He deployed to Iraq in 2008 where he convoyed heavily around the Anbar province with a myriad of units. Ive been considering taking my daughter to see her boyfriends graduation from MCT but were 10 hours away. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, USMC Tattoo Policy Changes For 2022 & 2022 (15 Things To Know), Marine FAST Teams: 5 Things You Need to Know, 12 ASVAB Tips & Tricks To Help You Get The Best Score, Air Force Nondestructive Inspection: 2A7X2 & 2A732 Career Profile, DPS Military Move: 8 Things You Need To Know, 300+ Military Separation Codes And Their Meanings. Boot camp graduations are usually on fridays. Thanks so much for all the information. I want to make sure were together if she has the time off. I really appreciate ur time and effort with this web site..It takes a load off my mind..Thanks again, @CherBey, Youre very welcome. My boyfriend is in MCT now he began about 2 weeks ago, and its been two sundays in a row he has not called. The second week consists of combat conditioning, patrolling, and military operations in urban terrain. Thank-you for posting such a complete picture of what my son is doing at MCT! Below is a link to MCT graduation info. I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. I read online if he has school longer than 4 months he may be able to apply for bade housing. I have seen people go UA, jump off buildings, drink Brasso and even bash their knees in with rocks to get a discharge. My son is currently doing marine combat training(west). Hey! Generally, new Marines that are east of the Mississippi River attend MCRD Parris Island and graduate to SOI East (Camp Geiger) training. What should I expect and what can I tell his family? Typically, if you are from an area east of the Mississippi, you attend Camp Geiger. They also said he would have liberty and be able to use his phone on the third Sunday (March 16th) which is also the week before graduation. I have not recieved this. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. Also I found an address online the website said this is for all training marines there I was wondering if that is true Ok so no offense WHAT SO EVER!!! Hi. I just booked my flight and hotel reservations to see my fiance today for his graduation from MCT on December 14, 2010. Stuff gets heavy. Your entire issue of uniforms and gear that you received at the Recruit Depot is all that is required. THERE IS NO FAMILY DAY HERE. MCT Restaurants (pdf) We did not get our phones back until the Monday before we graduated, but every company and platoon is different. I only wish he found this website while he was on the mend. Powered by WordPress. havent seen anything specific in this most helpful site, about the few, the proud ladies who also go through MCT after boot camp. Also some Marines family members I remain in contact with say they recieved an e-mail from their marines sergeant Dec 5, saying their Marine had arrived safe, etc and it included their mailing address-minus the platoon number. Thanks for the help anyhow. Seems like they treat Marines more like recruits than we did then, it was a month long course with 1 week of admin and learning about crew served weapons 17 days in the field, then a day to clean weapons and the barracks, couldnt go on liberty till it was done right. If youre going to be training during the cold months, then take some advice save your heaters. I tried to switch with the other girls in my platoon, but everyone seemed to have larges and the ones with smalls wouldnt give them up. The only way to prepare someone for combat is to create the same types of stresses that they may encounter during war. The good news is that MCT flies by much faster than Boot Camp. Your email address will not be published. The first week of Marine Combat Training youll spend doing simple classes and practical application. Coming back to the actual Camp only once or twice. It was MCT. Hey Kevinwanted to get your feedback on this. PSC BOX 20166 I was always hungry at boot camp. The last couple of days include a run and turning in your supplies before graduation. I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Yes, Camp Geiger's Rally Point Recreation Center is located on 6th and D Street. Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry. You could try calling MCT to get graduation info. My boyfriend finished boot camp and graduated March 11th, he tried to get recruiters assistance but wasnt able to because he didnt get someone in the office until after his deadline so he couldnt get his orders changed. Yeah, there is no comparison. I wanted to ask how definite that is because I do want to see him for as long as possible before he leaves again. While it lacks the intensity of the infantry training those with the infantry MOS enjoy, it is still tough. Its not like boot camp where you have to eat with one hand, skip desert, and remain silent the entire time. my nephew is the one I wrote you about getting the meritorious mast. What are your thoughts and what do you recall? My fiance is out at MCT right now, and he has been there for three weeks. Secondly, there is nothing sensitive on this entire website. Thank you for your time and service! I found this site as my son is shipping out soon, so I was wondering