and arrests by the government, many leaders of he SCNC and other organizations fled the country. A development in which Fulanis become major actors, for better or for worse, in a country like Cameroon then gets exacerbated in Nigeria because of its own demographics and population categorizations, said Fomunyoh, of the National Democratic Institute. This list is courtesy of OPEC's monthly oil report. How does industry define morality? Let us see if the so-called Human "Rice" Watch will utter a statement. [27], In 1961, the government of Cameroon, with continuing assistance from France, was fighting a civil war against remnants of pro-independence fighters still dissatisfied with continued French influence in Cameroon or hoping to overthrow the pro-Western government and implement a Marxist program. However, many towns and villages in the hinterlands had no German administration and may have only seen German soldiers a handful of times. Beyond the vast opportunity manifest in African markets, we highlight people who make a difference; leaders turning the tide, youth driving change, and an indefatigable business community. Gorji Dinka became the first head of the Ambazonia Restoration Council. This African country is the second oldest democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa after Ghana and has access to natural wharfs on her Atlantic shore overlooked by the grandeur of the highest mountain peak in West Africa. From the east and southeast, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean . The lowlands along the coast and the river valleys of Manyu, both of which are parts of the Benue Trough, are warmer. fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory. Boko Haram is an Islamist militant rebel group that has been carrying out brutal attacks on towns in Northern Nigeria since 2011. As large parts of Ambazonia are in the Western High Plateau, they have a somewhat cooler climate than the surrounding areas in Cameroon and Nigeria. European and Asian leaders began to call the IRA unfair competition and protectionist. The next day, armed gunmen attacked a police station in the same area. Olive tree branch stands for Peace and the Hammer stands for Determination of the people). I think it is that third option which is disturbing Southern Cameroonians up to this day. Ever since the two territories became one, Anglophone Cameroonians have complained they arepolitically and economically marginalized. White stands for Hope, Peace and wisdom under God. Last August, when the United States passed the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), commentators celebrated the fact that the worlds biggest economy would slash its carbon emissions anShow mored provide massive tax credits to programs investing in clean energy. Blue stands for the Meme River and Liberty. However, tribal leaders may not partake in federal or state politics as to prevent or calm down or avoid any form of ethnic tension. [33] On 6 November 1982, Ahidjo resigned and handed over power to Paul Biya who continued Ahidjo's policies and, after a falling out with Ahidjo and attempted coup by Ahidjo supporters, consolidated power in himself. [7] Ongoing violence has led to widely reported human rights abuses by both sides, including indiscriminate killing of civilians, torture, rape and gender-based crimes, and unjustified detentions and kidnappings. Cameroon is a lower-middle-income country with a population of over 25 million ( 2019 ). Lying spear stands for peace rather than war. The Southern Cameroonians whom I brought into the Union have been ridiculed and referred to as "les Biafrians" (Biafrans), "les enemies dans la maison" (enemies within the house), "les traitres' (traitors), etc., and the constitutional provisions which protected this Southern Cameroonian minority have been suppressed, their voices drowned while the rule of the gun has replaced the dialogue which Southern Cameroonians cherish very much. Delivered Thursday. Separatist Movements in Nigeria and Camero BUEA, CameroonFor the past five years, factions of a secessionist movement in southeastern Nigeria and a pro-independence movement in western Cameroon have been gathering momentum, mobilizing supporters through social media, and clashing with government security forces in both countries. The successful joining of the two increasingly violent groups is likely to trigger a heightened response from both Cameroonian and Nigerian armed forces, which already work together to counter a Boko Haram insurgency in the northern regions of both countries. Pour toute information confidentielle que vous souhaitez rendre publique: crivez ou contactez-nous au Etats Unis par WhatsApp: 1-240-350-1131. [43] Although the government established a Commission to focus on Anglophone grievances and took steps to address issues of language equity in courts and schools, continued distrust and harsh responses to protests prevented significant deescalation. In 1984, a group of English speaking people, led by renowned lawyer and leader of the Widikum people, Fon Gorji Dinka, unilaterally declared the Republic of Ambazonia. This was in retaliation to the move by French speaking President Paul Biya to unilaterally change the name of the country from United Republic of Cameroon to Republic of Cameroon. In 1966, he succeeded in banning opposition political parties, establishing a one-party state. The pro-Biafran movement, led by Nigerias minority ethnic Igbo