Itrsquos a zapper. Usually not a problem until they go hunt for food and come up close to my back yard and the babies actually come into the yard even tho my property has wire fencing around it. Its unfortunate that we have a system where everyone gets a fat pension.. but we have no services. Now, they are coming into the house through the bath-tub pipes. However a opossum will take advantage of a free meal a destructive raccoon or rat made. Use a physical barrier, like fine gauge netting or shade cloth to help prevent or limit access to your plants. I have seen mother raccoons help their young Kitts eliminate by means of what looks just like the heimlic maneuver but just lower down on the belly. The 120 days worth of medication and 700.00 dollars worth he better make a full recovery! Thats really all they arenasty trash eating scavengers. It had disappeared for bout a yr, now its back. Tonight I purposely put more out and he never came. Im not sure how these people that like opossums can. I hope you find the site useful and thank you for already sharing your knowledge and experience with others. I would recommend Anyone who has opossum around who dont want them to invest in a good dog. We have to share the earth. You are wrong regarding diseases. TRY FABREEZE SOAKED FOOD. Under the post hank, I made a mixture of garlic and chilliy Read it, it may help, Did it help? The good news is the vet said he is going to make a full recovery. they are cowards when confronted by anything with a larger body. My poor hens are tramatized. I have a family of possums living in my attic I originally thought it was raccoons, so 2 years I set out to catch raccoons and we patched up all the holes.. the 1st year we caught 2 raccoons on the roof then nothing. We are having a problem with them and all the bacteria and diseases they do carry causes EPM in horses which is a parasite that is passed through their feces. not out in the woods. By the way they can get out of traps very easy. Who is responsible for this site? I dont want anything harsh that will hurt my dogs do Im hoping to try the mothballs/ammonia along the outside rim of the fence! In most Australian habitats, eucalyptus leaves are a significant part of the diet, but rarely the sole item eaten. Im very scared now to let my cat out of the house. Shortly after we saw the opossum go under our house thru a vent to a crawlspace !! I had a tarp over a pile of wood in my backyard and saw the possum. These substances can easily be disturbed when renovating and exposure to them can cause a range of life-threatening diseases and conditions including cancer. my chihuahua saw one and chased it. So sorry about your daughters beautiful horse. Third- opossums will do anything possible to AVOID confrontation unless they are sick, hungry, or feeding babies. Use a live catch trap. If people love their cats they need to keep them indoors or on a leash.D. My circle driveway that goes around my living area is the 38th parallel of the property. Hubs goes right back to sleep. Suit 5 B) They are intelligent and they are well-adapted to living around humans. Once we flushed her out with the garden hose, we filled the burrow with rock and quickrite. And guess what. They are good animals and cannot help how they look although I think they are cute. Possums are vulchers. I take pleasure in helping gods little creatures survive in a cruel world where horrible humans would rather harm or kill them. I have an opossum stuck in my fence. Whites Bird Spike Pest Control Garden Sentinel is a useful tool to protect your crops, gardens, backyards, ponds and other open areas from unwanted animals in a safe and humane way. They carry alot of deseaces. Easy handle to assist in relocating the possum once caught. I have possums in my yard . The animal will leave the trap after it is opened and be sure that you will never see it again. They carry a protozoa which is excreted through their feces and is deadly to horses. Forget the pellet gun, I going straight for the shot gun. It was terrible. Guns work best. I want it gone Forever!! Place the bait in a position that will force the animal to step on the Trip Plate. Possums are adorable when they are climbing trees and dashing across electrical wires. They are related to koalas and kangaroos and are harmless and cant even defend themselves or hurt a human. Just this morning I went out on the porch to check on my 4 two week old baby kittens and there was a opossum in their box it looked like a blood bomb had went off in the box and all four of my babies were dead and that Damned thing was just sitting there proud. Every effort to stop them from going under the house is met by another obstacle. I dont know how to get rid of them , someone please help ? Get a trap from tractor supply or Home Depot. I need help..Im raking every day to clean up the mess and so I can try to find where they ate the night before with hoprs of setting trap in that spot. Professional cage trap for live capture of animals and pests. Stacey, in one sentence you say we need to share the earth with these creatures, and in another sentence you say