about the MCT schedule ( we did not have that when I was in ) I am a Marine as is his grand father. It wasnt the physical part that was rough it was that fact that i was a woman and i had to work harder, because I was not going to be put in the rest of the category of women., weak and dependent on men. Thanks, this was very helpful, im leaving for boot camp in December and was wondering what really happens after boot camp. and about his phone, you said that he can bring it with him in MCT right? This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Youll be using the actual weapons hooked into a high-tech computer system that shows your shooting results. Should we be worried? Thanks for all the info. combat training. Right before getting picked up it was changed to open contract does that mean open under the field of Artillery or open under Combat Support? My boyfriend left 2/22 for mct training, will they be able to call the first sunday they are there (which would be tmo) ? Prove yourself when it comes to fitness as well. thank you so much for you help1!!!!! He also told me that he may be working with Supply for MOS school. Although, we missed his birthday with him for the first time, I didnt trip or send any crazy birthday items. So, my boyfriend was in the hotel company and graduated in June. If that is the case the USMC schedule will indicate the alternate family day and graduation dates. Hello, Ive arrived today at Camp Geiger (April 3, 2011). This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. Learn about Camp Geiger at What's After Boot! Or not till shes off base after Grad tmrw. Because of those Marines, all the punish all for one mentality does is lower moral, waste time, and cut into actual training time. What is camp guard and how long does it usually last? [] Marines go through the Infantry Training Battalion (ITB), and non-infantry Marines go through Marine Combat Training (MCT), which is a 30 day, non-stop combat training school. Your information is a blessing to have to read. I understand that this was a over a year ago and a couple years after I left MCT as an instructor but at the same time this site came up as I googled to find Christmas presents for my parents Now, first of all, I would like to ask some follow up questions. My boyfriend is currently at MCT at camp geiger and I was wondering if he would have libo tomorrow for thanksgiving? Hes most likely already done. My son reported for MCT on November 16, 2010. Any free time is spent cleaning weapons, guarding the armory, and cleaning the barracks. Magazine Pouch (2) Proud to be a Marine MOM. This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen. since his mos will be too far away for him to travel on a 96 (even with a chit) could he fly me out to where he is on MOS while hes on 96 if we get a hotel and everything? Im starting to worry a little bit. Depending on her MOS, she will be in school for 4 to 6 weeks. How do I find out my sons address so that we can send him a letter if we dont know his company etc.? I believe my son is graduating Jan. 3/4th. Youre slightly more free now. God Bless. If you live east of the Mississippi river, you attend Camp Grieger. There will be a lot of trading, buying and selling of MREs during MCT. Maybe it was due to less motivation, in the fact that in boot camp you earn the title Marine after the hike. Yes, we trained for 16 hours a day. MCT consists of 29 days of battle skills training that enables Marines to operate and thrive in a combat environment. My son has not been himself at all..now he is being charged with some stuff that he did while in sac company.. I had read someplace that they get a leave. It ALWAYS depends on the training schedule, and who is in charge of the platoon that day. They still treat you like a Marine though. In either case, your training is the same. It was an experience I wont forget, even know that Im out I still remember it like it was yesterday. Click here to join the MarineParents.com Official Facebook Group for ITB East at Camp Geiger. Gortex Top Yes, youre a Marine, but apparently part of the training there is to still treat you like a recruit. You eat MREs the ENTIRE time, and A rations for one meal a day the first week and a half. SOI East MCT BN my daughter is graduating on jan.11th.Her MOS is 0300 logistics or 02300 logistics. He was very upset. Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training through the School of Infantry. After hearing and reading all thats required, I dont know if I would not have cried the whole time. From your posts it looks like there is another family day and graduation for combat training. He called me the first day from his cell phone, but nothing after that, so Im guessing they took the phones, or he just hasnt had time. Dump Pouch (1) E-Tool (Folding Shovel) (1) Hi I have a question..I just received a phone call last week that my son who is at MCT .has been put into the hospital..he supposedly went crazy on a guy that had come up behind him and put a hold on him..i dont know why this guy would have done that but anywaymy son was admitted to the hospital ond put on the psychiatric ward on suicide watch for observationI dont know if he threaten sucide or they just put all there when they come in on