community, has deep historical roots. [31], Flag of Manyu.Symbolism (Green stands for the growth. Some secessionists argue that the dialogue is another example . Cameroonian President Paul Biya does not want anything. The name is derived from Ambas Bay, the bay at the territory's sea coast directly facing the Equatoguinean Island of Bioko. Email: Telepon: +14083105204 Situs: They are identified as "Foncha-man" and put aside. [57], The war has been characterized by guerilla attacks by separatist militias against both security forces and against civilians suspected of collaboration or simply failing to abide militia's declared school and election boycotts or "lockdowns" which prevent all travel and activity. District Officers/Prefects are responsible for management of infrastructure, services and justice and may seek advice from tribal leaders if needed. The National flag is raised at federal institutions or on federal property. }(window, document, 'script', And what happens if the United States and China continue down a path of decoupling? IPOB was designated a terrorist group in Nigeria in September 2017. Evening roundup with our editors favorite stories of the day. Etymology. White flower stands for Purity, innocence, peace, respect and hope. Whereas I spent all my life fighting to have a deep sea port in Limbe(Victoria) developed, this project had to be shelved and instead an expensive pipeline is to be built from SONARA in Limbe to Douala in order to pipe the oil to Douala. Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the land. Endeley emerged as leader of the Quasi-Region of Southern Cameroons, with his official title being Leader of Government Business. The rough terrain of the Cameroon line and the lack of navigable rivers in much of the interior of the region claimed by Ambazonia limited colonial activity outside the coastal regions. (Various separatist leaders deny that financial support has waned; however, fighters and aid workers on the ground confirm that extortion of war taxes and kidnap-for-ransom schemes are now the main income source to support ongoing fighting.) The Cameroonian government is seeking to implement a 1996 law it refused to enact for over two decades. German administration was focused on establishing plantations for cash crops, and improving transportation and communication infrastructure to bring products and natural resources swiftly to ports and thence to Europe. Delivered Wednesday. As a young boy, I knew of the West Cameroon Federation State and the East Cameroon Federation State.. Fruit stands for success (fruits of labour). The leader of the self-declared Governing Council of Ambazonia, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, is among the 10 who have been convicted A leader of Cameroon's separatist movement, Sisiku Ayuk Tabe, and nine of. The states of Ambazonia are further divided into 13 counties[15] (represented by the thirteen stars of the national flag) and 61 districts or local government areas (LGAs). Anti-independence demonstrations against Anglophone regions are also taking place in Cameroon. Yellow stands for Justice and prosperity. Talks have now begun between the government and a key separatist faction headed by imprisoned leader, Sisiku Julius AyukTabe. Fulani fighters, including some who have crossed the border from Nigeria to Cameroon, have been implicated in some of the conflicts deadliest incidents. Blue stands for Perseverance and liberty. By late 2017, with dialogue efforts moribund and violence continuing on both sides, the leading Ambazonian nationalist movements organized the umbrella organization Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF). Anglophones also resented the introduction of bilingual schools in West Cameroon as an attempt to assimilate Anglophones. Steve Bannons Man in Italy Has Big Plans, The Hidden History of the Worlds Top Offshore Cryptocurrency Tax Haven, Irans Protests Are Nowhere Near Revolutionary. Savannah State Counties (demonym; Savannese): Flag of Ngo-Ketundjia.Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the Land. s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; For the past three weeks, an encampment of activists from Ambazonia, the English-speaking territory also known as Southern Cameroon, has been holding vigil outside the Nigerian Embassy in South . If independent, Ambazonia would share maritime boundaries with Nigeria , the Republic of Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea . There is currently only a single permanent embassy, with Nigeria. In 1990, opposition political parties were legalized and John Ngu Foncha, the leading Anglophone in Cameroon's government, resigned from the governing party and encapsulated much of the dissatisfaction with the central government's attitude toward the Anglophone regions in his public resignation letter: [I]t became clear to me that I had become an irrelevant nuisance that had to be ignored and ridiculed. [18], In 1957, United Nations Resolutions 1064 (XI) of 26 Feb 1957 and 1207 (XII) of Dec 13, 1957 called on the Administering Authorities to hasten arrangements for Trust territories to attain self-governance or independence. Political exclusion, economic exploitation and cultural assimilation were criticized more and more openly. I am most of the time summoned to meetings by radio without any courtesy of my consultation on the agenda. Black stands for the People and Culture. Located along the Atlantic