[438] Canada has a well-developed media sector, but its cultural outputparticularly in English films, television shows, and magazinesis often overshadowed by imports from the United States. Using its spending powers, the federal government can initiate national policies in provincial areas such as health and child care; the provinces can opt out of these cost-share programs but rarely do so in practice. [70][71] Canada assumed control of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory to form the Northwest Territories, where the Mtis' grievances ignited the Red River Rebellion and the creation of the province of Manitoba in July 1870. [293] Canada is a participant in the International Space Station (ISS), and is a pioneer in space robotics, having constructed the Canadarm, Canadarm2 and Dextre robotic manipulators for the ISS and NASA's Space Shuttle. [51], The English established additional settlements in Newfoundland in 1610 along with settlements in the Thirteen Colonies to the south. [37] These attempts reached a climax in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with forced integration and relocations. [393][394], Canada's culture draws influences from its broad range of constituent nationalities, and policies that promote a "just society" are constitutionally protected. [156] Canada's 18 UNESCO Biosphere Reserves cover a total area of 235,000 square kilometres (91,000sqmi). [315] This mostly pays for services not covered or partially covered by Medicare, such as prescription drugs, dentistry and optometry. Provincial and territorial case numbers. [103][104] In 1999, Nunavut became Canada's third territory after a series of negotiations with the federal government. [443], Non-news media content in Canada, including film and television, is influenced both by local creators as well as by imports from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and France. Here's how to protect yourself. [429] Since the 1980s, Canada's ethnic and cultural diversity has been openly reflected in its literature. It is the second largest country in the world, but it has only one-half of one percent of the world's population. Chris Bolin/The Globe and Mail. English and French have equal status in federal courts, Parliament, and in all federal institutions. [46][47], In 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, by the royal prerogative of Queen Elizabeth I, founded St. John's, Newfoundland, as the first North American English seasonal camp. Contracts with government. Perceived health", "Health at a Glance: OECD Indicators by country", "Almost a million B.C residents have no family doctor", "Nearly 60% of British Columbians find it difficult to access a doctor or have no access at all: poll", "Emergency room, primary care closures continue over long weekend in rural B.C. [364] Canada's federal government practices official bilingualism, which is applied by the commissioner of official languages in consonance with section 16 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the federal Official Languages Act. The country's head of government is the prime minister, who holds office by virtue of their ability to command the confidence of the elected House of Commons, and is appointed by the governor general, representing the monarch of Canada, the head of state. Sell your goods or services to the government [407][408][409] Canadians also identify with the country's foreign aid policies, peacekeeping roles, the National park system and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. General elections in Canada must be called by the governor general, triggered by either the advice of the prime minister or a lost confidence vote in the House. [454] The Group of Seven were painters with a nationalistic and idealistic focus, who first exhibited their distinctive works in May 1920. Of all Canadas top sights, Banff National Park justifiably ranks as many peoples number one. [146] The boreal forest of Canada is considered to be the largest intact forest on Earth, with approximately 3,000,000km2 (1,200,000sqmi) undisturbed by roads, cities or industry. Education in both English and French is available in most places across Canada. [109][110] A second referendum followed in 1995, in which sovereignty was rejected by a slimmer margin of 50.6 to 49.4 percent. [365], The 1977 Charter of the French Language established French as the official language of Quebec. Find out what document you need to travel, visit family and friends, do business, or transit through Canada, and how to extend your stay. English and French are its official languages. Ontario. [388] Other faiths include Islam (4.9percent), Hinduism (2.3percent), Sikhism (2.1percent), Buddhism (1.0percent), Judaism (0.9percent), and Indigenous spirituality (0.2percent). [403] As a whole, Canada is in theory a cultural mosaic of regional ethnic subcultures. Canada is a well-performing OECD country in reading literacy, mathematics, and science with the average student scoring 523.7, compared with the OECD average of 493 in 2015. The territories being creatures of the federal government, changes to their role and division of powers may be performed