Well, according to Barbrey Dustin and Euron Greyjoy, the maesters had a long term "Southern Ambitions" strategy going on. This is very simple, and doesn't need theories. Had Ned never accepted Why wouldn't Robert do the same? Her past didnt matter to him, and he accepted Gilly and little Sam as his own right from the start. King Aerys was controversially killed by Jaime Lannister, and Robert himself claimed the throne, since he was the man to rebel first and he had bested Rhaegar in battle. Knowing he had a secret like that to keep, day in and day out. And amongst his wards, for whatever reason, Robert seems his favorite. the ward of) with Tywin or Stannis, depending on who you ask. Cant send him to The Vale, now) and stays in KL. J on as a boys' name is pronounced jahn. It's possible he could have wanted years later to tell key people what had happened but not right after Jon was born and as he was traveling from the Tower of Joy. The planned marriages between the Lannister children and House Tully were part of it, Brandon's planned marriage to Cat, Robert's planned marriage to Lyana. It's all about making alliances and building trust with other houses (although it can be used as a hostage system too). As already suggested, it was the Small council which ruled in Robert's presence as well so it would not have been particularly difficult for the members to act without a formal hand or King to preside their proceedings. Ashara, Jo Lannister, Elia's mom, etc. 1) He was old enough to be her grandfather. Watching the romance of timid Jon Snow and wildfire Ygritte unfold before our eyes, was almost as exciting as watching Jaime get his hand cut off, but you know, a lot less gross. We watched as little Daenerys tamed this wild mans heart and became a queen to his people, even after he was gone. I'm with @TLP here. WebJon Arryn held the realm together for King Robert. Fostering is not uncommon among the Lords of Westeros. Brandon was fostered in the North. Generally it's political reasons, it's also good fo Rhaegar acted unexpectedly, and Aerys' murder of Brandon and Rickard gave the perfect excuse to start the war to depose Aerys. I think it said Robert and Stannis watched their parents die, right? Jon Snow Chapter 19: 17. By that logic, Robert was in the Vale before he was Lord of Storm's End. Although murder is never the answer, we could definitely see where Tyrion was coming from even in Game of Thrones land that was quite the betrayal. I understand why Ned wouldn't have told him but still it's fun to think about. Double-sided tape maybe? So for all we know, they will therefore spend quite some time on the Kingsroad going there and back again. A second son of a High Lord is a perfect match for am heiress of a Lord Paramount position. Powered by Invision Community. Finally, Joffrey is poisoned at his own wedding and the little tyrants reign comes to an end, but not before finding a special place in our Game of Thrones worst relationships countdown. RELATED:Game Of Thrones: 10 Sam Tarly Memes That Will Have You Cry-Laughing. Theon was used in this manner, but it was a perfectly normal practice for high born. OR "Keep him safe, love him, because he has no one else" OR "Don't let them use him to take the Iron Throne.". At this point, Robert Baratheon was Lord of the Stormlands, andhad been lined up to marry a woman from another noble house, Lyanna Stark. How do I submit an offer to buy an expired domain? Without a lord father to teach him to rule, and Jon Arryn was an ideal candidate as he was a capable, older lord of a great house, removed from the local power struggles of the storm lands. Most in Westeros believed that What were his achievements? Ned had good relationships with both Robb and Jon Snow, the latter who Ned raised as his own alongside his lawful children. It's in Ned XV when he has that dream of the tourney at Harrenhal. But the risk would be that Jon decided that Jon Snows existence, even if secret, was too great a risk to the stability of the kingdom. If Arryn took any interest in Jon over Ned's other children, it would have looked suspicious. Jon Arryn who has no children and no heirs. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. RELATED:Game of Thrones: How Each Character Is Supposed To Look. I like to imagine if Jon Arryn and Robert had found out they would have demanded Jon snow be sent to them. Something Balon certainly was aware of, instantly putting the wheels in motion once Theon was returned. But before that when the kids are 8, Steffon on the small council and cousin to Aerys, Roberts grandmother is a Targaryen. Is it certain he was send to be fostered, before the shipwreck killed his parents? Would the War of the Five Kings have occurred if Ned had refused Robert's request? Why is Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane still a knight? I have not heard that before. Seems like a good match. She had a baby boy with him which she ended up naming Sam. While there were many relationships in Game of Thrones, these are a few that really stand out in our minds from the cute to the cringe, from the toxic to the tumultuous, from the aww to the awful, and everything in between. Sansa and Joffrey get engaged, but as soon as Sansas father Ned dies, Joffreys true colors shine through. Was the ship sabotaged? Besides Game Grumps, he is known mostly for his game reviews and being a founder and ex-member of the community known as NormalBoots. El nico lmite de lo que puede vender es su imaginacin. There is also the line of thought that Rickard, Steffon, and Jon Arryn met at the Wot9PK, but there are no facts about that. Arryn may have had his own concerns re: Lyseni pirates and the clansmen of the Mountains of the Moon. Tyrion Lannister Chapter 21: 19. I think with Eddard and Robert it was a case of: Here is my son, my bloodline, I entrust you to take good care of him, teach him your ways, and should you treat him well, our next generation will form an alliance. Mya Stone was born when Robert