opossums are beneficial because they kill snakes, rats, etcWhere is your concern for the snakes and ratsyou object to killing the opossum but seem to not mind snakes and rats dying! Just because your pet possums havent torn up your house doesnt mean that wild possums arent destructive. You are entirely wrong in stating that possums do not carry diseases. But five of the 10 odour repellents appeared to have some effect. Seems like anything will do and I dont want to trap any cats. The people who post here have PESTS they need to KILL not because we only like pretty animals or skinny animals or animals with nice hair, and not because we have made it our mission to eradicate a species we are just looking for advise on getting rid of a pest that is causing extensive & expensive damage to homes, pets, and/or livelihood. They are only exercising Gods right to life and safety. wow. Our focus is to provide you a way to catch, transport and release your possums, while keeping you and your unwanted possums safe. I have a motion senser out there i hope that fucker likes lead up its ass. They are poison and are supposed to be used in a closed container [like a cedar chest or closet]. They are the most aggravating animal there is. I am an animal lover but my neighbors animals do not belong on my property. Spray this mixture around your yard. If there are any wood piles, youd better keep them in a shed or tight shelter. i think they are cute but not when they are two feet away from me just looking at me. I started spraying the quassia bark spray, and the possums soon learnt my grapevine wasn't as tasty as they thought it might be. Seems to me there are many left based on this website all human! We gots NO MORE roof rats, the ones that burrow gone!! I did not release it as it would be up in my roof again causing damage. Yes, the poop of a possum is very dangerous owing to the presence of many diseases causing bacteria's and viruses in it. Must not care too much about those babies, anything could of gotten them, including raccoon, hawks, stray dogs, a stray cat especially if its male, rats, just to name a few! Always read instructions prior to use and only apply as directed. I placed the cage under a bush and let it die naturally in the cage in much the same way as it would have in my roof if it could not find a way out, Took 8 days to, die, they must be tough. Stacy, get a life !!! Various odorous products or homemade concoctions are said to help deter possums. Has anyone tried the garlic or moth balls around their yard/fence and if so. What are your tips for growing passionfruit. I had another one in my roof recently, running in a frenzy, it got its claws caught in my roofs electrical wiring taking two ceiling lights out. Place a mesh panel on top, but only secure it on one side so it can be opened to feed and harvest. it has come to the point where my dogs can not go in my yard after sunset without supervision. Buy a live trap put peanuts in it make sure peanut dosent get under trip plate catch it take it a ride good by critter. An excellent cat trap, possum trap, animal trap, magpie tra 17 Whites Garden Sentinel Motion Activated Pest Deterrent. Possums got under my house and chewed my Security System wire into at my bedroom window. And heres the REALLY lovely part.. Our home is very low to the ground, so a normal size man cant fit under the house to retrieve the decaying carcass. Not to mention we have HUGE ISSUE WITH LITTLE OR NO ANTIBIOTIC DEFENSE. Possums are reported to dislike the smell of blood and bone, so you can try spreading that around the base of plants. Want some company Michele?? They are nasty and Im tired of them eating my kitties food. EVER USE MOTH BALLS! Wow I have never seen a site spreading so much fear and superstition. $199.95, Special Price That smell came up and ruin a beautiful sofa I had to have distroyed! I feel sorry for you. Possums Cheryl, if I knew where you lived I would bring the possums we have caught and bring them to you to live in your yard since you sound like a possum lover. They should stay in the wild and off my property then I wouldnt want them dead. My husband shore 2 under my house and he cant find them to get them out now we have 1 maybe 2 dead blossoms under the house how can I get rid of the odor before it gets in the house? They scratch and gnaw around right over my bed because thats the only place I can afford to keep warm in my house. These included naphthalene flakes, blood and bone, and garlic spray.". I will not say what I used to eliminate the threat to my home and precious dog. Pour out 1/4 bleach pour the ammonia in bleach,(be care full) shake jug fast then put in under shed. Because possums can grow to be the size of a large cat, i.e., two to three feet long and four to 15 pounds, you will need to buy a large, steel cage trap. They are. Most likely you will hardly know they are there. Dont kill them pretty soon all our animals will be dead we are so kill happy and like I said they do have good qualities. So right! A very nice comment which mirrors my feelings exactly. I tried to chase it out of my security fenced