unilaterally by the Parliament of Canada. [226][227] Canada nevertheless has an independent foreign policy. [263] Among developed countries, Canada has an unusually important primary sector, of which the forestry and petroleum industries are the most prominent components. Virtual Tour Schedule a Tour. The United States and Canada traded goods and services of $680 billion in 2017 more than $1.8 billion per day. Apply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada, apply for citizenship, a permanent resident card or refugee protection, check the status of your application or find a form. [135], Average winter and summer high temperatures across Canada vary from region to region. [154] Canada's largest national wildlife region is the Scott Islands Marine National Wildlife Area, which spans 11,570.65 square kilometres (4,467.45sqmi)[155] and protects critical breeding and nesting habitat for over 40 percent of British Columbia's seabirds. [191] The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) is thus one of the most powerful institutions in government, initiating most legislation for parliamentary approval and selecting for appointment by the Crown, besides the aforementioned, the governor general, lieutenant governors, senators, federal court judges, and heads of Crown corporations and government agencies. 2. [18] The Act of Union 1840 merged the Canadas into a united Province of Canada and responsible government was established for all provinces of British North America east of Lake Superior by 1855. [457] Canada has developed a vast music infrastructure that includes church halls, chamber halls, conservatories, academies, performing arts centres, record companies, radio stations and television music video channels. As a consequence of various armed conflicts, France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763. [111] In 1997, the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession by a province would be unconstitutional and the Clarity Act was passed by parliament, outlining the terms of a negotiated departure from Confederation. [316][315], In common with many other developed countries, Canada is experiencing an increase in healthcare expenditures due to a demographic shift toward an older population, with more retirees and fewer people of working age. Canada is the largest foreign supplier of energy to the US, including oil, natural gas, and electric power, and a top source of US uranium imports. [366] Although more than 82 percent of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, there are substantial Francophone populations in New Brunswick, Alberta, and Manitoba; Ontario has the largest French-speaking population outside Quebec. ", "The Governor General of Canada: Roles and Responsibilities", "House of Commons Procedure and Practice: Parliamentary Institutions", "The Opposition in a Parliamentary System", "Government and Canada's 41st Parliament: Questions and Answers", "Difference between Canadian Provinces and Territories", "Differences from Provincial Governments", "Keeping Canada and Our Communities Safe and Secure", Aboriginal roundtable on Kelowna Accord: Aboriginal policy negotiations 20042006, "Plans at a glance and operating context", "Millennium Development Goals: A sprint to 2015 and the way forward", "Torture by Army Peacekeepers in Somalia Shocks Canada", "Russia claims North Pole with Arctic flag stunt", "Trends in World Military Expenditure, 2021", Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, "More soldiers, ships and planes for military in Liberal defence plan", "Evolution of the world's 25 top trading nations Share of global exports of goods (%), 19782020", United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, "Who owns whom? The border of Canada with the US is the longest bi-national land border in the world. [328] An increasing problem in Canada's health system is a lack of healthcare professionals. [447] Historically, the Catholic Church was the primary patron of art in New France and early Canada, especially Quebec,[448] and in later times, artists have combined British, French, Indigenous and American artistic traditions, at times embracing European styles while working to promote nationalism. [472], Canada shares several major professional sports leagues with the United States. The Arctic Ocean is to the north of Canada. Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). [84] Volunteers sent to the Western Front later became part of the Canadian Corps, which played a substantial role in the Battle of Vimy Ridge and other major engagements of the war. [221], Canada was a founding member of the United Nations and has membership in the World Trade Organization, the G20 and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Though referred to as having seven members, five artistsLawren Harris, A. Y. Jackson, Arthur Lismer, J. E. H. MacDonald, and Frederick Varleywere responsible for articulating the group's ideas. The nation employs a professional, volunteer force of approximately 68,000 active personnel and 27,000 reserve personnel, increasing to 71,500 and 30,000 respectively under "Strong, Secure, Engaged" with a