was pretty young and in the Vale. As to Robert, he was an orphan at the time, and couldn't rule in his own right yet I don't think. Also not that many people were involved in the plot, that was the point of the tourney, to bring everybody in. And of course, Robert wound up marrying Cersei to bring the Westerlands into the fold. Now, magically I can't really say that these hybrid kids gain anything, but can we at least recognize that the gods themselves may have been perplexed in doling out the quintessential qualities which make a Stark a Stark and a Tully a Tully (assuming that divine intervention is considered to be at least part of what imbues the ruling houses with their power)? They connected through marriage alliances. WebJon Arryn has a strong sense of honour and taught that honour to Ned and Robert - in which Ned truly picked up on it. And Cat's marriage to a sleazeball who loves her is a small price to pay to avoid war. So, Ned and Bobbert were an exception. Is it certain he was send to be fostered, before the shipwreck killed his parents? As for Baratheon--he was entrusted with a sensitive mission to Essos--to find a bride for the crown prince. Aerys' Hand, Tywin Lannister, had no great regard for the Night's Watch, hence its neglect for several generations, which would have worried the Starks. That's what I keep hearingby those accounts shouldn't have Edmure have been there as well? Generally it's political reasons, it's also good for the kids. He loves and respect him. Jaime was squire/ward to Lord Crakehall along with Merrett Frey. See also Jean. Having previously written for various sports and music outlets, Craig's interest soon turned to TV and film, where a steady upbringing of science fiction and comic books finally came into its own. Unable to walk or really talk, he is technically alive, but it is a cursed life. The Queen of Thorns is ardently open about her own sons oafishness, but the fact that Mace Tyrell was a bit of a dink doesn't mean that Catelyn Tully couldn't have had a good match with him. Renly was on the small council, as I recall, and Stannis was his admiral or some such. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Elia Martell wound up becoming his wife, but clearly the firstborn daughters of all of Westeros' high lords were an option. WebEn jon r en atom eller molekyl som har en elektrisk laddning. How dry does a rock/metal vocal have to be during recording? Shockingly, when Jaime Lannister was still on the market and not yet a member of the Kingsguard, his father and Hoster Tully were actually trying to arrange a marriage between Jaime and Lysa. The murder of the Hand of the King brings Ned Stark to King's Landing as Robert's new right-hand man. It has never been confirmed at what age Robert went to foster with Jon Arryn, correct? IF ever it could be said that a non-regal child was born more politically powerful than the child of a king, it would have been said about all of the Stark children, for they were born between two noble houses, as opposed to being born of just one (as most Targaryens are). Though she actually died from childbirth, Ned covered for his sister and claimed the child was his own illegitimate offspring, otherwise Robert would've certainly hadyoung Jon killed due to his Targaryen lineage. An unlikely couple to be sure, a eunuch member of the Unsullied and Daenerys most trusted counselor, but their short-yet-sweet love story is one that still warms our hearts to this day. Eventually, Grey Worm sailed off with his people to Naath, Missandeis homeland, and Missandei was beheaded by the Mountain under Cerseis orders. Ned was there so Brandon would have an agent to the southern houses who was friends with the lord of one of the Great Houses (Robert). Jon didn't turn anti-Targ until Aerys murdered his heir, Elbert, and then demanded Ned and Robert as well. It is of English and Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Jon is "God is gracious; gift of God". But the witch is not to be trusted and while she brings him back to life, he is only a shadow of the man he was. with that knowledge. The only blade used by Robert was a hunting knife he received from Jon as a boy. His parent's would be comming back from a journey Across the Narrow Sea and Robert's brother Renly was about a year old. It has never been confirmed at what age Robert went to foster with Jon Arryn, correct? Is it safe to say that Robert went at age 6-8, the sam Later, when Tyrion caught Shae in bed together with his father Tywin, he lost it and he shot his father in the bathroom with an arrow and then went back to strangle Shae. Westeros: The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain IIRC Sam was supposed to be fostered with the Redwynes and marry the daughter if he did well. Jon declined to foster the grandsons of Lord Walder Frey . WebNed loves Jon as an uncle would love a nephew. News and discussions relating to George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" novels, his Westeros-based short stories, the "Game of Thrones" and "House of the Dragon" TV series, and all things ASOIAF - but with particular emphasis on the written series. Either Hoster Tully is a faithless asshole (which he kind of is an asshole anyway with or without that) or there was no plotting going on with Jon Arryn to begin with. Daenerys was basically traded to Khal Drogo, a small, well-raised princess married to an enormous machete-wielding barbarian. Subtitle Game Of Thrones Season 1 Oleh George RR Martin (penulis Nebula pemenang Penghargaan Hugo), seri naratif yang luas ini berlatarkan dunia fiksi yang dihuni oleh pria dan wanita yang penuh ambisi dan aib, seperti dunia nyata kita.. Pertama dari seri 1. When the rebellion began it was already set and locked that the Vale, the North, and the Stormlands were going to work together in order to overthrow the king. Card trick: guessing the suit if you see the remaining three cards (important is that you can't move or turn the cards). So it does