Ocean, it shares its borders with the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria. [29], Flag of Momo. Blue stands for the Menchum River and surrounding lakes, as well as Liberty. The government of 83-year-old President Paul Biya has showed no signsto compromise. meant to promote adequate regional representation in government and its services have been revised or changed at the expense of those who stood for TRUTH and justice. Nigeria and Cameroon, both critical international partners in U.S. anti-terrorism campaigns and once beacons of economic stability in the region, may be on track to becoming failed states, which would have a devastating regional and global impact. County flags are symbolic for their respective county and may have several meanings. Your guide to the most important world stories of the day. The English speaking region was then given two options by the UN; either to join Nigeria or Cameroon as a federation. Blue stands for the Sky, the Ocean and Liberty. The separatist group, however, stated that there would not be peace in the sub-Saharan region of Africa until Biafra and Ambazonia agitators in Nigeria and Cameroon respectively get their . Secession related crises are fast becoming omnipresent in Africa and have led to the fragmentation and division of many nations. Blue stands for the sky, liberty. Black stands for the People and Culture. In early 1916, the last Germans surrendered or withdrew from Cameroon into neutral Spanish Guinea. Delivered Friday. In December 2020, Kanu announced the creation of the Eastern Security Network, a pro-Biafra paramilitary wing, which Nigerian authorities have accused of carrying out a spate of attacks this year. Ambazonia enjoys good relations with members of the West African Union, and other Anglophone African nations. Symbolism (Green stand for the Land. By 1914, the Germans had established control either directly or through local leaders well into the hinterlands of the territory now claimed by Ambazonia, conquering communities such as Nkambe and establishing a garrison fort at Bamenda in 1912. What have we learned so fShow morear, and how can we apply those lessons to make sure we dont sleepwalk into yet another war? Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. In 1975, the government removed one of the two stars from the flag, another symbol of the federation between two states, creating a new flag with a single star. Biafrans and Anglophone Cameroonians share a common enemy: Fulani herders, a nomadic ethnic group present across West and Central Africa. [17], As the Thirteen counties are represented on the national flag (as stars), to represent their importance in the nation and in the fight for the struggle, each county is entitled to its own flag and emblem. [4] The lesson I take from this is that domestic grievances, when allowed to fester, can ultimately convulse into broader conflicts and brother crises and armed conflicts, which could have devastating consequences on a transnational basis, said Christopher Fomunyoh of the U.S.-based National Democratic Institute. Media in category "Ambazonia" The following 4 files are in this category, out of 4 total. The term Ambazonia is more usually associated with the separatist or independence-seeking faction, while the Cameroonian government and other official sources, such as the UN, continue to refer to the "Northwest Region" and "Southwest Region" (or sometimes the "NoSo" regions), the official names of the two administrative provinces since 1972. Watch the full interview for insights on how industry thinks about deglobalization, the U.S.-China rivalry, the war in Ukraine, and much more. [13][14], As of 2020, during an end-of-year speech, the interim government, headed by President Samuel Ikome Sako proposed the division of the formerly northwest and southwest regions into three autonomous states: Equatorial, Midland and Savannah. The Biafran and Ambazonian movements have individually grown increasingly violent in recent months and years. On April 26, five government security forces were killed in Port Harcourt. On 13 May 2019, the United Nations Security Council had an informal meeting to discuss the Anglophone Crisis. The Tide. On 5 January 2018, members of the Ambazonia Interim Government in exile in Abuja, Nigeria, including President Sisiku Julius Ayuk Tabe, were arrested and deported to Cameroon into the custody of government forces to face criminal charges. The South Cameroons delegation lacked much leverage as the interests of the UN and colonial powers were to expedite the unification rather than guarantee the autonomy of Southern Cameroons. Placing the blame for Cameroon's underdevelopment and poorly implemented public policies on the federal structure and arguing that managing separate governments in a poor country was too expensive, he announced a referendum on a new constitution, which did away with the federal structure in favor of a unitary state and granted more power to the President. One critical concession was to require that laws applying to both states could only be adopted by the federal assembly if a majority of deputies in both federated states vote for them. Several different armed factions have emerged such as the Red Dragons, Tigers, ARA, Seven Kata, ABL, with varying levels of coordination with and loyalty to Ambazonian political leaders. [21] The United Nations initiated discussions with French Cameroun on the terms of association of