Oh, C. George, there's so many things I wish I could say! Rickels explained that the lock was difficult to maneuver and would sometimes take several tries before opening. It is not unlike being injured and knocked out during a car accident. Darlie's Pathfinder was parked in the street; it would have appeared as if no one was home. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. There is no tone, no inflection, no facial expressions or body language. Everyone seems to have a theory as to how it got there. How many times did the dispatcher say something along the lines of, "Ma'am, I need you to stay on the phone with me." She went to the door and screamed for Karen Neal, the nurse across the street. To hear them tell it, Darlie was unemotional with a flat, disinterested affect. Routier suffered a near-fatal stab wound to her neck, which just missed the carotid artery. If hes upstairs sleeping with the new baby and its 2:30 in the morning, why did he put his pants on? My life has been such a hard fight for a long time, and I just cannot find the strength to keep fighting anymore. ABC Docu-series "The Last Defense" episodes 1-4. A. There was blood on the drawers beside the sink and on the cabinet doors underneath, which is consistent with Darlie's assertion that she was pulling out kitchen rags and towels for Darin to use on the boys. Waddell stated that he approached the man, gun drawn, and asked Darin to identify himself. Text Darlie Routier was convicted of killing her son Damon and charged for killing her other son Devon in 1996 and was sentenced to death for her crimes. I don't know who "Arthur" is but the other two you mention come from the Darlie Did It camp so I don't think they'll ever be commenting about anyone breaking in. As the man made his escape, he dropped a large butcher knife onto the floor. JustinCase976 (author) on December 11, 2019: You know what, Melia? Now, you were first awakened, and like you said, you didn't understand what the noise was, but apparently you drifted back off to sleep? He would have had to be in the house for all that time until the cop got there, what was he doing hanging around the crime scene? Ive read a lot about this case. Darlie subsequently told investigators that an intruder had broken in and attacked her . JezMyOpinion from The South on May 08, 2020: Darlie is guilty. WowI never really considered the possibility that perhaps Darin arranged it so that the "burglars" would come in when the family was in the house. Were Darins pants found? JustinCase976 (author) on March 05, 2020: I'm here, sorry, have had a lot going on. At the very end of the call, the operator tells her to go talk to the police officers. There is no logic to support the theory of her planting that sock, even if she is the killer. Through open records, Quinncy was able to obtain police reports and information on Arkansas's known associates. I don't think any one of us can predict exactly what we would or would not do under those circumstances, and I pray none of us ever has to find out. These maggots just eat me alive with these tricks and lies. Price: $355,000 (sold after the murder for an unknown price) Darlie Routier Address: 801 Eagle Dr, Rowlett, TX 75088. Why hasnt anyone spoken to her? If the two police officers did not see this laying in the middle of the kitchen, it wasn't there. Dekleva examined Darlie and came to the conclusion that she was not a sociopath; nor did she, in his opinion, present a future danger to society, one of the main criteria used to determine eligibility for the death penalty. It is very possible when Darlie was wetting the towels if they were big towels and they drapped down infront of the sink cupboards then could have rubbed against the front of the kitchen sink cupboards and this is why it looked like an attempted clean up. Rickels peered out the blinds and saw that the men had returned and were trying to get in the window. In response to this point, the "guilters" (those that believe in Darlie's guilt) will be quick to point out that Waddell's version of events is backed up by the eyewitness testimony of Darlie's neighbor across the street, Bill Gorsuchbut it isn't. JustinCase976 (author) on November 28, 2019: Perhaps. And if this is where Darlie cut her throat and stabbed herself in the arm, where is all the castoff blood? As for the long haired guy--I can neither confirm nor deny any information regarding this individual at this point, and I'm going to leave it at that for now. Internal job & corruption = recipe for a death row disaster. She was in and out of consciousness, and for the time that she was conscious, she would have been in fight-or-flight mode. Okay. A. I walked back over to where she was, and I asked her again who had done it, and if there had been any problems in the house, or if they had had any problems with anybody that she might think would have done it, and she told me no, and she kept telling me, that the guy was still in the house. Darlie Routier, a 26-year-old wife and mother, reported that a knife-wielding intruder had broken into their house, attacking her and her two young sons. I stepped over, to look into the garage, just to see if I could see anybody, and told her to apply some pressure to the first child's wounds. Since her husband worked nights and often came home during his break to check on her, she was not unduly concerned even when the "jiggling" at the door continued. The bottom line is, I feel that Czaban's entire testimony should be taken with a pillar of salt. The whole attack happened in a matter of minutes, and wasn't necessarily as noisy as some may assume. Because of what happened to that woman in Texas. There were no lies in those letters, only misinformation. Police inspected those and found no blood. It may go a long way with regard to getting her a new trial, but even that is not a given. According to Darlie, she had not had her period since giving birth to Drake and was feeling particularly low on that day. As anyone who is familiar with this case already knows, the original transcripts contained over 33,000 errors. Because it couldn't be matched to anyone elseand with Cron's statement that it "could" be a juvenile printit suddenly became proof positive that Damon must have left that fingerprint. This has been debunked by at least three other experts, but you don't need to be an expert to see that it is way too big for a 5-year-old child's finger. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't wash. Wonder what they've been up to all of this time. No, he was referring to someone else entirely. I don't believe the glass broke when it hit the floor. Then she stabbed the other child. She cut the screen with the bread knife, ran down the alleyway to plant the sock, and ran back to the house. He reiterated the time during cross-examination, and was adamant that his clock is set for the actual, precise time, and not a few minutes fast as some people are prone to do. However, after reading all of the incident reports from the guards on duty that day, the affidavits of the inmate witnesses, and his three prior suicide attempts, I am satisfied that his death was indeed a suicide. I do need to do some fact checking, but if everything checks out, I will indeed update the article to include what you shared with me. If anyone doesn't care to take my word for it, they can always feel free to contact Mountain View and request Darlie's visitor logs, which I believe are public record. It's laughable. I really hope the whole truth comes out, sooner rather than later. Darlie Routier - Part 1 Posted on May 15, 2022 Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. He was the one that actually put the bandage on you and walked you out? She mentions a struggle early in the 911 call to the dispatcher, but that is before Waddell arrives. So here's my challenge to you: Find me proof of such a crime. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Every time he would receive a mugshot, he would send it to Karl, who did not know Arkansas's real name and was not familiar with the man he had been arguing with. If Halina Czaban really believed the baby was in any danger from his mother then she is negligent for not calling the police or CPS right then and there. Can you explain that? Would Darlie walk? The print could only have been left while the blood was still wet, meaning that whoever left it was present at the time of the murders. That was their habit for the four years that they had Domain, and there is no reason to believe that they deviated from that habit on the night in question. I believe Czaban was highly judgmental and disapproved not just of Darlie and her lifestyle, but rather had nothing but contempt for the modern American way in general. The neighborhood children called it "The Nintendo House" because of the elaborate game room made just for kids. And this is the time when you told her to do that? Ha-ha! My belief is that Darlie is the one who grabbed the butcher knife, to fight the man off, and he got it away from her. What happens next? John Ramsey, when asked why he obtained legal counsel after his daughter, JonBenet, was murdered. Good point about Darins pants. The exhibit below shows a "DNA map" of blood trails belonging to each of the injured Routiers. Okay. It made them want someone to be punished and added a degree of hostility toward Darlie in their testimony. It proves nothing. Darlie's husband, Darin Routier, was sleeping upstairs with 7-month old Drake. You had to literally walk right up to the spa to set the light off. Parchman testified that Damon could have lived, at most, 8 or 9 minutes after he was first stabbed. If you don't, I can't help you. Fingerprint expert Jim Cron stated on the witness stand that "it could be a print from a juvenile." Why? In the event that Darlie is fully exonerated, I guess it would be up to the DA's office whether or not they have enough evidence to pursue charges. In reality, Rickels had not been in good health at the time. Darlie has been paying for that womans sins for 23 years now. I scoured the documents with a fine tooth comb looking for the answer to that question. After a couple of minutes, however, there came a loud bang and what sounded like splintering wood. On the stand, Bevel testified that the mixture was actually the result of two separate occurrences, Darlie's blood having landed on the shirt first and then Damon's blood landing on the exact same spot of the shirt on top of Darlie's (or vice versa). Aside from the supposed cleanup at the sink, there were other details that caused investigators to suspect the crime scene had been staged. If a wet towel or cloth came into contact with any blood in that area, it could have easily wiped it away. The photos were shown for the sole purpose of eviscerating an emotional response. He never submitted a report, becauseyou guessed ithe was instructed not to. Your dad loves you all very much and I know in my heart he will take care of my babies. Q. IMO. If you find that call difficult to listen to, that's because it's real. And, you're telling this jury that it was 2:40 when Darin started to yell? Really, Alan? Why do they have to do that if they're so confident in her guilt? Hmmmm. Of course, she didn't do that, because she knew full well the baby was fine. He didn't bark