Some people in this life have been told that college is not for them or that they are not smart enough for college. Seasonal work in retail or warehouse work can be very lucrative these months if youre able to work overtime, and while theyre not easy jobs they typically dont invite moral dilemna. When you are dealing with lots of little pieces of information, and they need to be right, it is folly to go it alone. Told the boss there was a technical fault with my mobile phone. While OP looks for new work, I wonder if it would it make sense to acknowledge upfront with potential employers all the issues with the company. I agree on #2. Our graphic designer had done a new headline and laid the type herself instead of our usual process of us writing copy and approving before sending to her. So why did I get training pay for my second week when I was promoted on day 7? Late to the party, but: OP2, what youre describing (obsessively checking for mistakes, missing them, then feeling like life is over when someone else notices) sounds a lot like what in my case turned out to be symptoms of a pretty debilitating anxiety disorder. Also, Word has a much better spell check. The first is what they wrote about, the second is something that does not require digging into tens of thousands of dollars of expense to solve. Im not saying sharing this information was appropriate or necessary in this particularly context, and it sounds like this HR person lacks judgement in other ways too, but its something that may come up again in an innocent context and since there is nothing shameful about your background, I think you would be better better off owning it. Go to community college and work toward a degree. After reading about the company, finding negative and downright frightening reviews, and then digging into how it REALLY got started; well Ive decided to take employment elsewhere. When I am getting close to finishing up my written reports, that I also present out, I will put my decks in presentation mode and read them out loud. Please rethink that. 11. It Susan had to put it under an official birth name and wasnt given the opportunity to include a preferred name, this gives them a say in how theyd like materials affiliated with their application to address any potential discrepancies. It is incredibly helpful in identifying awkward phrasing, duplicate words, incomplete sentences, etc. Clean and close the office. making sure I dont have other documents open or open browser windows or anything that will provide a distraction from the task at hand. Apparently, he got snagged into working for the same company as a recent grad in the 2002 recession. Mainly due to compensation issues as well. When people complain about the rising cost of a degree, they are right. Greatest job I've had - been here 17 years. The reasoning was I missed 1 day due to being sick (having a fever of 101, but don't worry I came into work the rest of the week even with a fever because that's smart, get the coworkers/business owners sick) and not attending the OPTIONAL Thursday night office outtings. I called the next morning, at which time the CEO claimed that they tried calling me last night but it wouldnt go through (a lie) and that they wanted me to come in in a week to start. If Accounting Manager B tells my boss theres a problem with HR Employee A, then its taken much more seriously and boss gets involved. spend Sunday chatting with your crew to keep them in the business. I would write it like this: My student Susan (legal name: Bradley) Smith and Susan hereafter. No compensation for gas. One day I happened to be in his classroom and he stepped out briefly. E.g., are you supposed to know that customer X got bought out by customer Y last year, but they havent changed names (or your accounting/sales system hasnt caught up with reality)? Some dont, but just because this request might feel more unusual to you doesnt mean its any more specific than a kid who has always been named Mark and has always used he pronouns wanting to be called he.. I work in a field where everyone tends to have a specific degree one I did not have. Full benefits, higher pay then my last real job (and an actual paycheck in comparison to Cydcor), nice cushy office, nice people, laid back environment. You can pause in the moment to fix things, and really focus on what youre hearing/seeing. Ive struggled with this too and looking back, the experiences where I just wanted to get it over with or felt more anxious than expected about presenting, took place in fairly unhealthy working environments. When you write something, your mind fills in the sentence automatically and you wont see the typos or omitted words. In a very good way, you are much smarter than your college educated co workers because you dont have a boatload of student loan debt to pay off. 10. This really helps to spot not only errors, but omissions as well. If youre passively job-hunting, this could be a good thing. I mean wow. They need a letter to complete their college application and I am at a loss at to how to do this without providing an explanation in the letter regarding them being non-binary (I dont think it would be appropriate). Its pretty common among the people I know to be out in some contexts but not at work or school, so it is a good idea to confirm. You inferred that. can bad employees and bad managers change? Listing those out has become quite common in academia. Just like any other organization, higher education has to push costs down to the consumers, thus tuition increases. Yep, Im working towards my third degree. I was smart enough to not take it thankfully. Im hoping the coworker was just surprised. In light of this, the easiest solution for the letter may be to use they since it wont appear to be in conflict with the typically-female first name the way he would be. A few years ago someone in my department made a coding mistake in a query that meant we sent the wrong data in a situation where that ended up costing us actual money, and since then weve set up formal QA/QC processes for nearly everything that leaves our department. But if its frequent, there can be value in saying, Im aware of this and Im doing XYZ to address it., 3. For mean, that means making $1,200 weekly paychecks and developing people into not just great salespeople but great people all around. But for anyone considering working for a Cydcor subsidiary, unless you have literally 0 experience, do not take a job there. Sign in. You > Them. Second the administrator is taught to avoid mentioning the words commission, door to door, and in some cases even the company name. Luckily I did spot the error at that point and while it is never a happy thing to make a change that large in galleys, it beats waiting till the thing is in print and unfixable. For #4, if you use they pronouns in the letter, I dont think it would come across as you using the wrong pronouns or recycling the letter. I work at a university and its getting more common to add your pronouns as a part of your email signature or at the bottom