Southern Cameroons if the outcome of the plebiscite was in favour of a federation of the two countries. The Bahamas represents how global capitalism can go very right, and very wrong, at exactly the same time. The President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia (former British Southern Cameroons), Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako, has disowned the allegation that his country was responsible for the recent attack on . The armed insurgency has turned into a guerrilla war, killing thousands of people, displacing nearly . The panelists included Anne Richards, CEO of Fidelity International; Carmine Di Sibio, CEO of Ernst & Young; Mathias Miedreich, CEO of Umicore; and Lubna S. Olayan, chair of the executive committee of Olayan Financing Company. [25], Flag of Bui. After separatists issued a declaration of independence for the state of Ambazonia, police staged a crackdown opposed to secession. Others have alleged that some militias have engaged in ransom attacks against civilians to fund their continued activities. This February, in an unprecedented surge of attacks, armed Fulani raided 18 villages in Nwa subdivision, killing at least 17 people and displacing 4,200 local residents. I still do not understand why the United Nations did not give a third option, Feh Henry Baaboh, a legal expert in Doula, told DW. [6] Ambazonian forces have struggled to form a united front, and internecine conflicts have hampered efforts to negotiate with Cameroon or establish control over the various militia groups engaged in the fighting. n.version = '2.0'; Western Africa Map showing the 16 countries of Western Africa Benin Burkina Faso Cabo Verde Gambia Ghana Guinea In the post-war settlement, most of Kamerun went to France as a League of Nations Mandate . The referendum was held on 20 May 1972 and in the one-party state, the outcome was never in doubt. The first permanent European settlement on the mainland in the region was founded in 1858 by British Baptist Missionary Alfred Saker as a haven for freed slaves. Symbolism (Blue stands for the Ndian River, Akpa Yafe River, the Ocean and Liberty. Blue stands for The Bui River and Liberty. n.callMethod ? n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments) The country was given the status of a League of Nations mandate in 1919, it wasadministered by both Britain and France. We have been very careful in our association with the Biafra movement, because we didnt want to destabilize the region, but we have been cornered, he said from his base in Hong Kong. The name Ambazonia comes from the Ambas Bay. [8], The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay at the mouth of the Wouri river, known in English as Ambas Bay. Biafra Nations League - BnL.png 2,122 2,122; 416 KB. Until 1961, the region was a British colony, Southern Cameroons, while the rest of Cameroon was a French colony, French Cameroon. That kind of posture reminds the Africa psyche of the infamous era of slavery. For Saudis like me, nothing could be more disheartening than a divorce from the United States. [29], After achieving near total control over East Cameroon, in spring 1972 president Ahidjo targeted the autonomous powers of West Cameroon. Delivered Thursday. Explore the benefits of your FP subscription. On the other hand, Cameroon's state Army is using shrewd military tactics against the guerilla warfare of these militias. Any of the states can secede from the federation based on a referendum that supports it, provided certain constitutional laws and human rights are broken. Many inhabitants identify as Anglophones and resent what they perceive as discrimination and efforts to eliminate Anglophone legal, administrative, educational, and cultural institutions by the Cameroonian government. Akole, a 45-year-old father from Menji in the southwest, says that when the government "realises that you are from the English-speaking part of the country, you don't deserve being alive". Blue stands for Liberty and perseverance). Logically, I would have expected the UN to give them the option of gaining independence and stand on their own, Henry Baaboh said. (Former British Southern Cameroons) STATE HOUSE BUEA OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 6218 Georgia Avenue NW Suite 1-459 | Washington DC 20011-5125 Phone Number (318)243-6715 Fax: (318)274-3202 Email: Saturday 31 December 2022 Ref. Green stands for the Land and prosperity. Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the land, Growth and prosperity. The name Ambazonia comes from Ambas Bay. NEW FOR SUBSCRIBERS: fbq('init', '157204581336210'); Accordingto lawyer Henry Baaboh, Southern Cameroons or Ambazonia does not need to fight for independence because it already attained it in 1961. [26] In July 1961, the Southern Cameroons and the French Cameroon Republic delegations met in Foumban, a town in French Cameroon near the border with Southern Cameroons. However, such referendum can only occur based on how the federal government treats that state (religious discrimination, tribal discrimination, exploitation of the state with no forms of developing it and marginalization). The flags also represent the traditional colours of the Mezam cultural wear (traditional clothes)). [40] Several demonstrations were violently dispersed by security forces, leading to clashes between demonstrators and police in which several people were killed.

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