backyard. Ive always been an advocate for sharing the planet until a huge possum managed to get into my chicken coupe and mutilated my birds. The possum is very cooperative and plays possum, which means you can generally get within thirty feet and take several shots at him. Cats I hate those evil-looking little monsters. Best thing to do is just live and let live. Next morning a big agressive male was in the trap. So if I want possums on my property to take care of ticks, then I should do the opposite of all the things you suggest? Hence playing opossum. They rarely bite, and hiss out of fear, not aggression. I live out in the country and possums are just part of the way of life. Randy. I have a possum in my yard. Lucky for me I was but a few steps from my garage side door. I hate this pest and now I need new carpet. Although, this is a small sample size and may have not been . Thats all. Show less REPLY. They eat dead animals, bugs and even ticks. However, the main problem is that most preventive techniques fail, as these creatures are too obtrusive and have many reasons to use your place as their home. If you put a trap where they can smell the bait and put just about kind of food your dog or cat will eat they will gladly go in a trap to get it. All these diseases are found to spread through physical contact with possum poop. Thank you for taking care of business like that, dont feel bad it had to be done, possums suck and yes they do bother our pets, My dog barks himself into a frenzy when he hears them get into our yard and attic. I dont even own a cat; but wanna be know it alls are annoying. Quit trying to dictate how everyone else lives their lives .. focus on your own and shut your hole! That is true its in their poo , we relocate them. I throw ammonia at it and it do anything, it didnt even move. Connect the U shaped end of the Trip Plate Rod to the door release mechanism at the front of the possum trap above the trap door. The point we have gotten to is to dispatch the animal quickly. Who cares? Double entry - tunnel trap for live capture of animals and pests. im not into the humane animal loving bullshit. Good luck. My dad has a Boxer that likes to catch the ones that enter his backyard. I can tell you one thing that doesn't work - those plastic owls. These are not pets (to be fed like a cat) and not animals that you want to live with on your property. I usually just shoot the disgusting things. I just had a possum in my backyard by my basement window. They dont like protective dogs who will bark and bark our dog has almost gotten bitten 2 times now. It is trying to restore my 87 VW cabriolet and is scaring the crap out of my family. Simple. Initiated by wildlife advocate Cat Coake, online advocacy group confirmed her petition is the sixth-biggest that has been started this year on their Australian website. Good job. 1 shot; 1 kill. But it can be frustrating when they are munching on your home-grown fruit and vegetables or keeping you up at night by dancing on the roof. Sharing the earth is one thing but screw them I wont share my yard or house with them anymore! The possum under my deck is eating them from the root updozens every day, I am in tears. I realized reading your comments that if I would have let him live he would have came back. My dog was chained in my hallway so I dont think it went passed her. A chain link fence separates the wash from the backyard. How sad. A .17 HMR works great on possum. If you dont like them under your house, close up the crawlspace. He or she wakes me up every night. Clean, simple, just, and its why we have brains. They arent comparable. They are easy to catch. In fact, their actual role in transmission of diseases is not certain. Dude! I hate them so much for ruining my home. open mouthed hissing. This video is a complete step-by-step guide on how to use a flipping timmy and trap possums in New Zealand. I really love animals and have many exotic pets, but that guy went to far. Possums and squirrels are varmints. These furry little creatures may be cute, but they can also eat their way through your garden, leaving you with nothing but plant remnants and droppings! How many possums can live in one place ? Agree that prevention is a much better solution than searching for the answer how fast to get rid of nasty possums in the yard. However, this should be a place where it can find resources in order to sustain itself. I catch him in drowning the fucker! dont they refer to us as a global society now? W/ea i find I thought that was it, but the most recent two I found two days ago where small probably only a few months old. Due to they like getting in the horses hay and water barrels the horses can digest this parasite that once it makes it to a horse it will no longer be passed due to it attaches to the nervous system and if not treated soon enough also depending on the health and age of horse it will attack the neurological system causing the horse to eventually be paralyzed and then have to be put down. The smell permeates into the house making it unbearable inside. There are many people who enjoy having possums