sub-component of approximately 5,000 Canadian Rangers. WebFind out what document you need to travel, visit family and friends, do business, or transit through Canada, and how to extend your stay. [189] Canada's three territories also have legislatures, but these are not sovereign and have fewer constitutional responsibilities than the provinces. [435], Canada's media is highly autonomous, uncensored, diverse and very regionalized. [247], The major difference between a Canadian province and a territory is that provinces receive their power and authority from the Constitution Act, 1867, whereas territorial governments have powers delegated to them by the Parliament of Canada. [449] The nature of Canadian art reflects these diverse origins, as artists have taken their traditions and adapted these influences to reflect the reality of their lives in Canada. [309] Fifty-onepercent of households are couples with or without children, 8.7percent are single-parent households, 2.9percent are multigenerational households, and 29.3percent are single-person households. [458] Government support programs, such as the Canada Music Fund, assist a wide range of musicians and entrepreneurs who create, produce and market original and diverse Canadian music. [86] The Conscription Crisis of 1917 erupted when the Unionist Cabinet's proposal to augment the military's dwindling number of active members with conscription was met with vehement objections from French-speaking Quebecers. The Arctic Ocean is to the north of Canada. [299] Canada has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates in the world,[300] driven mainly by economic policy and also family reunification. [125] Canada also has vast maritime terrain, with the world's longest coastline of 243,042 kilometres (151,019mi). [380] With Christianity in decline after having once been central and integral to Canadian culture and daily life,[381] Canada has become a post-Christian, secular state. This fact, coupled with the grandeur of the landscape, has been central to the sense of Canadian Canada holds the third largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, and is the only non-OPEC member in the top five. [45] In general, early settlements during the Age of Discovery appear to have been short-lived due to a combination of the harsh climate, problems with navigating trade routes and competing outputs in Scandinavia. [268] The Canada United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA) of 1988 eliminated tariffs between the two countries, while the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) expanded the free-trade zone to include Mexico in 1994 (later replaced by the CanadaUnited StatesMexico Agreement). French version of the poster roughly translates as "They serve FranceEveryone can serve; Buy Victory Bonds". Despite Canadas great size, it is one of the worlds most sparsely populated countries. [360] The 2021 census indicated that 8.3million people, or almost one-quarter (23.0percent) of the population, reported themselves as being or having been a landed immigrant or permanent resident in Canadaabove the 1921 census previous record of 22.3percent. [34] First Nations and Mtis peoples played a critical part in the development of European colonies in Canada, particularly for their role in assisting European coureur des bois and voyageurs in their explorations of the continent during the North American fur trade. As much a piece of history as a natural wonder, Canadas. [296], The 2021 Canadian census enumerated a total population of 36,991,981, an increase of around 5.2 percent over the 2016 figure. [59] The Proclamation and the Quebec Act in turn angered many residents of the Thirteen Colonies, further fuelling anti-British sentiment in the years prior to the American Revolution. [424], Canadian literature is often divided into French- and English-language literatures, which are rooted in the literary traditions of France and Britain, respectively. See the State Departments travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. [13] By the 1950s, the term Dominion of Canada was no longer used by the United Kingdom, which considered Canada a "Realm of the Commonwealth". Canada's long and complex relationship with the United States has had a significant impact on its economy and culture. COVID-19 in Canada. On the east and west coasts, average high temperatures are generally in the low 20s C (70s F), while between the coasts, the average summer high temperature ranges from 25 to 30C (77 to 86F), with temperatures in some interior locations occasionally exceeding 40C (104F). In turn, these may be grouped into four main regions: Western Canada, Central Canada, Atlantic Canada, and Northern Canada (Eastern Canada refers to Central Canada and Atlantic Canada together). While a variety of theories have been postulated for the etymological origins of Canada, the name is now accepted as coming from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning "village" or "settlement". [145] Over half of Canada's landscape is intact and relatively free of human development. [201] The Constitution Act, 1867 (known as the British North America Act, 1867 prior to 1982), affirmed governance based on parliamentary precedent and divided powers between the federal and provincial governments. Stanley Park. WebApply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada, apply for citizenship, a permanent resident card or refugee protection, check the status of your application or find a form. Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). [294] Since the 1960s, Canada's aerospace industry has designed and built numerous marques of satellite, including Radarsat-1 and 2, ISIS and MOST. [124] Stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the east, along the Arctic Ocean to the north, and to the Pacific Ocean in the west, the country encompasses 9,984,670km2 (3,855,100sqmi) of territory. [42] No further European exploration occurred until 1497, when Italian seafarer John Cabot explored and claimed Canada's Atlantic coast in the name of King Henry VII of England. [250], Canada has a highly developed mixed-market economy,[252][253] with the world's eighth-largest economy as of 2022[update], and a nominal GDP of approximately US$2.221trillion. [188] The leader of the party with the second-most seats usually becomes the leader of the Official Opposition and is part of an adversarial parliamentary system intended to keep the government in check. [441] The largest of these corporations is the country's national public broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which also plays a significant role in producing domestic cultural content, operating its own radio and TV networks in both English and French. Together, the provinces collect more revenue than the federal government, a rarity among other federations in the world. This spring, Hudson's Bay Company is set to open Zellers stores inside 25 The Bay locations across Canada. [462] The Canadian Music Hall of Fame, established in 1976, honours Canadian musicians for their lifetime achievements. .ca. [373], Additionally, Canada is home to many sign languages, some of which are Indigenous. [108] This led to the formation of the Bloc Qubcois in Quebec and the invigoration of the Reform Party of Canada in the West. [195], Canadian federalism divides government responsibilities between the federal government and the ten provinces. [161] An emphasis on social justice has been a distinguishing element of Canada's political culture. In my time at Caada College, I had the amazing opportunity to grow as a leader. [453], Canadian visual art has been dominated by figures such as painter Tom Thomson and by the Group of Seven. [355] The Indigenous population representing 5percent or 1.8 million individuals, grew by 9.4percent compared to the non-Indigenous population, which grew by 5.3percent from 2016 to 2021. as, for instance, in the following example of a show funded by the Government of Canada at the Peel Art Gallery Museum + Archives, Brampton: officially bilingual (English and French), long and complex relationship with the United States, 24th highest nominal per capita income globally, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Linguistic areas of North American Indigenous peoples, Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, the growth and change of Canada's provinces and territories, Indigenous peoples of the Canadian Prairies, hundreds of Indigenous people were discovered, world's largest land border with the United States, Terrestrial ecozones and ecoprovinces of Canada, fifteen terrestrial and five marine ecozones, endemic species compared to other countries, Lake Superior National Marine Conservation Area, Scott Islands Marine National Wildlife Area, minister of innovation, science and industry, constitutionally recognized rights to land, United Nations Conference on International Organization, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Canada United States Free Trade Agreement, has one of the highest levels of Internet access in the world, Health expenditure and financing by country, Canadian Institute for Health Information, Programme for International Student Assessment, Canada's federal government practices official bilingualism, The official state policy of multiculturalism, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, "Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population", Public Works and Government Services Canada Translation Bureau, "An Act to Re-write the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, and for the Government of Canada", "November 8, 1951 (21st Parliament, 5th Session)", "Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action", "L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site", "The Irish Emigration of 1847 and Its Canadian Consequences", "The Pacific Coast Borderland and Frontier", "Railway History in Canada | The Canadian Encyclopedia", "The Canadian West: An Archival Odyssey through the Records of the Department of the Interior", "Settling the West: Immigration to the Prairies from 1867 to 1914", "Social Policies in Canada: A Model for Development", "Proclamation of the Constitution Act, 1982", "Canada is celebrating 150 years of what, exactly?

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