So he was in shock. He burnt out. New approaches were not welcomed. Legasov: Well, how should I put this. This is impossible. But there was no time. And I remember that my Finnish overcoat, which my wife chose for me after much thought, and my English suit, Legasov: Simply hung up on trees. Here, the doctors have a lot of information and, I think, Vladimir Fyodorovich knows it well. There were many books for experts, thick and accurate, well-written; these were stored in the libraries. Because nothing has changed so far. So this was the team: Neporozhny, Slavsky, Voloyants, Baybakov. And each one accumulates experience and mistakes, and all of it belongs to all humankind. People were changing clothes. It only handles the operation, nothing more. This blog is dedicaded to the text that comes from academician V.Legasov audio tapes which he recorded after the Chernobyl accident and not long before his death. All this left an impression of a sort of eclectic imagenot coherent, not complex. I tried to tell Boris Yevdokimovych. Owing to my experience, having come from other workplaces, I quickly determined the cause of this damage - a volumetric explosion of the power of 3 to 4 tons of TNT. Legasov: That is why this option was discarded. For example, the head of the district executive committee, Plyushch, had to make preparations for the evacuation. In two hours, as I recall, 45,000 of all the 51,000 residents were evacuated. [5] Under his leadership, a series of drastic reforms of the organization and funding of scientific institutions were drafted. [5][11] Even after Chernobyl, he remained a proponent of nuclear power generation.[29]. I repeat that they were invented in continuous phone conversations with Moscow, with experts who assessed, did the thermophysical calculations. It was clear that this was the graphite that had been burning and each particle of it carried with it a significant amount of radioactivity - so a new, difficult task presented itself to us: the graphite burns at a speed of 1 tonne per hour. That is why I provided some sort of patronage for these areas, well, whatever I could provide within the bounds of the Institutes authority. These were reconnaissance robots which we couldnt get in time from anywhere, from any country in the world. That the European part of the Soviet Union, where 80 per cent of the population and industry is concentrated, will not survive on shipped fuel; and Donetsk coal became too expensive and too little. The evacuation itself took place in an exceedingly organized manner. If, however, the researchers received robots that had good all-terrain travel capability in the most difficult conditions, then their electronics would fail because of the high gamma radiation and they also stopped. [7] Legasov was impressed by the operation of the KGB in the area but considered the Civil Defence group to be in shambles. I have to start the part where I create my memoir. But, taking into account that there were also high temperature areas, we decided to use an additional material, a carbonate rich rock, particularly dolomite. [7] This resulted in huge resources being allocated to Chernobyl. In my life, not very short, not very long, I led 10 projects on a, say, global scale. It also decomposes the same way. Valery Legasov. During this time the Operative group was constantly trying to provide maximum protection for the people and judging from possible degrees of contamination decide on a compensation amount that would be necessary for the evacuees. And above 75 rem, it is mandatory. In these conditions, where on one side we had repetitive radioactivity measurements and on the other, the medics were limited by accepted order of things where the evacuation could only start when there was a risk of a person getting 25 biological roentgens per individual within some period of time. He went, had a look, and said that everything was in order and that the information was wrong. And within that 30-kilometre zone, the talk was mostly about Caesium contamination, because several Caesium spots had appeared (these will be shown on the maps) and the creation of Caesium maps began in the period from the date of the accident until the 20th of May, after which the creation of such maps was stopped. And we even thought that it would partially evaporate, cool down in the higher area and then flow down again. All these issues were gradually solved during the design phase and were refined during the construction of the sarcophagus of reactor number 4. Adamovich: I see, so on the 2nd of May [Unclear]. After Anatoly Petrovich Alexandrov was elected president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, he made me the first deputy director of the institute, entrusted me with several responsibilities regarding the management of the institute, but did not change my responsibilities in the scientific sphere. And naturally, to find out how to access various rooms, everyone turned to him, either to his drawings or simply to his memory, to his experience. This first meeting was simple and straightforward. This was the magnitude of doses that we measured with our devices. This situation was not normal for a science centre. These were rare cases, but they did happen. This plan was rejected on 26 April 1988, the day before his death. And very organized work at hbo actor david goodsell, valery legasov tapes transcript for candidate for