around and can offer very good advice. The Timms traps has been available for at least 30 years as a possum kill trap and has become a household name in New Zealand. The hook on the end of the lock should be hooked over the trap mesh to secure the lock. IF NOT, I WILL HAVE TO TRAP AND RELEASE. look for any possum sign, e.g. 20122023 Pest Control Informational Resource. Holding up the Possum Trap door with one hand, slide the trap door hook (J-hook mechanism) under the bar of the trap door to hold the trap door up in place. I will have to call my landlord to get tide of them. They are evil! What I thought to be a cat fight, as the neighbors tom cats will do at times, was not. What are your tips for keeping possums out of your garden or away from your house? they are not on the sight. The trap's spring-loaded access door and automated lock ensure that the animal will stay captured until you set it free. Mine is a purebred Anatolian shepherd. Caught 4 of them in my trap since my last post. I have a particular young female opossum that after she eats and drinks goes between the extensions of the back of the house that are constructed brick walls that are obviously warmed by the use of the chimneys to take a food induced coma nap. So far (knock wood) they havent gotten to any of the hens or eggs. I destroyed 40 or more just last night . I have a nice bridge for sell in New York if youre interested. Rodents do. I live in S.E. possum droppings; scratches on trees; nibbled citrus, roses, or other shrubs I seen one on our back yard fence and literly refused to go outside I was so scared my aunt threw a ball at it and it went Into this little shed that is half a foot from our house but isnt our property ! Cannot sleep for fear the will come through and fall on me in bed. They get what is called EPM. You obviously didnt care too much about them to leave them outside. Here is the list of cheap and effective ones that can be freely tried out in your backyard: When it comes to possums elimination, setting traps is the best way to do it. Not only could they (and likely do) diseases but their feces are lethal to humans! They kill and eat chickens traumatizing the remaining birds. The Possum Trap can be baited by opening the rear door and placing food about 2-3cm from the rear door. Not a good thing. I have possums in my yard at night and they make my dog go crazy! However, they also eat bugs and small mice! I assumed it went back under the tub through that access panel space that was open. Not sure if he can make it to the basement or not. They scare me too but your right lets be real, we invaded their spacejust scare the hell outta me. Asbestos, lead-based paints and copper chromium arsenic (CCA) treated timber are health hazards you need to look out for when renovating older homes. when full grown they are immune to pit viper venom and kill and eat those snakes. Not really sure where to place a trap as I only see them when they have been caught by the dog. Double entry - folding / collapsible tunnel trap for live capture of animals and pests. I dont want my kitties getting sick. (no Im trying to convince should live inside with me) I have set a live trap and put cat food etc. You just need to know which trees or wires the possums are using to get into your garden and position the lights accordingly. They would much, much prefer to eat a carcass bone than a live one! They are the ugliest things ever and diseased. Thanks a million. Even deer have come to NYC, dont forget about the coyotes you saw on the evening news. Multiple outside Lights on timer from 6 pm until 7 am and now I have my own a w bait trying to catch them myself. once i carried a small one out of my mud room by his tail, no problem. But, you are absolutely right about opposums, they are from HELL. No additional tools for assembly. These creatures related to koalas and kangaroos are wildly misunderstood. The door then locks into the closed position so that the possum cannot get out. How do I figure out how they got in? My dog can run him off, but, thats all. I agree with you. They are being destructive and reeking havoc in peoples homes & yards. I think that did the trick. BIG mistake! If you like possums GREAT! Its a case of they MAY become extinct is more important than the fact that were giving these creatures an advantage they never would have had in a natural ecosystem. Through physical contact with possum poop under the house through the bath-tub pipes and take several shots him! Your house, close up the crawlspace cause a range of life-threatening diseases and including. Related to koalas and kangaroos are wildly misunderstood they ( and likely do ) diseases but feces. Dollars worth he better make a full recovery ) shake jug fast put... ) shake jug fast then put in under shed a shed or tight shelter at... To eliminate the threat to my home under my deck is eating them going. House is met by another obstacle coyotes possum trap bunnings saw on the Trip Plate bark and bark our dog almost. It has come to the point where my dogs can not sleep for the... 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