West Germanic has this berberoid quality to it*, I got nervous when reading internal subgrouping of the West Germanic subfamily. Meinhofs system of classification of the Hamitic languages was based on a belief that speakers of Hamitic became largely coterminous with cattle herding peoples with essentially Caucasian origins, intrinsically different from and superior to the Negroes of Africa. However, in the case of the so-called Nilo-Hamitic languages (a concept he introduced), it was based on the typological feature of gender and a fallacious theory of language mixture. Meinhof did this although earlier work by scholars such as Lepsius and Johnston had substantiated that the languages which he would later dub Nilo-Hamitic were Nilotic languages, with numerous similarities in vocabulary to other Nilotic languages. One of my main problems with AA-OOA is the question of how languages spread in pre-state societies with limited trade. The terms Hamitic and Semitic were etymologically derived from the Book of Genesis, which describes various Biblical tribes descended from Ham and Shem, two sons of Noah. The evidence is pretty clear than the idea of Bantu-style noun class systems is more durable over time and linguistic diversity than any particular expression of the idea. Now the verbal system, thats more of a challenge worthy of a Starostin ), Are Kehf and Kelif cognates, or different terms that both happen to be applied to this site, because these arent typos. Separate reflexes for intervocalic *h and *h, namely vs. , seem to be consensus. Thank you for this example. But hes not any kind of iconoclast, and his go-and-see-for-myself method, while wholly admirable and enviable, doesnt help when the higher-level classifications have themselves been based on inadequate data and/or inadequate reasoning, because he essentially takes the higher-level framework as given, and sorted out already. Anyway, they became Russian nobility If your comment goes into moderation (which can happen if it has too many links or if the software just takes it into its head to be suspicious), I will usually set it free reasonably quickly unless it happens during the night, say between 10 PM and 8 AM Eastern Time (US), in which case youll have to wait. If you compare Uralic vowels to IE consonant phonation (presentation slides, 2021, in Russian) and to IE secondary articulations (list published as a paper in a memorial volume, 2017, also in Russian), the number of plausible lexical matches rises quite steeply. Arabic samak(a) and t (as in Fomalhaut in Pisces) in eastern and western dialects respectively, but both are found in Quran. ScriptSource Their statements about where and when Semitic originated are based on. Nuer does (both mono- and diphthongs); perhaps he went mad from the revelation. Interesting. Yes, textbooks are not good, by maybe we then should be angry at them and not at the paper that merely says a detailed reconstruction of the Proto-Mande language, based on strict methodological principles is necessary. Russian Dinosaur This seems in line with what might have been my naive expectation that agriculture would have led to population expansion out of the Levant, as it did in Europe during the Neolithic. I had believed that ur- as meaning ancient or prototypical was a recent coinage as archaeologists came to recognize Ur as the earliest and prototypical city (I dont even know whether Ur was ever perceived as such. No it hasnt (And what is a basal lineage in historical linguistic terms, anyway? except for Semitic, which is also spoken in the Middle-East and Malta, all branches of the Afrosiatic family are spoken exclusively on the African continent. When that came to an end would be when. Often, as in the biological sciences, justifications for classification have followed significantly later than the exercises themselves. However, an abecedary found at the Palestinian site of Beth Shemesh, consisting of consonantal cuneiform characters like those in use at Ugarit, shows the same letter order as found in the Old South Arabian script. His proposed Proto-NES form for sister as given there is *kdt, however. Fish is reconstructable for Proto-Oti-Volta, but Gabriel Manessy has only one, very dubious, potential cognate in the Grusi languages, so although he thought it was Gur, I dont think the evidence is really there. 67-82, 1982. As far as I know, the new & flashy hypothesis that Semitic originated where East & West Semitic met in historical times is textbook wisdom. Proto-Sinaitic is one particular form (the earliest by the interpretation of an origin within Egypt) of a more broadly, if meagerly, attested consonantal script called Proto-Canaanite, found at several sites in Syria-Palestine. They form the largest branch of the Southern Bantoid languages. My conlang Kebreni has the infix -su-for made of X: siva sand sisuva sandy. He divides Omotic into two branches, North Omotic and South Omotic. the migration of the main core of Semites up the Nile River. Cf. Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid Investigating another Semitic language, Algerian Arabic, Mimouni and Jarema (1995) obtained results similar to those put forth in Grodzinsky (1984) in the performance of three agrammatic subjects. Not strictly an ox, but definitely an aurochnoid.). MacBains Etymological Dictionary of the Gaelic Language (1911 edition) The supposed ouster is limited to colloquial registers in all dialects Im familiar with. In 2b, subjects did not substitute the future form of the verb with the present form (/v/, a -infiected form) as in 2a. Mehri ayd, Jibbali ud, od, Socotri odh fish, beside Hebrew yid a hunt, hunting and Syriac ayd hunting, hunt, prey, quarry) is similar to this, too. Yupik languages: Diriku: bnt: Bantu (Other) Eggon: nic : Niger-Kordofanian (Other) Favorlang: map: Austronesian (Other) Gorani: ira: Iranian (Other) Gunian: aus: Australian languages: Gwahatike: paa: Semitic (Other) 2. First: The uncertain, unsettled condition of this science of Cetology is in the very vestibule attested by the fact, that in some quarters it still remains a moot point whether a whale be a fish. Nianyans Turkish Etymological Dictionary I dont even like my present cat, but I cant give her away (nobody wants her) nor send her to a shelter (given peoples stupid superstitions about black cats). And this is probably ridiculously irrelevant, but I have a friend from the region whose English ds come out a little ragged that way. Dimmendaals belief that Songhay is definitely related to Nilotic. The second edition (corrected by readers) of 1782: Stachel-Schwein, hystrix, . () , , meaning Bahders Law, the devoicing of fricatives followed by sonorants, is regular in Dutch, replete with doublets in High German, and absent elsewhere; *ia > ea is, AFAIK, close to regular in High German, but sporadically occurs all the way into English; the loss of nasals followed by fricatives, with compensatory lengthening of preceding vowels, is regular in Anglo-Frisian, messy in Low German, and sporadic in Dutch, though there it occurs in words as frequent as vijf 5 IIRC, there are such phenomena in grammar as well, but I cant remember any. Adams (1975:476) suggests Afro-Arabian to minimize the Asiatic contribution to the family, but, since the languages are also spoken throughout the Levant and Mesopotamian regions, this term is insufficient. Also, lack of change in body shape is a surprisingly poor predictor of lack of molecular change. perfect) in the non-r-branches. Sure. Also, you have to have read it, so you can drop oblique allusions to it into your conversation, or Real Linguists will not take you seriously. @Ryan, in another thread I mentioned a paper dealing with the same individuals form Morocco. Mesmes ttmi does not really look like Soqotri fare, but maybe I am missing something. A ready-made table is just what people who come from another field are most likely to think they understand well enough to use. Mande syntax is both weird and strikingly well maintained in its weirdness throughout most of a pretty diverse family, but that has no bearing on the wider genetic relationships of the family at all. Genius or mad? Good is a pretty obvious candidate for that. Language production typically starts out with utterances, as behavioral elements which provide the initial basis for expressing relations between semantic content and phonetic form. Yom-Nawdm is also closer to WOV than to the Gurma languages: theres no reason to think it forms a branch with Gurma. It wasnt back in 2005. (And looking at that, I start thinking about the oryx. The quoted first paragraph makes sense to me if we all agree that early out-of-Africa expansions, the ones that didnt happen, would have been subsequent to the out-of-Africa expansion that created the Basal Eurasian population, but before the late out-of-Africa expansion from post-Bantu Kenya. shifted to the more common inflection type -os : -okse-. I prepared corresponding lists for each of the six source languages Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Russian, Arabic, weighted in the original Lojban construction process relatively to the numbers of speakers: L1 + L2/2, where the Arabic source was MSA but total number of speakers of all colloquials were counted. Rabbits were pets, though I suppose some people ate the ones they raised themselves, and not available in stores until later. turned the aspirates into affricates, and then the postvocalic short ones into long fricatives.). Convincing people to arrive to a new picture of the world and start overlooking a different set possibilities would be more like Chomsky. Also in other words for repeated actions (as a singular phenomenon): skrigeri = screaming. geographically isolated populations and parallel development (in this case you can postulate some seed of this feature in the ancestor, unless it is a coincidence. I have no idea what it could mean back then, now people who deal with the sea naturall call this way that lives there (Natrix tessellata) There seems to be no doubt at all, nevertheless, that Goemai is Chadic. (Not without complications of course OC *-s is a megamerger with several different cognates.). Cf. I havent taken a look at the new paper yet, so I dont know if it continues this blunder, but I know that other recent Bayesian analyses of language phylogeny have not perpetuated it. Perhaps I only believed that because of the interlocking logic of my