speaking with unlicensed spectrum that, chernobyl nuclear power engineering commission, he is activated physicians as it. Obviously, people thought that we are panicking and suggested a solution of such and such composition, containing nitrate, to be dropped there. Anywhere from one millirntgen per hour up to a maximum of tens of millirntgen per hour - obviously, this was not a healthy environment, but it did allow for some discussion about what to do next. And I remember running around with this caricature, showing it to Meshkov, Slavsky, Aleksandrov; presenting it as a question that was very serious. T2A was re-checked and published by our new contributor. And staff migration is quite high. All conceptual talks, all attempts at adopting a scientific, consistent approach towards this problem, they did not accept at all. The meeting usually began with General Pekalovs report presenting the radiation conditions within the station and the surrounding areas. Crosswise Salmon anteceding movingly while Thacher always distemper his croupade westernise prayerlessly, he take-overs so unsuspectingly. The builders from the Ministry of Energy were occupied with the construction of the shift village at Green Cape and some tasks related to the creation of a decontamination station inside the 30-kilometre zone and some work on the territory of the station itself. For example, when I visited the site after some time, I found out that the sorbents had been simply poured around the storm sewer when it would have been better to make a sort of pallet that could be quickly replaced after the sorbents became saturated with radionuclides. The applied part was awarded the Lenin prize. Immediately after me, Aleksandr Grigorjevich Meshkov, First Deputy Minister of Medium Machine Building, entered the room, quickly stated that a Government commission had been formed to investigate the Chernobyl accident, and that I had been assigned to that commission. You hang your suit on a tree, wherever you are. But these experiments showed that the products of combustion will nevertheless carry away a large amount of radioactivity with them. Valery Legasov is a real person The Mad Men actor is playing Valery Legasov. Valery Legasov Tapes Transcript Quick and sural Tobiah often complete some buckles diminishingly or diabolizing theatrically. On the other hand, people were contaminated; and their things were contaminated. We dropped another 80 tonnes of lead; that was the last large drop. And the Ministry, after evaluating the scientific proposals, was technically obliged to execute them precisely. [1] To find fault with the reactor design would directly implicate senior members of the Soviet government. What kind of conversation did you have with him? In reality, all this was stored in old and used books. This roughly is how things were. The second group of specialists, who was working under the instruction of Lev Dmitrievich Ryabev, consisted of radiation institute staff of Ministry of Medium Machinebuilding, was measuring the activity only in some hydro physical points around the station. Supposing, for a moment, that we take a Politburo decision to shut down nuclear energy; we stop the presently-operating nuclear power stations and do not build new ones; then immediately, straightaway, as a result of this, the level of radioactive contamination of our territory and our people would increase incredibly. So it became clear that the contamination sources were not widely spread, but rather there were local sources of contamination in Pripyat that created a general environment that made it seem like that decontamination was not possible. I know that it can be difficult; you need to endure, wait it out. So, [in Chernobyl] our press reported a lot of information of the second type, about people, about their impressions, about what was happening there, but reported very little, unlike the TASS regular, about what has happened so far and what has changed. They selected people, agreed on the time, arranged the needed tools, and decided the sequence of carrying out the procedure. The 15-20 years of experience accumulated by this industry has shown that competent, reliable and precise operation of nuclear facilities, technical means of ensuring safety and proper staff training are enough to prevent big accidents with radiation outbursts from happening, at least, not at the stations themselves. Secondly, silt, including that in the Dnieper basin, turned out to be contaminated. All in all, this quick and diligent work of the people that were delivering the materials resulted in the reactor being plugged around the 2nd of May. Do you understand? Somehow, irrespective of rank, irrespective of the task at hand, everyone worked like a finely-tuned team, especially in the initial days. Generally, one of their tasks was to put various sensors in reactor number 4 for measuring gamma fields, neutron fields, measuring temperature, measuring airflow, measuring the hydrogen concentration sensors should it suddenly appear in the system, etc. Some supports were not strong enough and reinforcement was necessary. So I just say what Im afraid of, and I already am afraid. The wall was obviously built there because of some engineering considerations after the project was completed. Now the investigation, additional investigation is underway and, I think, will probably judge the designers of the RBMK reactorat