seem strange he was off being fostered rather than ruling, even if he had a regent. ETA: Ned and Robert talk of having grown up together, close as brothers or the like. Whatever it was, Ned's sense of honor would have prevented him from roping anyone else into his lie. We loved watching their love story continue to unfold and when they parted ways for the last time, it was a real tearjerker. I think Robert was at the Vale as a young man. By Robert's parents were dead. Food, trade, protection, marriages War is the exception here, it just so happened that it ended that way. Yes, he was fostering a Stark and a Baratheon, but he was not involved in any marriage alliances that we know of. He'd be shocked then nothing will really happen. Selmy was too noble for court intrigue. WebHow to use Jon in a sentence. Ned treated Jon as his son - regardless of his legitimacy, and despite But Lady Catelyn wasn't always a Stark. 1 minute ago, Alexis-something-Rose said: 23 minutes ago, Alexis-something-Rose said: Westeros: The 'A Song of Ice and Fire' Domain, A Song of Ice and Fire 2024 Calendar Announced, Game of Thrones Official Fan Convention Tickets on Sale Now, Wrapping Up on House of the Dragon Season 1, GRRM Donates to Northwestern University, Endows a New Chair, Game of Thrones Complete Collection (Blu-Ray). I'd be interested to see your sources. Aided by other rebel houses, Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark led a war lasting approximately a year. It's kind of hard to say how involved Jon was in any anti-Targ conspiracy before the rebellion. (I wrote a massive post about it in my wordpress. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Gilly was one of the Free Folk and the daughter, and also the wife, of Craster. Was Jon Arryn capable as the Hand? Grifos, Columnas,Refrigeracin y mucho mas Vende Lo Que Quieras, Cuando Quieras, Donde Quieras 24-7. It was extraordinarily unusual for a Targaryen heir to the throne to marry outside of his own family, but Rhaegar Targaryen was forced to break tradition when he didn't have an available sibling to marry. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. Maybe around that time when the king was mad they started talking, maybe. Jim Carrey is Craigs top acting pick and favorite topics include superheroes, anime and the unrecognized genius of the High School Musical trilogy. Why? It seems Rickard Stark, Jon Arryn, Steffon Baratheon and Hoster Tully met at the War of the Ninepenny Kings and became really close friends and then decided to WebThe name Jon is boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "God is gracious; or gift of Jehovah". Craig has previously been published on sites such as Den of Geek, and after many coffee-drenched hours hunched over a laptop, part-time evening work eventually turned into a full-time career covering everything from the zombie apocalypse to the Starship Enterprise via the TARDIS. Yeah he can't rule Winterfell but the second son of The Lord of Winterfell could wed perhaps a lord that has only daughters. No, he wasn't. Tous deux sont dj morts au dbut de la saga. She was born Catelyn Tully, the eldest daughter of Hoster Tully, the Lord of Riverrun and Warden of the Riverlands. With House Baratheon angered by Lyanna's abduction and House Stark now down three members, a powerful alliance was formed that sought to wrestle control of the Seven Kingdoms from the Targaryens. We don't know what Lyanna made him promise. So join us as we rank these relationships from aww to eww and dive into the most to least healthy relationships on Game of Thrones. Just asking about when Robert started there, nothing about "Southron Ambitions" or rebellions. I think they would all have basically been fine with Rheagar on the Iron Throne. It could go a few different ways from there. Fair enough. besides, I dont think grown men are fostered out and it'd be strange if Ned and Robert became so close in only 3 years even when they were travelling outside of the Vale heading in different directions. That's the only clue I can think of in regards to how he would have reacted if Ned told him about Jon's parentage. It seems Rickard Stark, Jon Arryn, Steffon Baratheon and Hoster Tully met at the War of the Ninepenny Kings and became really close friends and then decided to strengthen those ties by fostering and betrothing their children. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I don't think there's any anti-Targaryen plot going on between anyone at any time and that the idea of southron ambition is 100%overstated. He needed to go with Arryn and Stark. And all of this took place before the rebellion was even focused on overthrowing the Targs and putting a Baratheon on the throne. So the BotB was before the marriage. I think Aerys demanding Ned and Robert's heads was the straw that broke the camel's back. Ned has no idea how accepted Robert's reign will be and what will happen with support for the Targaryens. Not a big reach, it's not like they could of known Robert and Ned would hit it off. Doran needed to pay the blood price to clean up after Oberyn's idiocy. He clearly made a difference, not like Cat, but still. Performance Regression Testing / Load Testing on SQL Server. After Lord Jon Arryn's untimely demise, King Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, decides to make Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, the new Hand of the King. Eddard was likely sent to Jon Arryn pending a betrothal to a female heiress in case of Jon Arryn's passing without his own living heir. And little Sam as his own right from the start found out they would all basically. It said Robert and Stannis was his admiral or some such the blade... Xv when he has that dream of the tourney, to bring everybody in, Cuando,! Why Ned would n't have told him but still after Oberyn 's idiocy did n't anti-Targ! He accepted Gilly and little Sam as his son - regardless of his legitimacy, Stannis. 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