because he was never aware those people were in the house. The timeline was presented by the prosecution and was based on the length of the 911 call, and the testimony of Dr. Janis Townsend-Parchman, the doctor who performed the autopsy on Damon. I also believe Devon and Damon were killed by two different people, with two different knives. If the cop saw the killer come out of the house and let him get away where was the killer at while they were calling 911 and doing CPR? Court reporter Sandra Halsey pled the 5th when questioned about the errors in the trial transcripts and the missing audio tapes. Consider this: If Waddell truly did see a man come out of the front door and into the yard when he first arrived and lost sight of that man while getting out of the car and walking up to the house, then it is a reasonable assumption that the person Waddell saw was one of the intruders/killers. I have a diary. If she was just seeking attention, it would make more sense to call the police the very next day upon hearing about the murders. I love you three more than anything else in this world I dont want you to see a miserable person every time you look at me. It is so nice to find an article that tells the truth about what happend to poor Darlie. She was nervous, intimidated, and probably terrified, but she came off as cold and arrogant. They just stabbed me and my children!" ], Tom Bevel, the state's blood spatter "expert," has come under fire in recent years, and his inaccurate testimonies have been linked to several other controversial, potentially wrongful convictions (Jason Payne, Warren Horinek, David Camm, Tim Masters, and Julie Rea-Harper, to name a few.). If the software finds a match, the uploading agency is notified and is then tasked with the dissemination of personal information. Her husband, Darin, and seven-month-old son Drake were asleep in an upstairs bedroom, unharmed. Yet, there was no blood on the actual glass itself, nor was there any on the wine rack. The circle indicates this is Devon's blood on the back of Darlie's night shirt. I don't believe the bloody jeans were ever analyzed or taken into evidence. The emotion, the anguish, the terror, the panic you're getting a glimpse into another person's living helland every parent's worst nightmare. I have to admit though, I loved the judge from that movie. It wasn't to help Darlie; Rickels contacted the police on June 11th and Darlie was not arrested until the 18th. Nope, try again. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. Now, when I look at the pictures of the sink, I see: the left side, the right side, and the front. Is youryou know, sometimes I'll set my clock a little bit fast just so that hopefully I get where I'm supposed to be on time. Even a moron can conclude that Darlie was simply repeating information that was being fed to her. JustinCase976 (author) on March 11, 2020: I would bet money that the Texas authorities already have someone under investigation. So can the general public. Drops of blood from the boys, which were consistent with castoff from the blade, were found on the back of Darlie's night shirt. That's the number one thing convinces me she is guilty. Even if he saw her get off the couch and follow him through the kitchen, he knew it was time to get the hell out of there, the quicker the better. So, I did the next best thing: I asked multiple sources close to the case, and received the same response from more than one person: Domain would be brought into the bedroom every night from the first week they got him. Q. Brian Pardo isn't actually an attorney. Hardly. To eliminate this problem, they simply brought the dog into their room every night when they went to bed. He's obviously trying to paint her as an uncaring mother, and that comment should have been stricken from the record as speculation. :/, yea i get why they went to a psychic especially when desperate for info. I can understand that, except that I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum. She was somehow sophisticated enough to think of stabbing herself in her dominant arm, and slit her own throat with her non-dominant hand while standing in front of the sink. The defense wanted to put Mr. Harrell on the stand to bring this discrepancy to the attention of the jury. The first thing that woke Darlie up was the breaking glass. The pre-trial reference to Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you missed it. There were two strange men standing on her front porch. None of her three trials were fair. Keep in mind, Darlie is on the phone with 911 and Darin is attempting to perform CPR on Devon, who is not breathing. Sponges and cleaning products beneath the sink were inspected, and not a drop of blood was found on either. One thing guilters love to say is, "Read the transcripts. ..people who are usually on drugs, violent and dont want any witnesses.. consider that. But just because it's my theory doesn't mean it's right; you might have nailed it. From what Karen remembers hearing from Dwayne upon their return, the men had broken into a house that was supposed to be empty and "f***ed some people up. The dog and the cats would chase each other around the house, knocking over knickknacks and houseplants, tracking dirt everywhere, etc. If the vacuum was laying on the floor when these two police officers arrived, they would have seen it at first glance. I just figured, you know, what can the police do now?" Darlie replied with the only thing she could possibly have saidthat she had already touched it when she picked it up. So please forgive me for not taking those transcripts as the holy grail of this case. Home Uncategorized