his level..i talked to the doctor several days later on the phone with my son there and the doctor said that he was recommending that my son be released from the military because he cant handle the stress..and that he had received some abuse while at boot..i have talked to other marines who were there with my son and they deny and abuse.. just say it was very intense and harshnow my questions ismy son is trying to get out on a separation of the military..is this possible and how hard is it..will it hurt his record? If its cold out and your hands are cold. for west coast. Whichever company is open when he arrives is where hell get put. He has never spent anytime in jail or anything like it..I just dont no why he has changed so much. Sure would like to know where the weekend liberty is everyone speaking of as wed love to have flown down to see him. You can activate your MRE heaters and put them in your blouse pockets, use them as hand warmers and even put them in your boots to prevent your toes from getting frostbite. Therefore, Marines attend a 29 day Marine Combat Training program. SOI allows smoking and phones because it is considered their MOS school, but MCT does not allow either. Training at Camp Lejeune Marines Unit Home New Personnel CAC-ID Card Center Checking In Housing Application Information Temporary Lodging Inns Of The Corps Vehicle Registration Household Goods. No phones, etc., just letters that took 10 days to get to your sons hands, and stories I cant repeat ever. The Corps will provide everything he needs and he is well paid to boot. After MCT he will head straight to Pensecola, FLA for his MOS. I cant find any info or websites really on this, can you help? Co., Class, Platoon Copyright 2014. My son is currently at MCT. 2022 Enrique Lima Award The Enrique Lima Award is designed to recognize and celebrate the outstanding work of Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) in the MCT Community. stating that he will be two weeks later in graduating,but,he didnt say When do Marines start recruiting?? Is that a bad idea? PSC Box 20166 The bad news is that youll be issued somewhere around 36 MREs for your two weeks in the field. The bad news is that you wont spend very much time in the barracks. you gotta be kidding melol. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 2010 February 23. Marine Combat Training is located at Camp Pendleton in California and Camp Geiger in North Carolina. Ive also just read that all graduations are on Tuesday. Another question. Can I mail candy to my son for Christmas at MCT (East)? Maybe not I am pretty strong, but it does sound like a lot of work. Hi. he really cant stand to loose anymore..he is skinny now. There is generally no evening liberty during the week, however, it is possible to get weekends off. But as a prior MCT instructor I do take some offense to some of the stuff posted on here. Do you know if this us true? The all new 2022 Camp Geiger Leader Guide is finished and available for you to download now. Is there another graduation after MOS training? The buses will be lined up outside your barracks waiting for you. Also, your weapons training continues. You cant head to your pack until youve fired. Please let me know if you have any further questions. You will receive orders to the Fleet Marine Force. but practical. Hi, my husband just started mct up , since he was on camp guard for about two weeks. I am so glad that I found it! 25 A lot of recruits and new Marines do that. Thank you so much. Im heading to MCT next month and I have a few questions. Im guessing his instructors are strict. My boyfriend checked in at Camp Geiger for his MCT training today. Also how can I find out when his family day / graduation will be? I was wondering. He also mentioned that they said he may not class up right away for his MOS. Im curious what he might mean by this. Gortex Bottom He is graduating on March 22; I plan on driving down to it. They are a bit tougher as far as the material goes and youll have to study more on your own, but they are all multiple choice. He was asked to stay on in Jacksonville until the end of April (doing what he did not know) and then attend a fire fighting course for three months in Dallas,Texas. I was wondering if you have any information on the times of these events or if he will even be aloud to make a phone call today!? Later that week, you will do a five-mile hike, learn field care, and do a lot of hiking and running. Now at MCT in Camp Pendleton, says it sucks worse than boot in some ways. Lets jus say this sight gives the tacticle advantage to bad people, and through this they can use a simple 7 step terrorist planning process which it wouldnt be hard to do considering the information that is posted. my son did not have any problems like this before he went in..how can i help him? Any advice on bootcamp? Every platoon at Marine Corps boot camp has a few recruits that get a hold of the training matrix/schedule, but finding a schedule for Marine Combat Training (MCT) is another story. Dont worry, hell be just fine. I just wanted my fingers and toes to not feel like they were digging through broken glass. Although were mean and we probably wont share it . The Marine Combat Training schedule. She should graduate