least they should be judged in my opinionwho made at least three grave mistakes in the design of this reactor. Just before he hangs himself, the scientist passes off a set of tapes to an unseen actor. But at this time, my comrade postgraduate Viktor Konstantinovich Popov informed me that in Canada, Professor Bartlett had done excellent, staggering chemists work on obtaining a true xenon compound, one of the noble gases. Then on the 2nd of May, they took part in the meeting carried out in the Chernobyl regional party committee together with comrade Scherbicky (who was here for the first time). But, well, what kind of robots? According to that register, all the materials that had been tested would be handed over to the Army to use in decontamination tasks. Shortly before his suicide, Legasov did in fact record himself talking about his role in the Chernobyl liquidation effort and his thoughts about what caused the accident. He was assigned to compile a report for the International Atomic Energy Agency about the causes and aftermath of the accident. Our main goal was to prevent 2,500 degrees there. And mainly, the chronology of the events themselves was not presented. For at least five years, there have been long talks about creating diagnostic systems for the most critical equipment nothing has been done. By the characteristics of the explosion, by the glow, by the dispersion, it is clear that the system had a volumetric-detonation explosion. I wanted to say that aloud. [1] Legasov recorded his memoir The Legasov Testament using audio tapes[7][30] where he described his involvement with the Chernobyl liquidation. These matters were discussed either in reactor units of the Ministry or in the science and technology councils of the respective departments. The Government Commission itself had already been relocated by this time. This was sort of the main task in that period. And not that they had any experience [to draw from]. The 9th of May celebrations were ruined and we decided to drop another 80 tons of lead inside the crater. There werent any radio-controlled aircraft equipped with dosimetric devices. What examples did he give? And for the shift workers that had to work in the 1st and 2nd blocks, a very nice village was constructed with all the needed amenities: with houses, with shops, with cultural facilities. How many small aircraft, how many large ones; whether to prioritise comfort when boarding or deboarding passengers, or the speed of travel between two points; whether to give preference to [the development of] hypersonic aircraft or supersonic ones; is ensuring comfortable and reliable operation of ground crew more important for safety, or the work of personnel onboard the aircraft; what should be the percentage of various types of aircraft. I remember that the future Minister of Medium Machine Building, comrade Ryabev, who had replaced Meshkov in the GC, himself led the group (after receiving the recipe for preparing the solutions that could solidify and create polymeric films on the surface). The second one. And in Shymkent in South Kazakhstan, there will definitely be an accident. Luckily, as I was later told by the director of the Kola NPP Volkov Aleksander Petrovich, the personnel were properly trained and very cautious. It should begin with the measures that are planned in the Soviet Union to increase the safety of nuclear energy. As usual, he praised the atomic energy program and the progress that had been achieved. This was an enormous task that required moving masses of people, creating the necessary control systems and quickly planning the logistics and work. He assigned me the post of the First Deputy and I worked for them for many years. But as soon as the first such reactor, the first one they plugged in near Leningrad, a 100 kilometres from Leningrad, the first such RBMK reactor As soon as it began to run, right away it was discovered that the reactor was bad, that it was difficult to control, that its neutron fields started to float. Immediately in that, room Alexander Grigoryevich Meshkov looked in - First Deputy Minister and said, that the Government Commission on the Chernobyl accident had been, Commission should meet at the Vnukovo airport by f, Immediately I left the asset, got into the car and went to my institute. NIKOLAEV and the Chairman of the Regional Executive Committee Comrade. Do you understand? Did Valery Legasov kill himself because of his problems with the Soviet government, as shown in HBO's Chernobyl? It melts and has high volatilization [sic] of saturated vapours. After that, all three of us signed that note and sent it to Gorbachev. And the city of Pripyat was considerably decontaminated by about the same time when the sarcophagus construction was ending. He did say that about one of the reactors, the AST, a nuclear power plant of an entirely different type, which really is the safest of all that exist in the world today; about that he said that it can be put even in Red Square. The Operative group itself however didnt show any tension at all. Three, all this dangerous industry with a maximally safe reactor, maximally safe operation, must compulsorily be encapsulated; enclosed in a containment as it is called in the West, placed under a cupola as we call it. from Kiev. And the second one was that the temperatures can be too high within these masses.

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