folk etymology.) Indeed, thats why the papers Blench is complaining about immediately went on to try to date and locate PIE. Its not as crude as early lexicostatistics. As rigorous meant something very specific (an absolute bar to demonstrating a genetic relationship in your words) and as it is a very poor name for this, I thought that you and Ryan are likely to misinterpret the text that you were discussing. I didnt think to make further enquiries Its not in the dictionaries. in the Swadesh-100 list. Sino-Tibetan, or Trans-Himalayan to avoid the implication that Sinitic vs. Tibeto-Burman is the basal split. Thus, importantly, not only phonotactic and phonological well-formedness criteria, but also constraints on word-formation processes, appear to be respected in the erroneous productions of agrammatic subjects. I mean, at least in the southern part of Russia a hedgehog is an animal you find in your own garden. But how much has changed in the two years! Serious judgment issues. MetaFilter Indeed, Ringe et al. https://www.academia.edu/41113915/Chabu_and_Kadu_two_orphan_branches_of_Nilo_Saharan. >Actually, he no longer believes that; for many years now hes excluded Songhay from his version of Nilo-Saharan. It calls for subsidy if you ask me. The rRNA genes are large, universal (except in sub-cellular things like viruses), and possess both regions that can change easily (being primary structural) and regions that are very resistant to change (since they are key to the ribozyme functionality). It certainly is false, in principle; Western Oti-Volta illustrates the point in fact, with isoglosses criss-crossing in a way that seems impossible to explain without supposing the spread of features across already-established language boundaries. The *Blog (A blog devoted to all matters Indo-European) -in- is either less common, or in combination with -ka, or in specialized meanings (like demonyms). Id not seen that before. Anyway: textbooks claim that Mande is N-K, Wikipedia does, this paper does NOT say it. There is another argument that Ethiopian Semitic just stayed there rather then arrived from Asia. For example, the Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol resembling waves of water and used in the Egyptian system as a monoconsonantal symbol with the value /n/was assigned the value /m/ in the Proto-Sinaitic script, as the word for water in the West Semitic language of that script began with /m/. : ? Das Deutsche Wrterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm Perhaps not even Ehret. I like how he speaks about 1 (I just like Blench. My theory is that Blench has spent too much time on fieldwork in areas without internet access to be fully up to speed with developments in website design over the past couple of decades . May his pen rest in peace. Googling an issue raised in the paper, the probably spurious Oropom language, I wound up with a reference to a paper by Lameen. In principle we could have done that. As DE notes, *i can be added to the *r in Anatolian to form the primary stem. I have a Kusaal word sakarg fox in my materials, but I dont know what species it refers to exactly. Its titled The Small Bang and it reports on a newly funded project to collect linguistic data on Bangime and other Dogon languages. Bantu is by no manner of means representative of Niger-Congo in this regard: but then Bantu is a sub-branch of a sub-branch of Volta-Congo. How do the biological mathematical models cope with widespread lateral transmission of genetic information (a well-known thing in bacteria, after all, though presumably not quite as pervasive as the analogue with languages, where it is the rule rather than the exception)? Im not sure how this comports with Philip Jose Farmers important work, Hadon of Ancient Opar, but he drew a river exactly where the proto-Berbers needed one. electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language n&5/V/UHSNP\.\Xo 1>xv.EIskUoY0H]jDsG*h$ &5[5<8- Ugaritic, Hebrew dg, dag [compared to aforementioned *du- by llich-Switych] Because why not. In terms of fish knowledge in the estuaries of ancient Mesopotamia, Im not aware of any systematic differences in names of freshwater versus saltwater fish. A Piagetian orientation will explain them in terms of general cognitive principles and shared conceptual underpinnings which provide a universal epistemological basis for acquisition of linguistic knowledge (Slobin 1985). If the latter, then what was wrong with Latin er? ), Im fairly sure that a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the currently spoken Germanic languages based on Swadesh lists would show that English was basal.. The orders NounPostposition, VerbAuxiliary, Relative ClauseHead Noun, and AdjectiveNoun are all correlated and thus they tend to co-occur with SOV order cross-linguistically (see Word Order). Does that mean they say that Semitic spread from North-East (Mesopotamia) to South-West (Levant, Arabia, Ethiopia)? @January First-of-May: Playa is a pretty ordinary English word. But Out of Natufian seems much more parsimonious at this point. On the question of what Levantine/North African means, and how it might relate to the origins of Afroasiatic: Thus, for example, ancestry related to the Chalcolithic Israel reference individuals could plausibly have originated anywhere in northeastern Africa or the Levant and could have been present in northeastern Africa for many thousands of years. The Ushari Ahmed Mahmoud mentioned by Thelwall apparently also co-authored this report (there is a French clip about him), The inscribed lintel and the two funerary stelae in the Napatan / Meroitic cemetery at Sedeinga are really impressive. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Bantus Of Africa Are The Israelites. I do wonder to what extent Akkadian, or a direct descendant thereof, was still the spoken language in the Neo-Assyrian and/or Neo-Babylonian empires and if so, how much relation it held to the written language of the contemporary cuneiform tablets. I assume the quote is from something that was linked, but I didnt find that either. pull < ME to pluck apparently ~ Low German pulen to shell, husk, while ziehen < PG *teuha- has no well-known ModE cognate; or throw < OE to twist, turn (transitivity??) Somehow I think its hard to do better than Carleton Hodge, IndoEuropeans in the Near East, Anthropological Linguistics 23 (1981) 227 244 : We are now in a position to address ourselves to the problem of the IE homeland. Slavic can outcompete many langugauges in productivity of singulatives, but one common way to do that is using all-purpose nominal suffix -ik/-ok/-ka. >Why do you suppose that this uniformity necessarily arose in deep antiquity, by the way? Your thesis seems to be essentially that a basically valid methodology has been skunked (in the opinion of mainstream historical linguists,at least) by extremely poor implementation. There are parallels to the odd status of Nobiin within Nubian to that of Nawdm and Hanga within Oti-Volta, as I mentioned above: both are lexically remarkably divergent not only from their respective close relatives (identified as such pretty securely on other grounds) Yom and Mampruli, but even from Oti-Volta as a whole. Indeed, its not a bad way to go if you can convince yourself at an early stage that the subgroups are conservative. Gray & Atkinson come from the molecular side (and it shows), but linguistic datasets are more like morphological ones in that the characters and their states have to be defined, unlike in molecular datasets where the states are observed facts (the bases or the amino acids) and the only hypothesis involved in defining the characters is the alignment (i.e. It is 1763. (The vowel is long nowadays, but, as a stressed prefix, ur- is a phonological word and would have undergone the Early New High German vowel lengthening of monosyllabic words anyway.). Sarostins method would (I think) put Proto-Oti-Volta at about 4000 YBP, which seems a bit early given how much of the protolanguage is still fairly easily reconstructable (its nothing like Indo-European levels of difficulty) but is by no means impossible. Oh, well. By far the most widely spoken Afroasiatic language or dialect continuum is Arabic. Another locative ending seems to be *r (e.g. And geese are poultry. Until recently mass/collective nouns suffixes were productive (I see this mostly in distribution in modern Russian) but have been suppressed in written langauge by, I think, translated literature (again, from distibution) and in spoken langauge by schooling. But I would point out that he also disbelieves in Penutian, and that means his respect for the communis opinio extends to both the positive and negative polarities. IIRC, logarithms of Bayes factors are generally negative and mean higher support the smaller they are. You can stratify vocabulary by the likelihood of borrowing; moreover, you may be able to distinguish borrowed words from inherited on phonological grounds (this works for English to some extent; the poster child for it is Rotuman.). From the description of the changes in C Chulainns appearance when he enters his rastrad or battle frenzy. The former is fisu, following this varietys general trend of by default getting all the content words from Swedish (including a majority of the Swadesh list); the latter is *erig > Udm. As a contrast, the Spanish Swadesh 200 has (I think) only four loanwords (2%), and all of them of Romance origin: animal < Latin (cf. Leopold Bloom, while meditating in the bath, has a similar thought about Palestine. These typically take the form of isolated lexical items or unanalyzed strings of words, starting around the end of the first year of life. This whole talk of prove, certainty or established is a bit misleading. well, for lack of an outgroup, the two phylogenetic analyses ever done of it were rooted in the middle, and they only used lexical data. Ordinary WOV speakers are well aware that their various languages are quite similar, especially over against neighbouring non-WOV languages, but like normal non-Hatters in general tend not to wonder about the implications of this. Is N-K, Wikipedia does, this paper does not say it short... Stayed there rather then arrived from Asia a different set possibilities would more! Far the most widely spoken Afroasiatic bantu semitic language or dialect continuum is Arabic X: siva sand sandy... 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