darlie routier dna results 2021 Uncategorized darlie routier dna results 2021 Darin had appliedand been turned downfor a $5,000 loan on June 1st. This enables LE to compare unknown prints against known felons. She was first tried in the media, then she was tried in the court of public opinion, and, finally, she was tried in a courtroom. There are no photos of the Routier sink after Luminol was applied. His affair with Karen Neal has been exposed for years and yet people keep asking questions about that stupid sock. Do you think the jury would of still voted guilty if they had saw all of the pics of her injuries? The state of Texas gave Darlie Routier the trial and verdict they WISHED they could have given Susan Smith. I believe he took that chance just as Waddell was pulling up. Did you have a conversation with Mrs. Routier? A. She had nothing to do while in jail but rack her brain and agonize over the fact that her children's killer was walking around free while she sat in jail, on trial for her very life. Immediately, she "snapped back," came to her senses and had the presence of mind to do all this staging. He actually came from a decent, hard-working, all-American/God fearing family, and I think every night when he tried to sleep he would see Devon's face until he couldn't stand it anymore. She effectively communicated within the first few seconds that she and the children were injured and needed help. Putting him in the role of the killer feels just as wrong and forced as putting Darlie in that role. Routier's 911 video of the . I also think she resented the fact that in Poland, she was a Registered Nurse, while in America, she was reduced to folding someone else's laundry for $50. He enters the Routier home and is immediately bombarded by two hysterical parents screaming (Darin: "Look for a rag! Even if he heard something, the dog would not have realized there were strangers in the house; he wasn't close enough to smell them. New evidence may allow former Lubbock resident Darlie Routier to walk free after being on death row for the last 12 years. That knife had just been used in a double, possibly triple homicide. Barbara was never their maid, she was an employee of their business. Do you have the links to the criminal's mugshots? However, when it came time for Bevel to testify, his "expert" opinion was drastically different from what he had said to the defense previously. If you think he is anything more than an exploitative, hypocritical quack, I truly feel sorry for you. It is estimated that there are over 13 million offender profiles, more than 3 million arrestee profiles, and 840,000 forensic profiles in the system as of 2018. I did feel horrified when i read this in her statement i also did question this myself why was it not mentioned to Darlie's mother or husband or like someone else mentioned the authorities Halina's over reaction has been damaging to the case with this lie. I really don't think there's any substance to that theory, and I believe this avenue has been explored with no success. JustinCase976 (author) on December 12, 2019: To my knowledge the missing tapes have never turned up. We also have to wonder what was stricken from the actual record, but still made it to the ears of the jury. There was no cancelled trip as far as I know. I don't believe that Waddell encountered or spoke to Darin when he first arrived, and here's why: If you listen to the 911 call, at the 3:29 mark, Darlie asks Darin if the children are dead. Patterson. Darlie's bloody footprints were photographed underneath some of the glass, causing them to believe she broke the glass after the fact to make it look like there had been a struggle. How do you know if the bedroom door was closed with the dog in there? 6) I'm not even going to argue about the letters. There was no valid reason for this; these nurses did not attend to Damon or Devon and would not be testifying about their injuries or autopsies. I believe his shady business deals were the reason this happened, and he knew it, and did everything in his power to keep it from coming back on him. But tell me, what does Rickels have to gain from falsifying information to police or perjuring herself on the witness stand? In the first account, she awoke to see a man standing at the edge of the couch, walking away from her toward the kitchen. and the part about Darlie and the babysitter rebecca laughing when Drake was starting to fall from the couch? She knows her daughter did this. Not to mention, it doesn't appear as though she did a very good job, since blood is clearly visible on and around the sink. Fibers believed to be from a sliced screen were discovered adhering to a bread knife from the kitchen. There's no need for the good doctor to facilitate any DNA testing, either; that's ongoing as it is. It's a small thing, but it's just one more detail that was used to make her look guilty, but which turned out to be completely untrue. Once Darlie is set free:), what is the next step in solving the crime? Harris, Dwayne and another guy. She told me that she had fought with somebody in the kitchen area, and that after she fought with him he had ran out into the garage and dropped the knife somewhere in the kitchen, between the kitchen and the garage, and that she had went and picked up the knife, and laid it on the counter, which was, she pointed to the counter, and the knife was sitting there. The "guilters" would chuckle at the insinuation of a "conspiracy" but is it really such a far reach? The sock had drops of Devon's and Damon's blood on it, but none of Darlie's blood. On December 28, 1996, Arkansas was found hanging in his cell once againthis time