of a letter. Again, its not asking them to revert. Phoenix Solution Cydcor Scam, Pyramid scheme Fairfield, New Jersey. I found this at LinkedIn: Cydcor is a leading provider of professional outsourced sales and marketing services to Fortune 500 and emerging market clients.. Among the many hats I wear I also write a lot of recommendation letters for students who are applying to colleges and universities, scholarships, and other activities such as internships and job opportunities. This is really a great explanation how to approach these mistakes. Id also look at what kind of mistakes youre making and where theyre coming from. I also have found that if Im working on a long document or one with a lot of details (like an agenda where I have to check a large number of names, degrees, affiliations, etc.) All pyramid schemes are scams, whether the fed recognizes them as illegal or not, they're scams. Like a creepy Stepford Wives sort of thing. They still didnt accept it, but their lack of acceptance was based on faith that top performers would happily stay an extra 2 years in the company with no salary increase. Working retail sucks in nearly every way, but it produces a paycheck. If that doesnt violate any confidentiality rules. They lie about how much you can eventually make. But what happened to the Powerpoint, Excel, Word, conference calls, interviewing, and clerical duties? Not only does he get paid more than me every month, he also gets an annual bonus. What we want is for you to get married, the judge told her, according to her description. They teach recruits how to brainwash and manipulate people. But from my perspective it was far sadder to see top talent get overlooked for proper rewards. I appreciate it. I think its also time to document all of the times the HR manager has been less than confidential with information and has used her privileged position for gossip and maybe bring it to someone elses attention and how that could affect the company. I wouldnt hesitate to be honest, personally (as someone who is pretty out as non-binary). I hope I can encourage you to take several different actions at the same time, to help yourself rope this in. Also, you might want to try an app like Hemingway or Grammarly. The CEO's office is most likely connected to the front office so you can't see how run down the back of the cheap-rent office is. I would like to see the evidence for this claim. I do a lot of highly detailed work myself that will be reviewed and scrutinized by top management. I then find out that I am starting at the same exact level as all of these cool cats hanging in the room -- I'm thinking what the hell is going on here? Both techniques make you really look at whats there, and doesnt let your brain fill in what it knows should be there. There are soooo many company locations under this umbrella. The pyramids are disguised as local marketing companies under names names like ABC Marketing or A+ Consultants but theyre all ran and controlled by Cydcor. As it is, Im scared of losing this (inconsistent but always higher than minimum wage) paycheck, and Id like to use the promised HR experience to eventually transfer to a more legit company. '), I dont know if that is 100% true for everyone who does this. 5) Close the interview, now this is the most interesting part because I dont' know too many companies who don't care about how an interview went, just that the person is closed. Johnson became an activist to end child marriage and in 2018 she succeeded in her native Florida, which now has a minimum age of 17. They will offer a job to just about anyone. Also, can you enlist anyone else in looking over the data for you? Dominic Proctor runs the worlds largest media agency, GroupM, which itself is the media arm of the advertising agency holding company behemoth, WPP. If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here: Do not waste your time with this scam company. I agree that you got a pile on when you were trying to be kind and encouraging. The day is coming to an end and the interview is coming back to the office. I had an answer for everything because Id checked it so thoroughly. Ive only recently learned much about MLMs (although Im just gonna say I LOVE my Tupperware!) I dont think I have to do it for everyone because not everyone has a specific request around this. The thing that helps me is really setting the document aside for a good 20 minutes and coming back with fresh eyes. I had a freshly minted MBA, the job market was terrible just post-9/11, and I was grossly underpaid in a job I hated. Agree. But Ive been working for 30 years and Ive (mostly) managed fine without one, as I am sure you will. (It could be considered an advance on pay, but Im side-eyeing it really hard.) Im just wondering if there were any such letters previously. They will invite candidates back that they know are not a fit in order to keep their leader motivated, the last thing they want is a leader who thinks they are just doing sales. oP 1, they are not going to offer you HR experience. I worked a few more weeks and I realized that even thought I liked being around some of the people, I ultimately had no burning need to be around those people the rest of my life. The Cydcor affiliates call themselves "direct sales and marketing firms" but it has been documented by people who worked and interviewed with the affiliates that the primary focus is on door-to-door sales. I used to always tell my clients minimum 24hrs as a deadline just to be sure of getting a nights sleep in between my rough draft and polishing. Two jobs ago I hired for entry level staff and we interviewed and offered jobs to people with all sorts of varying work histories from mental health aides to debt collectors to overseas English teachers (it seemed a good number of recent grads in 08-09 did the English teacher stint in parts of Asia). I made some money at first, but it dried up as they sent me to worse and worse neighborhoods with no real businesses to canvass. Might be something that helps the OP. It had the giggly quality of a prank call, but it was unnerving enough that I challenged it instead of just hanging up he knew both my old and new names, could list my high school electives, and said he got my phone number from my mother. I have a Bachelors degree in my field, my manager has some Community College level classes, but only a high school degree. Although I dont have much confidence in your HR higher ups doing the right thing. Ive worked with people that didnt have any college that were top producers and people that graduated from prestigious universities that were useless. OP, in my own life I have found it very effective to make a promise to myself not to make the same mistake twice. But if it doesnt fit your life right now, or if you dont want to get a degree for any other reason, dont feel pressured to or ashamed about it. Guided by strong corporate values, team members at Cydcor are encouraged to be competitive, persistent and goal oriented.

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