this tues the 23rd but I dont know. JMILL, Thank you for all the great information. After the range, youll head to Camp Devil Dog for the second phase of your field week. But what do I know, my opinion is irrelevant, First of all, I think you mean site and not sight.. Nothing on this post should offend you, and I feel the same way about MCT now as I did 2 years ago. Im not worried but he can call before graduation right? Kevlar (1) Same for graduation Feb 1, 2011 I love the comments about east coast/west coast. Only wish I had found it long ago. Related Article List of Marine Corps Bases in the US. Thanks Kevin, her mos is admin but specifically she is aircraft maintenance record keeping (or something like that lol) she is scheduled to go to miss. Back then 1st and last weekend you could go offbase for liberty all weekend long, and we didnt do no graduation ceremony because they were Marines not recruits. Sometimes, due to holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Marine Corps Birthday, graduation will be on a Wednesday. Too bad they didnt add wheels to the sea bags to make them easier for one person to transport all that stuff. The Regional Marine Corps Trials is an 9-sport adaptive sports invitational involving more than 75 wounded, ill, or injured Marines, sailors, veterans, on each coast. I was in 3 different platoons before all was said and done. Some barely spoke, and just drank and smoked looking off into the distance. Trust me a lot of the libo is spent either waiting for a ride, walking, or giving up and staying where they are). its nice to know what my son is doing now. Very unlikely that they will have time to write mail though. His arrival date was 30 November. There is a pizza joint you can hang out at that is pretty legit, and the PX is fairly nice. For a lot of Marines, this will be their first time getting to play with real military equipment. I am actually trying to get orders there now as an instructor. Some of the items include: The kind of freedom that you can only dream about in boot camp., Other Marines found the experience less pleasant. Established to honor the contributions of Enrique Limaa husband, a father of two, an MCT and MCT Regional Leadwho went above and beyond expectations to build a vibrant MCT . Thank you for all the information that was given. Not even close. They still go 3-4am to bedtime, fire duty, etc., and only liberty hes seen is 3 hrs in the squad bay on 3rd Sun. If I could bring at least one more Marine home to their family because I stressed them out in training, then I was a successful instructor. His graduation day is set for July 26, 2011. i looked on tecomm and the site does notwork! Youll hike anywhere from 2-4 miles a day with your assault pack, Kevlar, flak, rifle and deuce gear. @ Julie, is your fiances MCT are in Camp Pendleton? Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days. And no, I dont stand in stupid formations when other people mess up. Youll make head calls in the woods about every 45 minutes to an hour. Wow its been a long time since i have went to mct. They have 3 classrooms where you have all your classes, and you do your prac aps in the field next to the confidence course or in the woods. warzone domino real life. Thanks, They will be able to spend five hours with you the day before graduation and then about 2 hours total the day of graduation. Later that week, you will do a five-mile hike, learn field care, and do a lot of hiking and running. Just something youd have to experience when your there. When my son left PI, he had 2 sea bags, another heavy bag with all his dress/service uniforms and his ditty bag. The tent camp was intended to house the 1st. Joe cartoons. Im honestly not sure how they will coordinate MCT arrivals this close to Christmas. I highly respect my Marine brothers and enjoy working with them. Thanks, What part of base is MCT located at on Camp Pendelton. The mission is to train and conduct standards-based combat skills training of all non-infantry Marines in order to ensure that every Marine is a fighting Marine, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Also, you begin weapons training. Most likely the Pensacola school is backed up right now, meaning that even if he went there tomorrow he would end up in a holding platoon until he was able to class up. My husband is almost done with his bootcamp. Forty years ago. Would have saved me a lot of time! Hi! The call was kinda choppy but I am pretty certain that is what he said. Thank you so much. Marine Combat Training (MCT) is a school that Marines attend to learn how to become proficient with their weapons, and combat. My son lost a lot of weight (45lbs)during boot.. mostly from so much exercise from the DIs crap. Semper Fidelis~~~. Thank you for your time. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. Related Article What To Bring To Marine Boot Camp. P.S. After attending Marine Combat Training, it is time to attend schooling in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) before moving on to their permanent duty station. Thanks so much . There are two locations for this training. They will come back this Friday. Food did not matter. Any suggestions. If he just got out of MCT, he should have 3 or 4 days of leave built up. Do you by any chance know the graduation date of the marines that start MCT in Aug? I did like I normally did which was to write two letters a week to keep him informed and motivated. Be prepared to eat a lot of MREs during Marine Combat Training. Thanks man this is really helpful. The first day of MCT receiving/check-in is chaotic. However, those without the infantry designation still need combat training. what else he can bring with him during MCT and MOS??? The Marine Combat Training schedule recently just changed from 22 training days to 29 training days. One of the things that he requested was for us to pray for unity in his platoon. Youll get MUCH better gear at MCT than at Boot Camp. The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. Thank you. by . Were proud of our son the marine he is in mct and ready for mos we enjoyed him during his leave time after basic . Its no bother. God Bless You and your family as you continue on your path as a US Marine. Can you tell me what time the final march begins and ends? Are males and females trained together on the West Coast? Other Marines found the experience less pleasant. I always wanted to be a marine. My son leaves for Ft Geiger tomorrow. Proud Marine Mom Just our luck! Even my MOS was back up by up to 4 months and it was only a 3-month school. I had to fire a salesman that worked for me years ago because he was what seemed to be just a 25 year old baby boy. Fire through a bunch of blanks and then hold the barrel of your rifle. I was wondering why you would have this sight here, isnt this going against opsec, not only endangering those marine lives that are there now but future generation. Some platoons never get their phones at MCT, and some get them every Sunday. were so old we have a kid whos graduating boot camp any time now, so good scoop. Im trying to find out how long his school is. There is no easy way of me getting there from Western NY without spending a fortune on plane tickets etc. This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves during combat. Back in. We plan to drive 61/2 hours to get there. Family Day for MCT is that Monday before graduation. I was born and raised in California, back when it was a state I was much prouder of before our infiltration and I still remember as a young girl the G.I.s coming home from serving in Viet Nam, and how different these young men were from when they left. Parris Island and San Diego DO NOT necessarily follow the same schedules . On the East coast, we have to hike several miles a day to and from our shooting ranges, so we only complete 1-2 ranges a day, where as West coast might be able to do 3-4. You didnt answer the last question that I asked, meaning? [] Infantry School: Reservist vs. All Marines, regardless of coast get teh same classes and prac app times, they are completely mirrored. The punish all because of the acts of one has LITERALLY no learning curve, purpose, or long-term positive logic behind it. All Rights Reserved. The food situation is not nearly as bad as it was at boot camp. To our Valued Clients : Our two biggest priorities during this Covid-19 crisis are to the health and well-being of our employees, and to the service of you our clients. Related Article Marine Corps Basic Training Guide. I enjoy this website, thanks so much. My son packed a uniform in his carry on, like you said, and was very glad he did. We are going to have a lot of Vets from these dam wars we are in now and I hope you all ban together, regardless of branch served or east or west coasts. There are Marines that will always be dirt bags, and no matter how many times their actions cause the platoon to get punished, theyll just continue to be who they are. I appreciate it. they go to some school after right? Oh okay so they can use their electronics/means of communication on the weekends? Required fields are marked *. There will be food available for purchase or you can bring your own. And I was told that they might have an Off Base Liberty, I keep on praying. Are you East Coast or W. Coast? What I got back was a 160 lb. His MOS is avaiation mechaninc (something like that.) Since the majority of training is conducted in the field during the 29 days of MCT, Marines will not always have access to their phones. Social Security Card . Your Marine may or may not be able to meet with parents/visitors after the Graduation Ceremony. Youll take a class in the morning and then do the prac app in the afternoon. Therefore, the School of Infantry condensed the training into approximately four weeks, so all Marines learn weapon skills, explosives, convoys, navigation, and warfare fundamentals. Camp Geiger 2022 MCT Graduation Dates (NOTE: On smaller devices, slide table below to the right to see complete information) Class Start Date Graduation Date Company There will be NO leave period after completion of ITB or MCT. He indicated that they can only call home on Monday: http://www.marines.mil/unit/tecom/soieast/mct/Pages/newgolf.aspx. Thanks again! Youre in the field for a good amount of time. Despite the range of opinions and experiences, it is essential to note the difference between MCT and training at the Infantry Training Battalion (ITB).

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