with his hands tied securely in front of him with a bed sheet. This is the one point that people seem to have the most difficulty with. Thank's Adele. The prosecution took this diary entry and ran with it. Alan Brantley, a Special Agent with the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit, testified that the force of the wounds on the children indicated extreme rage. I can picture Marybeth Tinning holding a pillow over her infant's faces again and again and again. One of Darlie's non-supporters uploaded a video of him having a chat with Barbara Jovell about this very thing. Not to mention the fact that the whole Dr. Phil thing was spearheaded by non-supporters; you know, the people that want to see Mrs. Kee's child put to death. It would be nice to settle her case one way or the other. I think she felt that the jury needed to hear her say she was innocent, in her own words. The two boys both died, but she was . The results from the system are then evaluated by the examiner, requiring a combination of experience, training, and visual inspection. Paramedics arrived at the scene at about 2:40, and paramedic Jack Kolbye witnessed Damon gasp his last breath immediately after he began attending to him. It is a minute, pinprick DOT. I dont buy the wrong date, and the police corruption obvious. As a private citizen, why cant Teresa Power be heard? With several items of evidence from the crime scene recently undergoing additional testing, and some items actually being tested for the very first time, I'm confident that they finally have an unknown male profile to work with. I think if Darlie and Rebecca chuckled at her when she leaped to "save the baby" it was due to the melodramatic manner she displayed. Darin even did a fake CPR on his son Damon, 7 times. It is my personal belief that the noise Gorsuch first heard, before coming fully awake, was the sound of Darlie screaming out the front door for Karen Neal. 7) Blood under the glass and vacuum--now we're getting somewhere. Someone alleged a 'fired housekeeper & her boyfriend' did it. Did you look at the clock when you woke up? "DNA map" of blood trails belonging to each of the injured Routiers. A third son, eight-month-old Drake and Darlie's husband, Darin, were asleep in the master bedroom upstairs. Thanks for commenting. Anywhere. Guilters have been quick to dismiss Rickels as a "lying lunatic" or a "brain damaged stroke victim on a cocktail of drugs.". And why did neither Darlie nor Darin mention it at all, if it was part of the "staging"? What do four of the world's top body language, behavior, and interrogation experts weigh in their personal opinions on behavior w. Bedrooms: 3. She is not concerned about her own prints being on that knife; it's her knife, from her own kitchen. The wheels of justice turn excruciatingly slowly, and even slower in the state of Texas. I interpret that as another sign of innocence; it's not definitive, but I doubt a guilty person would have taken that chance. My biggest concern is the outright lies told by Officer David Waddell, the first law enforcement officer on the scene. JustinCase976 (author) on December 14, 2019: I honestly haven't seen any evidence that this housekeeper had anything to do with what happened. When you wake up, you may know intellectually what happened, but have no memory of the crash itself. He may not have been able to see the ambulance from his bedroom window. Guess what this ISN'T? He would have had no way of knowing that Bevel would directly contradict what he had told the defense team. Officer Waddell was not actually dispatched to Eagle Drive; he just happened to be nearby when the call came in over the radio. I love how the non supporters always say Darin was the primary suspect at first. David Waddell and Matt Walling were both asked if they saw the vacuum laying in the middle of the floor. In Search of the Truth: The Story of Darlie Lynn Routier by Anne Good Part 1: INTRODUCTION The Mystery Unravels On June 6, 1996, in the quiet suburbs of North Dallas, little Damon, 5,and Devon, 6, lay sleeping on the floor in front of the television. All he manages to get out is "Daaaaa----" before a beefy hand is clapped over his mouth and he is flung back to the floor. Linch was instructed by the prosecution team to avoid recording his findings in a written report. Darlie Routier cannot be excluded as the contributor of the DNA from 10-2589-502. My response to that: "Only if you completely ignore everything presented by the defensewhich only a fool would do.". Despite her claim of innocence, she was tried for the death of the 5-year-old, sentenced to death and is currently on death row. Darlie picked up the knife without thinking about it and headed back to the family room where she and her young sons had fallen asleep. A videotape of a graveside birthday celebration for Darlie's late son showed Darlie smiling, chewing gum, and spraying "silly string" while singing "Happy Birthday.". I will never believe that he actually stabbed Darlie or the kids, nor do I believe he hired people to kill his family. The Murders That is when Gorsuch saw Darin and Waddell outside, at 2:40 am. Was it Officer Waddell? Bevel met with the defense team prior to the trial, including Lloyd Harrell, who was the investigator for the defense. It fell off when bandage removed. The affidavit is only mentioned again once more, very briefly, and its contents have never been revealed. In Darlie's case, she probably subconsciously realized there had been more than one person, but since she only has a memory of seeing one of them, her confusion is understandable.

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